alabalstraim—aids. | ||||||||||||
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alan, O. N. ala, Lt. alere, to nourish. To the Lt. base al refer Lt. al-i-mentum, food, whence Fr. aliment, whence Mdn. E. aliment; and co-al-es-eere (co from con = cum, with), to grow together with something, to unite, whence Mdn. E. coalesce; and Lt. ad-ol-escere (ad - prep, to; ol = al) , to grow up, pres. partic. adolescens, gen. adolescent-is, growing up, young, whence Mdn. E. adolescent, th. s.; pret. partic. ad-ul-tus, fullgrown, whence Mdn. E. adult. — Lomp. aldôma, aldrs, | ||||||||||||
G. axt (the t being inorganic), f., ax. Allied to Gr. agírr/, ;ix, and Lt. ascia, for ae-scia, ax.~\ alabalstraún, £, indecl (24, n. 5; 46, n. 2; 120, n. 2), an alalms-ter box; Lu. 7, 37. [From the Gr. o\(xf3(x(3rpov7 (probably) through the Lt. alabastrum, whence O. Fr. alabastre, whence Mdl. E. alabastre, Mdn. E. alabaster. To the Lt. alabastním refers also M. H. G. N. H. G. alabaster, m., alabaster, ] ala-brunsts, f., holocaust, burnt offering; Mk. 12, 83.— From ala-(s. alls) and *brunsts, q. v. Alaíksandrus, pr. n.,JA\á%avôpo$; I Tim. 1, 20. II Tim. 4, 14. gen. -aus; Mk. 15, 21. alakjô, adv., together, collectively. allai alakjô (Ttávres), all; Mk. 11, 32. Lu. 4, 22. managei alakjô (6 haos anas), nil the people; Lu. 19,48. alakjô manage! (anav TO TthfjSos), the whole multitude; Lu. 19, 37. — Allied to alls, q. v. ala-mans, m. (occurring in the plur. only), the whole human race, nil men; Skeir. VIII, b. [From ala- (s. ails) and manna, q. v. Stem ala- occurs also in G. Alemannen, name of & German tribe, whence the Fr. Alle-mands, the Germans collective- | ||||||||||||
ala-þarba, adj. (132, n. 2), very poor, very needy; Lu. 15, 14. —Comp. alls and þaúrban. alclôma, m., old age; Lu. 1, 36. [Cf. O. E. ealdôm, m., O. H. G. alttuom, m. n., old age. Probably from a, weak verbal stem; s. aids. The suffix -onia corresponds to the Lt. suffix -amen in certâmen, solâmen, etc. — Comp. follg. IF.] *aldra, in framaldrs. [From root of alan (q. v.) and suffix -tro-. Cf. 0. E. ealdor, n., life (to eal-dre, for ever), O. N. aldr, age, old age, O. S. aldar, life, lifetime, O. H. G. altar, M. H. G. N. H. G. alter, n. , age, old age. — Comp. prec. and follg. IF.] aids, f. (73; 74, n. 3), an age, generation; Eph. 2, 2. 7. 3, 5. life; II Tim. 2, 4. world; II Tim. 4, 10; fram aldim, from generations; Col. 1, 26; iii aldim* aide, | ||||||||||||
Alamôd?, pr, n., dat. -a; once each in Arezzo and Naples documents. aliiii, st. v. (177), to grow up, nourish; I Tim. 4, 6. [GC O. E. | ||||||||||||