This is page b0311 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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bindan, sv. III, to bind, 6, 8, 15, 60, 65, 72, 91, 93, 95, 122, 124, 127, 132, 161, 172, 303. OE. bindan, OHG. bintan.
bi-ráubn, wv. II, to rob, strip, despoil. OE. be-r
afian, OHG. bi-roub
bi-rinnan, sv. III, to run about, 407.
bi-rdjan, wv. I, to murmur.
bi-saian, sv. V, to see, look, look round on.
bi-satjan, wv. I, to beset, set round anything.
bi-sitan, sv. V, to sit about, sit near, 407.
bi-sitands, m. neighbour, 218, 360, 379.
bi-skeinan, sv. I, to shine round.
bi-speiwan, sv. I, to spit upon.
bi-stugq, sn. a stumbling, 407.
bi-sunjan, av. round about, near.
bi-swaírban, sv. III, to wipe, dry.
bi-swaran, sv. VI, to swear, adjure, conjure, 407.
bi-tiuhan, sv. II, to go about, visit.
bi-, cj. whilst, when, after that, as soon as; av. after, then, afterward, thereupon, 265 note 1, 266 note 3, 351.
bi-h, av. after that, then, afterward, 260 note 3.
*biudan, sv. II, to offer, bid, order, 15, 40, 52, 70, 72, 95, 138. OE. bodan, OHG. biotan. See ana-biudan.
biugan, sv. II, to bend, 124, 168, 302. OHG. biogan.
bi-hti, sn. custom.
bi-hts, aj. accustomed, wont.
bius, sm. or biu
, sn. table. OE. b
od, OHG. biot.
bi-wáibjan, wv. I, to wind about, encompass, clothe. OE. wfian, OHG. weib
n, to hesitate; OHG. zi-weiben, to divide.
bi-wandjan, wv. I, to shun.
bi-windan, sv. III, to wrap round, enwrap, swathe. OE. be-windan, OHG. bi-wintan.
bi-wisan, sv. V, to make merry.
blandan, sv. VII, to mix, 313 note 1. OE. blandan, OHG. blantan.
bláujan, wv. I, to make void, abolish, abrogate. Cp. OE. bl
, OHG. bl
di, timid.
bleiei, wf. mercy, 212, 383.
bleis, aj. merciful, kind. OE. bl
e, OHG. bl
di, glad.
*blssan, sv. VII, see uf-bl
bliggwan, sv. III, to beat, strike, scourge, 17, 151, 304. OHG. bliuwan.
blinda, wm. blind man, 223.
blinds, aj. blind, 14, 33, 89, 106, 111, 114, 120, 175, 223, 226, 237, 390. OE. blind, OHG. blint.
blma, wm. flower, 45, 208. OE. bl
ma, OHG. bluomo.
bltan, sv. VII, to worship, reverence, honour, 138, 313 note 4. OE. bl
tan, OHG. bluo
an, to sacrifice.
bltinassus, sm. service, worship, 381.
bl, sn. blood, 182. OE. bl
d, OHG. bluot.
bnauan, sv. VII, to rub, 80, 328 note 4. OHG. nan.
bka, sf. sing. a letter of the alphabet; pl. epistle, book, the Scriptures, 42, 192; b
s afsateináis, a bill of divorcement. OE. b
c, OHG. buoh.
bkareis, sm. scribe, 185, 354, 380. OE. b
cere, OHG. buoh-h