Germanic Lexicon Project
Message Board
Author: Sean Crist (Nuance Communications)
Email: kurisuto1 at yahoo dot com
Date: 2007-07-01 01:18:25
Subject: Volunteer wanted to check runes
I'd like to ask a volunteer to do a medium-sized job.
I added the following entities to the project database of characters:
Unicode Entity
U16A0 &f-rune;
U16A2 &u-rune;
U16B3 &c-rune;
U16B9 &w-rune;
U16BE &n-rune;
U16C1 &i-rune;
U16C3 &y-rune;
U16C8 &p-rune;
U16D2 &b-rune;
U16D6 &e-rune;
U16D7 &m-rune;
U16DA &l-rune;
U16DC &ng-rune;
U16DE &d-rune;
I'd like to ask for a volunteer to check this to make sure I got it right. This involves doing the following:
1. Download the entire text of Bosworth/Toller from h t t p ://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/txt/oe_bosworthtoller.txt
2. Download the PDF file describing the range of Runic characters from the Unicode Consortium: h t t p ://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U16A0.pdf
3. Search for each of the entities listed above. Open each corresponding page as a TIFF or PNG file (see h t t p ://www.ling.upenn.edu/~kurisuto/germanic/oe_bosworthtoller_about.html for the image files). Compare the image of the rune in Bosworth/Toller against the corresponding character code in the Unicode rune document. For example, if the entity in Bosworth/Toller is &d-rune;, then look up character U16DE in the Unicode document, compare the two, and make sure the rune is the correct one.
It would be great if you could post your findings to the board.
Thanks in advance.