This is page b0315 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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fahs, sf. joy, gladness, 5, 137, 199.
faian, wv. III, to find fault with, 10.
faíhu, sn. cattle, property, possessions, money, 7, 8, 10, 18, 88, 92, 116, 128, 164, 205. OE. feoh, OHG. fihu.
faíhu-frikei, wf. covetousness, greed.
faíhu-gaírnei, wf. covetousness, 389.
faíhu-gaírns, aj. avaricious, 397. OE. georn, OHG. gern, eager.
faír-áihan, pret.-pres. to partake of, 339.
faír-greipan, sv. I, to seize, catch hold.
faírguni, sn. mountain, 167, 187. Cp. OE. firgen-gt, mountain goat.
faírus, sm. world, 203. OE. feorh, OHG. ferah, life.
faírina, sf. accusation, charge, cause. OE. firen, OHG. firina.
faírinn, wv. II, to accuse. OE. firenian, OHG. firin
faírneis, aj. old, 231.
faírra, av. far, far off; followed by dat. far from; prep. (after verbs of motion) from, 158. OE. feor, OHG. ferro.
, av. from afar, 348.
faír-weitjan, wv. I, to gaze around.
faír-weitl, sn. spectacle, 362.
falan, sv. VII, to fold, close, 313. OE. fealdan, OHG. faldan.
-fals, aj. -fold; áinfal
s, onefold, simple; fidurfal
s, fourfold. OE. -feald, OHG. -falt.
fana, wm. bit of cloth, patch, 208. OE. fana, OHG. fano.
faran, sv. VI, to fare, go, 65, 79, 100, 124, 160, 309. OE. OHG. faran.
fastan, wv. III, to fast, hold firm, keep, 328. OE. fæstan, OHG. fastn.
fastubni, sn. fasting, observance, 158 note, 187, 386.
faa, sf. hedge. MHG. vade.
-fas, sm. master. Cp. Gr.
from *
, husband, Lat. hos-pes (gen. hos-pitis), he who entertains a stranger, a host.
faúh, wf. fox. OHG. foha.
faúr, prep. c. acc. for, before, by, to, along, from, concerning, 350; av. before.
faúra, prep. c. dat. before, for, on account of; from; av. before, 90, 348, 350. OHG. fora.
faúra-daúri, sn. street, lit. the space before a door or gate, 364.
faúra-gagga, wm. steward, governor, 208, 364.
faúra-gaggan, sv. VII, to go before, 441.
faúra-gaggja, wm. governor.
faúra-ga-teihan, sv. I, to inform beforehand, foretell, 411.
faúra-hh (faúr-h
h), sn. curtain, veil, 74, 363, 364.
faúra-maleis, sm. ruler, prince, chief, 185, 364.
faúra-qian, sv. V, to prophesy, foretell.
faúra-standan, sv. VI, to rule, govern, stand near, 411.
faúra-tani, sn. sign, wonder, 364.
faúr-baúhts, sf. redemption, 363.
faúr-bi-gaggan, sv. VII, to go before, precede.