s—*dê]>s. | |||||||
dauþu- (s. follg. w.) and suff. -blja. dauþus, m. (105), death; Mt. 26, 66. Mk. 7, 10. I Cor. 15, 55. I[ Cor. 1, 10. Rkeir. I, n. [fE O. E. deat5, m., MdL E. doatf, díNS, flftfn. # death, a ,S'. doth, a If. 6?. tod, M. H. (L tot (d), N. H. G. tod, m., dentil. From root dau, Idg. dhfiu, «^IK/ suffix -þu-, I/í. /fcwr/ #/£/'. -til-.—Cowp. dauþs andprec. wJ] Daweid, pr. n,, Aavsíô, AavLô^ Mk. 2, 25. 32, 36. 37; gen. Da-weidis; Mt. 9, 27. Lu. 1, 27. II Tim. 2, 8. Mêdja, 733., a doer, hi wai-dêdja.— from dêþs(r/. v.) and suff. -Jan. *dê]>s, *dêds, f. (74, JLL 2; 103), deed, occurs only hi #ado]>s, missadêþs, waíladôþn. [^Y! O. E. dad, /:, JM7. ^. dod, Mdn. E. deed (indeed, in fact), O. N, dá<1, 0. S. dad, O. //. G. M. H. G. tat, N. H. G. that, /!, r7eer/; a verbal noun, from Gernmuic root dêrdô appearing' afao hi 0. E. don, MfJL E. don, do, Mdn. E. do (ado, trouble, labor, Mdl E. a do for at do; at=O. E. a3t, ]>rep.; s. at), 0. A dûan, O. H. G. M. H. G. tuon, N. H. G. thun, to do. Root dêrdô answers to Idg, dhê:dliô; comp. the Gr. root $q, $e, contained in rí-^^-jniy I set, put, plfice, do; find Skr. root dhâ (dadhâmi), to place, put, lay, do, dhâtr, creator, 0. Jr. deriiní, to do, nwke. To the Gr. v. | |||||||
put (limy, lay off, store (anô=awny, away from) refers the subst. aTtoSr/Mj?, a store-housf^ whence Lt. apotheea, a repository, magazine, storeroom, \rJience Mdl. Lt. apo-t(h)eeariiLS, apothecary, whence O. Fr. apotecaii'e, whence Mdl. E. apotecario, Mdn. E. apotho-car.y, corrupted })ot(h)ocaiy. N. H. G. apotheke, f., ^ pot he-enry's sîioj), M. H. G. apotôko, /], npothecary^s shop, grocer's store, refers directly to Lt. npothêca.—The Gr. stem $s occurs in $tffi$y a sitting, placing, position, whence Lt. thesis, a proposition, whence Mdn. E. thesis, N. H. G. these, f., thesis; compds.: Mdn. E. N. H. G. hypo- (Gr. vnô^ under), meta-(Gr. f^sray over, between), syn-(Gr. 0vv7 with, together) thesis, -these, respectively, etc., all from the Gr., through the Lt.; Mdn. E. parenthesis, N. H. G. parenthese (paren- from Gr. Trap for Ttctpá beside, and êv, in), parenthesis, and Mdn. E~ antithesis, N. H. G. antithese^ f., antithesis, refer directly to* the Gr. avrí-SsGi? (for avrí, s. and), a placing against, an opposition. Further Gr. Sê-jna, that which is hud down, as for argument, whence Lt. thema, a subject or topic treated of, a theme, whence O. Fr. t(h)eme, whence Mdl. E. tême, Mdn. E. theme; the N. H. G. thema refers to the Lt. thema (S. ana- | |||||||