eall), Mdl E. a lies, O. If. G. M. H. G. O. 8. alles, adv., wholly.1 alls, adj. (122, n. 1), all, every, whole, occurs hi the strong form only. (1) used alone, (a) without the art.; Mt. 5,18. Mk.
I, 5. Lu. 15, 14. Skeir. very often; (b) prec. by the art. (=demonstr. prn.);Mt. 26, TO. Lu. 16, 14.18,21.1 Cor. 12, 11; (c)folld. by the art. (dewonstr. prn.); Mt. 6, 32. Lu. 7, 18. (2) w. a pers. prn. (either prec. or follg.); Mk. 14, 64. Lu. 6, 10. 9, 48. II Cor. 2, 3. 3, 18, 5,10. (3) w. aposs. prn. (either prec. or. follg.), (a) without the art.; Jo. 17,10. Mk. 5, 26.1 Cor. 11, 2.16, 14; (b) w. the art.; Lu. 15, 31. (4) w. a rel. prn.; Mk.
II, 24. Lu. 3, 11). 1 Cor. 10, 25. (5) w. a. follg. partic. (with or without the art.); Mt. 8, 16. Rom. 12, 3. Neh. 5, 16. (6) w. an adj. (prec. or follg.), (a) without the art.; Gal. 6, 6; (b) w. a prec. art.; Mk. 7, 23; (e) w. a follg. art.; Lu. 9, 2. II Cor. 1, 1. Eph. 3, 8. (7) w. adverbial phrases; Mt. 5, 15. Luí 5. 9. Bom. 9, 6. (8) w. subst., (a) without the art., Mt. 9, 35. 11, 13. Skeir. IV, b; (b) w. the art.; Mt. 8, 32. 26, 1. Neh. 5,18; (c) w. the j>rn. jaíns; Mt 9, 26. 31; (d) w. n, poss. prn.; Mt. 5, 29. 6, 29. Lu. 1, 75. (9) the gen. pi. of alls (either alone or w. a subst. in the same case) occurs after a super!.; Mk. 4, 31. 12, 22. I
Cor. 15, 8; instead of this gen. the prep, in w. dat. is found; Lu. 9, 48. (10), (a) all (neat, sing.) w. gen. sing, of a subst.; Mk. 2, 13. Kom. 8, 36. I Cor. 15, 24; (b) the sing, of alls w. gen. pi. of a subst., (a) in the neuter; Mt. 7, 17. Mk. 3, 28. Lu. 5, 17; (ft) agreeing w. the subst. in gender; Rom. 14, 11; (g) the gender is doubtful; Lu. Lu. 3, 5. II Thess. 3, 6. Skeir. V, a.—ally stands (perhaps incorrectly) for the Gr. 7toXv$} Mk. 12, 37.—þô alia (ace. of specification), in all things; Eph. 4, 15. [Of. O. E. eall (ea for a, by breaking), Mdl. E. all, al, Mdn. E. all, O. N. allr. O. S. all, O. H. G. M. H. G. al, N. H. G. all, adj., all. Stem alia-(for al-na) is an old partic. in -no (Comp. fulls, wulla), from root al, ol. Besides alia-, there occurs the form ala-, us in ala-brunsts, alakjô, alamans, ala-þarba. Furthermore comp.Mdn. E. alone, N. H. G. allein (s a ins); Mdn. E. almighty, N. H. G. all-in âchtig (s. mahteigs); Mdn. E. almost, Mdl. E. almost, O. E. eal-mmst, quite the greatest part (for niîBst, s. maists); Mdn. E. already, Mdl. E. al rêdi (s. raiþs); Mdn. E. also, Mdl. E. al swa, also, alse, als (whence Mdn. E. as), 0. E. eal(l)-twa, adv., also, N. H. G. also, thust so, M. H. G. also, alse, als (whence N. H. G. als, as, than), O. H. G. also, adv., quite so,