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Author: Sean Crist (Nuance Communications)
Email: kurisuto1 at yahoo dot com
Date: 2012-01-10 23:18:44
Subject: Re: Pardon my ignorance

> I don't see any way to reserve and correct the "a" pages for Cleasby/Vigfusson. Is there any way I can use the official approach to help correct these pages? I suspect that simply posting corrections here like I did for the first 10 pages isn't particularly helpful to the project.
> Thanks,
> -Scott

I hacked together the current version of the website back in 2004 or so. The OCR'ed text had so many errors that the main thing at the time was to get to worst of the errors taken care of. Fine tuning things with additional corrections wasn't a priority at that time. So I only built in functionality to correct each page once. It would have taken longer to write something which allows multiple rounds of corrections; I might have never gotten the site deployed.

I ended up leaving academia and going to industry in 2006. It's obvious that additional rounds of corrections are needed. I have plans for a major rewrite of the site to allow this functionality, but the project now has the status of a hobby for me; it's no longer something I'm doing for professional reasons.

So the best thing for now is to post corrections to the message board, if you want to do it. It's not a very good way, but it's all there is for now.

If I build the new version of the site, I'll have a way of keeping the old messages available, and of allowing them to be marked completed when the corrections have been added to the text.


Messages in this threadNameCollege/UniversityDate
Pardon my ignorance Scott Burt Brigham Young University 2012-01-10 05:54:24
Re: Pardon my ignorance Sean Crist Nuance Communications 2012-01-10 23:18:44