Germanic Lexicon Project
Message Board
Author: Dieter Studer (University of Zurich)
Email: dieterstuder at access dot unizh dot ch
Date: 2006-04-26 18:01:20
Subject: Re: Error report: Torp, page b0298, entry 8
This is a margin comment on: Torp, page b0298, entry 8
> One of the many things on my very long to-do list is to write a script to convert the ASCII representations of the Greek words in Torp to the XML entities which correspond to specific Unicode characters. If I get the grant I applied for, I can spend all of next year taking care of things like this. If I don't get the grant, my work on the project is probably going to have to come to an unhappy end, with many things left forever uncompleted.
Hi, there!
I've written a script who does that job. If anyone has some time at hand, I would like to invite her or him to inspect the result at http://www.nicoledidi.ch/didi/pgmc_convert.html . If no mistake is found, the xml-file could be updated very easily. The dtd would have to be adopted slightly.
Dieter Studer