Germanic Lexicon Project
Message Board
Author: Keith Briggs (BT Research)
Email: keith dot briggs at bt dot com
Date: 2007-07-09 10:28:51
Subject: Re: Volunteer wanted to check runes
Most of my report seems to have been truncated by the message system. It was as below. This time I have removed a required backslash in front of "textara".
16A0 f-rune textara{f} b0185 b0262 b0275x3
16A2 u-rune textara{u} b0185 b1142x3
16B3 c-rune textara{c} b0185 (BT has a more h-shaped figure than unicode table)
16B9 w-rune textara{w} b0185 b1285x6
16BE n-rune textara{n} b0185 b0705 b0717
16C1 i-rune textara{i} b0585 b0601x2
16C3 y-rune textara{y} [yr] b0185? BT has 3-legged symbol. Unicode 16C3 has two angles. I think 16A5 is the correct one.
16C8 p-rune textara{p} b0771? BT: "Runic &p-rune;", printed like P. Unicode has square C. Perhaps 16A6?
16D2 b-rune textara{b} b0064 b0085x2
16D6 e-rune textara{e} b0185
16D7 m-rune textara{m} b0652x2 b0669
16DA l-rune textara{l} b0185 b0603x2 b0615x4
16DD (not 16DC!) textara{backslash-ng} ng-rune b0592
16DE d-rune textara{d} b0192 b0193x2 b0652x3
> Checked. In the table a page number without comment means all runes were ok. Problems noticed are *ed.
> * The first paragraph of b0669 (the continuation of MANN) is completely missing. It contains three runes.
> The third column is the allrunes LaTeX encoding for Anglo-Frisian runes. Could these please be added to the entity database?
> 16A0 f-rune