20.15,,15 TI Cor. 1, 7. 12. 14. 19. 24. 2, 15. 3, 2. 3. 9. 17. 4, 4. 6, 16. 8, 23. 11, 22. Gal. 2. 3. 9. 14 (vnáp-xeiv). 15. 3, 29. 4, 6-8. 24. 25. 28. 31. 5, 3. 19. 22. Eph.l, 14. 23. 2, 3. 8. 10. 11. 14. 19. 20. 3, 6. 13. 4, 15. 25. 5, 5. 8. 23. 6, 17. Phil. 1, 21. 22. 28. 3, 1. 3. 7-9. 15. 19. Col. 1, 7. 15. 18. 24. 27. 2, 17. 3, 5. 14. 4, 11. I Thess. 2, 15. 20. 4, 3. 5, 5. 18. II Thess. 3, 17. I Tim. 1, 5. 7. 2, 5. 3, 12. 15. 4, 10. 12 (yí-. 5, 3. 5. 9 (yíyve-. 6, 10. Tit.l, 12. Neh. 5, 14. 6, 18. 7, 2. íákeir. I, a. b. IV, c. V, d. VI, a. VIII, d. (for a partic. used as a subst.} I Tim, 6, 2 (second), (for íi v.) Mk. 4, 38. 10, 19. 21. 12, 14. Lu. 2, 2. 16, 2. 18, 20. 22. Jo. 10, 13. 12, 6. Eom. 13, 8. Gal. 6, 3. 16. II Tim. 3, 10. Philem. 18. 19; (j) thepred. is a pron. (as in Gr.), (a) interrog.; Mk. 1, 24. 27. 3, 33. 4, 41. 5, 9. 6, 2.8,27.29.9,10.12,28. Lu. 4, 34. 8, 9. 30. 9, 18.20.10,22. 29. 15, 26. 18, 36. 19, 3. Jo. 6, 64. 7, 36. 8, 25. 12, 34. 18, 38. Rom. 12, 2. Eph. 1, 18. 3, 18. 5, 17. I Thess. 2, 19; (/3) poss.; Mt. 6, 13. Mk. 10, 40. Lu. 6, 20. 15, 31. Jo. 7, 16. 14, 24. 16, 15. 17, 6. 9. 10; (y) im or ik im, I am, it is I (syco eijj.i or simply «>/); Mk. 14, 62. Jo. 6, 20. 8, 24. 28. 9,9.13,13. 19. 18,5. 6. 8; sa ist, it is he (OVTOS ' or auTos êcfrtv or
; Mk. 6, 16 14, 44. Jo. 9, 9. 37. 13, 26. Eph. 4, 10; luas ist, who is it (rís e'ffnv); Jo. 9, 36. 13, 25; (k) the pred. is a numeral (as in Gr.), (a) definite; Mk. 5, 13. 8, 9.10,8.12, 20. 32. Lu. 9, 14. Jo. 6, 71. 8, 17.10,30 11,9.16,32.17,11. 21.22. I Cor. 11, 5.12,12. Gal. 3,28. Skeii-. V, b. (/?) indefinite; Mt. 7, 13. 14. 9, 37. Mk. 2, 15. 5, 9. 7, 4. 8, 1. Ln. 10. 2. I Cor. 12, 12. Gal. 1, 7. 4, 27. Neh. 6, 17. (6) to be, be called, mean (sivtxi): þat' ist, that is, that is to say (TOVT' F'GTLV}; Mk. 7, 2. Horn. 7, 18. 9, 8. 10, 6. 7. 8. Philem. 12; þntei ist, which is, that is, that is to say (o fffnv); Mk. 3, 17. 5, 41. 7, 11. 34. 15, 16. 22. 34. Gal. 1, 7. (rovr' á'oTiv) Mt. 27, 46; hra ist þatei, how is it that (ri OTJ); Mk. 2, 16; Imi nu ist, how is it then (rí ovv êariv}; I Cor. 14, 26; Iva ist niba þatei, w/iat is it but that (TL £<?TLV si jni^ on); Eph. 4, 9; lira (sr. ist) auk, what then Tíyâp); Phil. 1, 18. (7) hm or IvaíhtH wisan, to be something, avail anything (ri eívat; also w. ui: ofjôtv eivai}; Jo. 8, 54. I Cor. 7,19.10,19. 20 (S. note). 13, 2. II Cor. 12, 11. Gal. 2, 6. 6, 3. 15. (8) to come to be: iii sijai (or ids sijai, J. e. iiih sijai; s. nih) may it not be, God forbid (^1) yêvoiro); Lu. 20, 16. Rom. 7, 7. 13. 9, 15. 11, 1. 11. Gal. 2, 17. (9) to be, be present, be found (sivexi), (a) w. adv ,