Teitus, pr. n., Tíro$; II Cor. 12, 18. Gal. 2, 3. II Tim. 4, 10; gen. -aus; II Cor. 7, 6. 13. 8, 16; dat. -au; II Cor. 7, 14 (in B; du Teitaún, Ttpos Tírov, in A). Tit. superscr. 1, 4; ace. -u; II Cor. 8, 23. 12, 18. Gal. 2, 1; or -aim (Gr. i/2/7.); II Cor. 2, 13. 8, 6.
têkan (teikan; s. Grammar, 7, n. 2), red F. (181), to touch (âTtTfíffSai), (1) abs.; Col. 2, 21. (2) w. dat.; Lu. 7, 39. 8, 45. 46; w. double dat.; Mk. 5, 30. — Compd. at-t., í/z. s.; Mt. 8, 3. 15. 9, 20. 21. 29. Mk. 1, 41. 3, 10. 5, 27. 29. 6, 56. 7, 33. 8, 22. 10, 13. Lu. 5, 13. 6, 19. 7, 14. 8, 44. 47. 18, 15. II Cor. 6, 17. \Cf. O. N. táka (pret. tôk), whence Mdl. E. take (pret. tôk), Mdn. E. take. —Der.: Sw. and O. Swed. tackel (w. suff. -el), tackle of a ship, whence Mdl. E. takel, Mdn. E. tackle, equipment, gear, tools. Of L. G. origin is N. H. G. takel, 72., tackle; comp. Du. takel. — Compds.: Mdl. E. betake (For be-, s. bi), to deliver, hand over, commit, Mdn. E. betake, to take or seize, bestow upon (both obs.), to have recourse to, apply, resort; Mdl. E. under-take (For under, s. undar), Mdn. E. undertake, to take upon one's self, attempt, whence undertaker. — Comp. also Feist, têkan.]
*têmil>a, adv., in gatêmiba, q. v. [From a, lost adj., *gatêms,
seen in O. H. G. gizâmi, M. H. G. gez&me, fit, suitable, decent. Allied to *timan, q. v.~]
têwa, f., arrangement, order (ráy-//«); I Cor. 15, 23. [Allied to O. E. teoh(h) (eo for e, by breaking-), f. m., order, company (O. H. G. *zeha),M. H. G, zeche, order, arrangement, row, organization, a company of tipplers, a reckoning or bill for eating or drinking in common, N. H. G. zeche, f., reckoning, bill (to be paid to a host). Ders.: O. E. teohhian (contr. têoii), O. H. G. gi-zehôn (For gi-, s. ga-), to arrange, M. H. G. zechen, to arrange, bring about, also (late) to drink freely or jovially, carouse, N. H. G. zeclien, to drink freely or jovially, to carouse. — From Germanic root têhw (tew), pre-Germanic deq, to arrange; comp. KL, zeche; Brgm., Corn-par. Gr., 444 (c); Fst., têwa. — S. follg. w.~\
têwi, n., an order, rank, a company of fifty: managizam þau taíhun têwjam, above five hundred (STTCXVGÛ TravranoffioiS. Comp. text and note); I Cor. 15, Q. —Extended (by suff. -ja) from stem o/têwa, q. v. Comp. follg. w.
*têwjan, w. v., to put in order, arrange, in ga-t., to appoint, choose; II Cor. 8, 19.—From stem of têwa, q. v. Comp. un-ga,têwiþs, also prec. w.
*Tibaíriadeis, pr. n.; occurs only