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kirkja, u, f. = Kristkirkja. Krists-minni, n. Christ's toast, a toast given in great banquets, probably answering to the grace in mod. times, Fms. vii. 148. Krists-musteri, n. 'Christ-minster,' = Christ Church, Rb. 368. II. in pr. names, Krist-röðr, Fms., Krist-rún, etc.
KRÍA, u, f. [this word does not occur in old writers, and may be derived from Swed. kry, from the brisk and lively temper of this bird]: -- a sea-bird, the tern, Lat. sterna; from this restless and noisy bird comes the saying, vera einsog kriá á steini, or, einsog kría verpi, to be restless and unsteady. kríu-egg, n. the egg of a k. For an account of this bird, which abounds in Icel., see Eggert Itin. ch. 675; and for the curious lawsuit called Kríu-mál, see Espol. Árb. 1692, 1693.
kría, að, to cry or beg; kría sér e-ð út, (conversational.)
kríkar, m. pl. [kríki], the thighs, Fas. ii. 256.
kríli, n. [North. E. creel], a small basket, creel.
krím, n. sod, grime; augna-krím, xerophthalmia, Fél. ix.
krímugr and krímóttr, adj. grimy, of sheep with black cheeks.
krísta, t, to chirp, onomatop.; það krístir í honum, of suppressed laughter.
Krít, f. [Lat. creta; Germ. kreide; Dan. kridt], chalk. II. a local name, Crete; Krítar-byggi, Krítar-menn, the Cretans, Edda (pref.), Symb. Krítar-Þórr, m. Thor (i.e. Jove) of Crete, Bret., Edda (pref.)
KRJÚPA, pres. krýp; pret. kraup. pl. krupu, subj. krypi; part. kropinn; [A. S. creôpan; Engl. creep; Swed. krypa; Dan. krybe] :-- to creep, crouch; vóru dyrnar svá lágar at nær varð at k. inn, Hkr. ii. 379; hann kraup til fóta þeim, Ölk. 35; þóat ek krypa í neðstu smugur helvítis fylgsna, Sks. 605; gaf Sverrir konungr þeim mikit skak fyrir þat, er þeir höfðu kropit þar um hris at nokkrum silfrpenningum, Fms. viii. 143; vér krjúpum eigi í bug skjaldi, vi. 416 (in a verse); hann kvað konung hölzti lengi hafa kropit þar um lyng, Hkr. iii. 376; fékk hann nauðula kropit til at höggva virgulinn í sundr, Hom. 117; mátti hón eigi áðr krjúpa þangat áðr sem nú gékk hón, 115. 2. to fall prostrate, kneel, esp. in an eccl. sense, to humble oneself; þá er vér krjúpum til hans með iðran undir hans miskunn, Skálda 211; biskup líknaði hvervetna þeim sem til hans miskunnar krupu, Bs. i. 751; mildr öllum þeim er til hans krupu, Al. 135; krýp ek til kross, Líkn. 30; játa þær sektina ok krjúpa undir skriptina, Th. 78; gjarna vil eg að fótum þín, feginn fram flatr krjúpa, Pass. 41. 4 :-- eccl. to kneel in service; as also krjúpa á kné, id. II. part. kropinn, crippled; see kroppinn.
KROF, n. [cp. kryfja, and a lost strong verb krjúfa, krauf, krofinn, to embowel] :-- the cut-up carcase of a slaughtered animal; nauts-k., sauðar-k., Dipl. v. 18, Sturl. iii. 262, Fas. ii. 114.
kropna, að, to be crippled, Hom. 114, O. H. L. 84: to be clenched, stiffened, var höndin kropnað at bréfinu, Róm. 248.
kropning, f. a kneeling, Sturl. ii. 178.
kroppa, að, to crop, pick; þá settisk fluga ein á hönd honum ok kroppaði, Edda 69; kroppa gras, to crop grass, graze.
kroppa, u, f. a nickname, Landn.
kroppin-bakr, m. a hump-back, Fas.
kroppinn, adj. crippled, crooked; kroppnir fætr, O. H. L. 84; kroppnir knúar, Rm. 8.
kroppin-skeggi, a, m. a nickname, Landn.
KROPPR, m. [A. S. and Engl. crop (of a bird); Germ. kropf; Dan. krop; Swed. kropp] :-- a hump or hunch on any part of the body; ok rekr á kroppinn erninum ..., varð föst stöngin við kropp arnarins, Edda 45, Mag. 10 :-- in mod. usage the body, með beran kroppinn; þó kropprinn verði kaldr nár, Pass. 44. 7, passim: a nickname, Landn., Sturl. II. as a local name, Landn.
kroppungr, m. a kind of fish, shrimp (?), Edda (Gl.), D. N. v. 75.
