Germanic Lexicon Project
In Progress
30 December 2009:
A number of contributors have sent me useful items for the site. I have not had time over the past couple of years to properly integrate the data into the site.
Sometimes, things are more complicated than they seem. For example, the Gothic index of names was contributed in Unicode. This is definitely best practice today. However, I wrote the site's software way back before Unicode support was generally available, and the existing scripts don't support Unicode. So to integrate the data, I'd have to either back-convert the nice modern Unicode data to the site's old idiosyncratic encoding (which would be dumb), or else I'd need to update the whole site to Unicode (which I'd love to do, but don't have time for).
Something is better than nothing, so I'm posting the data here so that it is at least available.
A great thanks to all of the contributors!
--Sean Crist
Wright's Old High German Primer
1 Dec 2009
Celine Reilly writes:Hi Enclosed page 25 from Clarendon press series. Old High German Primer by Joseph Wright second edition 1906. Hope this of some help.
Wright's Gothic Grammar
13 Aug 2009
Guillaume Lestringant writes the following:Hello,
I've hand-corrected the proper names' lexicon of Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language: you can find the new HTML version as attachd files. It's 100% Unicode.
Plus, the XML version of the glossary isn't available anymore.
Your's sincerly,
Guillaume LestringantClark Hall's An Anglo Saxon Dictionary
5 April 2009
David Stampe writes the following:I made a shortened index for use on my own computer, attached herewish, in which I added links to pages that have more than one "letter" (since the "chapters" in Clark Hall don't begin a a new page) with the missing word-range indicated. For example, the page on which B words begin contains a number of A words. So I added the range for those previously left-out words, here in boldface, where previously there was only a link to the B page:
<a href="./b0028.png">awregennes-ayttan</a><br> <b>B </b> <a href="./b0028.png">ba-b???racu</a>,
I am not up to revising the original .html file, with all its tables, but if you wish to do it or have someone else do it, there is at the end of each letter a new link. It is simply a matter of making a new row at the end of each letter, pointing to the files for the beginning of the next letter, but adding the top-of-the-page words I've supplied, e.g.awregennes-ayttan above. (Ignore my abbreviated href's, I've localized them and used only .png images.)
I also fixed the headword ???? for a page that had a missing upper left corner. And one that for some reason had $ instead of eth at the beginning of a word. Otherwise I did no proofreading.
Great project! But isn't it a shame that the Middle English Dictionary and the Dictionary of Old English are still not online for everyone to use?
Bosworth/Toller's An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
6 Nov 2007
Alexey Mitroshin sends the following corrections to Bosworth/Toller:
- File (MSWord format)
Cleasby/Vigfusson's An Icelandic-English Dictionary
Contribution 1
1 June 2008
Keith Edkins writes the following:There is a problem with b0068 - half of it was missing from the original scan, and after I recreated that it wouldn't let me upload it because it was too different! If you have any other way of getting the corrected page into the database I enclose it below.
Contribution 2
13 Jun 2008
Tristan Miller writes the following:I would like to submit some corrections to the Cleasby/Vigfusson dictionary in your Germanic Lexicon Project. However, your online system will not let me check out or submit the relevant pages because they are marked as having been completed by someone else.
Attached are the corrected pages in case you would like to integrate them manually.
Contribution 3
10 Nov 2009
Loki Clock writes the following:I wanted to submit corrections I made to a page completed by someone else. Specifically, I replaced the UNCERTAINs on page 757 of Cleasby-Vigfusson where there should be E-caudatas. Why can't one reserve a page again after someone finishes making their corrections? That means that no one can correct anything the first person missed! Anyway, my correction is attached if there's a way the file can be manually replaced.
Contribution 4
4 Dec 2011
This one is from Sean Crist. In preparation for a possible future project, I want to know the bounding rectangle for each dictionary entry on the original scanned page image. The idea is to allow the electronic text can be displayed side-by-side with the original. The first step to working this out was to re-OCR the text, saving it in an XML format which includes the bounding rectangle of each word. The files below are the resulting XML files.
Processing this information to find the bounding rectangles for each entry is going to be an interesting computational problem. The re-OCR'ed text hasn't been corrected and contains many errors, so it's really an optimization problem to find the best fit between entries in the existing electronic edition and the re-OCR'ed version.