This is page b0304 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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-aha-, suffix, 393.
ahaks, sf. (?) dove, pigeon.
ahana, sf. chaff. OE. egenu, OHG. agana.
ahma, wm. spirit, the Holy Ghost, 208, 223.
ahmateins, sf. inspiration.
ahs, sn. ear of corn, 353., OHG. ahir, ehir.
ahtáu, num. eight, 4, 11, 39, 65, 90, 91, 121, 128, 147. OE. eahta, OHG. ahto.
ahtáu-dgs, aj. eight days old, 122. Cp. OE. d
gor, day
ahtáuthund, num. eighty, 247.
ahtuda, num. eighth, 253.
aa, sf. river, water, 19, 36, 143, 192. OE.
a, OHG. aha.
áigin, sn. property, inheritance, goods, 425 OHG. eigan.
áigum, we have, 339.
áih, pret.-pres. I have, 137, 339 OE.g later
áihan, pret.-pres. to have, possess, 339, 426 OE.gan, OHG. eigan.
áihtrn, wv. II, to beg for, pray, desire, 325.
áihts, sf. property, 199, 254
aía-tundi, sf. thornbush, lit. horse tooth, 389 Cp. OE. eoh, horse, and Goth. tun
us, tooth.
áina-baúr, sm. only-born, 389.
áinaha, w. aj. only, 393.
áin-falei, wf. simplicity, goodness of disposition, 389.
áinfals, num. onefold, simple, single, 257, 397 OE.
nfeald, OHG. einfalt.
áin-arjiz-uh, indef. pr. everyone, each, 275 note 2.
-áini-, suffix, 388.
*áinlif, num. eleven, 247, 252. OHG. einlif.
áins, num. one, alone, only; indef. pr. one, a certain one; áins ... jah áins, the one ... and the other, 10, 49, 83, 89, 247, 249, 258, 390. OE.n, OHG. ein.
áins-hun, indef. pr. with the neg. particle ni, no one, no, none, 87 (1), 89, 278.
áir, av. (comp. áiris), soon, early, 347. OE.r, OHG.
áirinn, wv. II, to be a messenger, 325
áiris, av. earlier, 345.
aíra, sf. earth, land, region, 10, 97, 171, 192. OE. eor
a, OHG. erda.
aíra-kunds, aj. earthy, born of the earth, 397.
aíreins, aj. earthly, 227, 395
áirus, sm. messenger, 203. O.Icel.rr, OE.
aírzeis, aj. astray, erring; aírzeis wisan or waíran, to go astray, err, be deceived, 231 OE. eorre, ierre, angry, OHG. irri.
aírzjan, wv. I, to deceive, lead astray. OHG. irren, cp. OE. iersian, to be angry.
áistan, wv. III, to reverence, 328 Cp. OE.r, OHG.
ra, from *aiz
, honour.
áiei, wf. mother, 6, 212. OHG. eid
, MHG. eide.
áis, sm. oath, 10, 171, 180, 353. OE.
, OHG. eid.
aíáu, cj. or, else; aí
áu jah, truly, 10, 66 note, 256, 351 OE. e
a, OHG. eddo.
aiwagglista, wm. evangelist, Gr.
through Lat. euangelista.
aíwaggljan, wv. I, to preach the gospel.
, wf. gospel, Gr.