KROSS, m.; the earliest poets use the Lat. form, but as masc., helgum crúci, Edda 92 (in a verse); merki crúcis, Líkn. 52, which form remains in the pr. name Krysi-vík, Kryci-vika, q.v.; [like A. S. and Engl. cross, Hel. cruci, Germ. kreuz, Swed.-Dan. kors, from Lat. crux] :-- a cross, Bs., N. T., Pass., Vídal. passim. 2. the holy rood, crucifix, in the Roman Catholic times; Valgarðr braut krossa fyrir Merði ok öll heilög tákn, Nj. 167; taka kross í hönd sér, of one taking an oath, Grág. i. 64; hann lét einn gullkross göra ok síðan vígja, Fms. vi. 142; í bríkum ok krossum, Bs. i. 132. These holy roods were erected on high roads, and worshipped, -- hón hafði bæna-hald sitt á Krosshólum, þar lét hón reisa krossa, Landn. 111; þeir höfðu krossa tvá, þá er nú eru í Skarði inu eystra, merkir annarr hæð Ólafs konungs en annarr hæð Hjalta Skeggjasonar, Bs. i. 21: allit., kirkja eðr kross, fara til kirkju eða kross, to go to worship at church or cross, Hom. (St.); hann kom hvárki til kross né kirkju, Art. 21; hafnar-kross, Bs. i. 607, (see höfn); hinn þriðja dag í Jólum at kveldi var hón at krossi, she was worshipping at a cross, 370, cp. 607; kross-smíð, the carving of a cross, Ann. 1334. Many local names bear witness to this cross-worship, which answers to the hörgar of the heathen age, cp. the passage in Landn. l.c.; Kross, Kross-á, Krossár-dalr, Kross-áss, Krossa-nes, Krossa-vík (whence Krossvíkingar, Ísl. ii), Kross-holt, Kross-hólar, Kross-sund, as also Krysi-vík (q.v.) in southern Icel., prob. from a harbour cross being erected there, Landn., Sturl., the map of Icel., cp. Engl. and Scot. Holy Rood :-- the name of several ancient poems, Kross-drápa, Kross-vísur. 3. the sign of the cross (signa or signa sig); Skíði görði skyndi-kross skjótt með sinni loppu, Skíða R. 125; í kross, adv. cross-wise, in form of a cross; þat kallaði hann svá er í kross var sprungit, Glúm. 383; ok var hvártveggi brenndr í kross, Nj. 209; þat hafði hann helzt til trúar, at hann blés í kross yfir drykk sínum, Fs. 103. 4. a cross used to summon people to a meeting (the Scot. Fiery cross), called skera kross, Grág. i. 166, 446, 447, N. G. L. i. 11, 348, 378, answering to the heathen her-ör. COMPDS: krossa-lauss, adj. 'cross-less,' not making the sign of the cross; hann drakk öll minni krossalaus, Fms. i. 37. kross-band, n. a band cross-wise, Gþl. 382. kross-binda, batt, to bind cross-wise. kross-búza, u, f. name of a ship, Ann. kross-dúkr, m. a cross-kerchief, Vm. 95. kross-fall, n. the dropping a cross (v. supra 4), N. G. L. i. 378. kross-fé, n. a payment to keep up a holy rood, D. N. kross-ferill, m. and kross-ganga, u, f. the way of the cross, Christ's bearing the cross, Pass. 11. 3. kross-för, f. the forwarding a cross (v. supra 4), Grág. i. 446. Kross-gildi, n. Crossgild, a pr. name, Fms. ix. 529. kross-götur, f. pl. cross-paths; for popular tales of wizards sitting on cross-roads, where all the fairies pass by, see Ísl. Þjóðs. i. 436-438. kross-hús, n. a cross-house, house with a holy rood, Bs. i. 379. kross-maðr, m. a cross-man, warrior of the cross, Ó. H. 216. kross-maðra, u, f. a kind of madder, bed-straw, galium. kross-mark, n. the sign of the cross, Fms. i. 35, Magn. 512. kross-merki, n. = krossmark, Greg. 51. Kross-messa, u, f. Cross-mass, twice in a year, once in the spring (Krossmessa á vár), the 3rd of May (Inventio Crucis), and once in autumn, the 14th of September (Elevatio Crucis), K. Á. 188, Rb. 372, Fms. ix. 374. krossmessu-dagr, m. id., Jb. 454, 476. kross-písl, f. the passion on the cross, Barl. Kross-Saga, u, f. the Story of the Cross; þar eru kross-sögur báðar, Vm. 6. kross-skjöldr, m. a shield with a cross on it, Rétt. kross-skurðr, m. the despatching of a cross (message), N. G. L. i. 137, 378. kross-tákn, n. the token, sign of the cross, Hom. 90. kross-tíðir, f. pl. a cross-service, legend, to be at a cross-worship, Ann. 1333. kross-tré, n. the tree of the cross, 623. 20, Symb. 20. kross-urt, f. = krossmaðra. kross-varða, u, f. a cross-beacon, wayside cross. kross-vegr, m. = krossgata, D. N. kross-viðr, m. = krosstré, Bév. kross-víti, n. a 'cross-wite,' a fine for not forwarding a cross message, N. G. L. i. 11.
krossa, að, to sign with a cross, passim, as also to erect a cross; krossa lóð, to mark a field with the cross, as a sign that it is to be put up for sale, N. G. L. i. 37: reflex. to take the cross as a crusader, Fms. xi. 351; krossaðr til útferðar, id.
kross-festa, t, to fasten to the cross, crucify, 625. 76, Skálda 209, Bs. passim, N. T., Vídal.: part. kross-festr, crucified, H. E. i. 469, passim.
kross-festing, f. crucifixion, 623. 2, 625. 73, Fms. v. 343.
krota, að, (krot, n.), to engrave, ornament, of metal; knappar krotaðir, D. N., and in mod. usage.
KRÓ, f., pl. krær, [Dan. kro], a small pen or fence, in Icel. the pen in which lambs when weaned are put during the night.
króa, að, to pen in a kró; króa lömb, to pen lambs.
krógi, a, m. a boy, urchin; krabbinn talar við krógann sinn, Húst.
krók-boginn, part. bent as a hook.
krók-faldr, m. a crooked hood, Ld. 126; see faldr.
krók-fjöðr, f. a barbed head of a spear or arrow, Grett. 99, see Worsaae, Nos. 350, 351.
krók-loppinn, adj. with hands crooked and numbed from cold.
krók-lykill, m. a hook-shaped key, Sd. 139, see Worsaae, No. 465.
krók-nefr, m. crook-nose, Bs. i. 824.
krókóttr, adj. crooked, winding; krókótt á, a winding river, Pr. 476: cunning, Fb. i. 208: neut. krókótt, Band. 32 new Ed.
krók-pallr, m. a crooked seat, corner seat (?), Fms. vii. 325.
KRÓKR, m., krákr, Am. 45, Pm. 76; [Engl. crook; Dan. krog; Swed. krok] :-- a hook, anything crooked; krókr þrí-angaðr, a three-pronged hook, a trident, Bret. 6: a barb on a spear or arrow head, Grett. 45, 109 new Ed.: of a fishing-hook, Lil. 60, 78, 82; tveggja króka hald í vatnit, Pm. 41; nú er úlfs-hali einn á króki, a saying, Band, (in a verse): a peg, þeir tóku reip ofan ór krókum, Hrafn. 20; brjóta spjót ór krókum, Sturl. iii. 188: a kind of crooked-formed box to carry peat in, torf-krókar: the coils like a dragon's tail on a ship's stern, opp. to the 'head' (höfuð) on the ship's stem, fram var á dreka-höfuð, en aptr krókr ok fram af sem sporðr, Hkr. i. 284; þat var dreki, var bæði höfuðin ok krókar aptr mjök gullbúit, Orkn. 332; höfuðit ok krókrinn var allt gullbúið, Fb. i. 435: a kind of boat-hook, a brand-hook, Ísl. ii. 411 (v.l.), N. G. L. ii. 448: of a wrestling trick, see hæl-krókr; the phrase, láta koma krók á móti bragði: a game, trying the strength by hooking one another's fingers, fara í krók: the phrase, leggja sig í framkróka, to exert oneself, plan and devise; stýris-krókar, a rudder's hook, Fas. iii. 204; hence prob. the phrase, þar reis at undir króki, there rose (a wave) under the rudder, Sturl. i. 47: an anchor fluke, Fms. vi. (in a verse). 2. a winding; Máriu-súðin (a ship) reist langan krók er þeir skyldu snúa henni, Fms. viii. 222; svá var skipat mönnum með fé þessu at þar skyldi engan krók rísta, i.e. to go