This is page b0316 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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faúr-biudan, sv. II, to forbid, command, 410.
faúr-gaggan, sv. VII, to pass by, 410.
faúr-hh, see faúra-h
faúrhtei, wf. fear, astonishment.
faúrhtjan, wv. I, to fear, be afraid, 320, 428. OE. forhtian, OHG. furhten.
faúrhts, aj. fearful, afraid. OE. OHG. forht.
faúr-lageins, sf. a putting before, exhibiting, 363; hláibs faúrlageináis, shew-bread.
faúr-qian, sv. V, to make excuse, excuse, 410.
faúr-sniwan, sv. V, to hasten before, anticipate, 410.
faúr-stasseis, sm. chief, ruler, 363.
faúr-is, av. first, beforehand, formerly, 345.
faúr-izei, cj. before that, 351.
*fáus (masc. pl. fawái), aj. few, 149, 232. OE. fa, OHG. fao, f
*feinan, wv. III, see in-feinan.
fra, sf. region, district, 77, 97, 192. OHG. f
ra, fiara.
fidur-dgs, aj. space of four days, 257 note. Cp. OE. d
gor, day.
fidur-fals, num. fourfold, 257.
fidur-ragineis, sm. tetrarchate, 257 note.
fidwr, num. four, 25, 89 note, 134 note, 149, 158, 173, 247, 252. OE. f
ower, OHG. feor, fior.
fidwr-taíhun, num. fourteen, 247.
fidwr tigjus, num. forty, 247.
figgra-gul, sn. finger-ring, 389.
figgrs, sm. finger, 17, 158, 166, 354. OE. finger, OHG. fingar.
fijan, wv. III, to hate, 152, 328 OE. fog(e)an, OHG. f
fijands (fiands), m. enemy, 20, 218, 379. OE. fond, OHG. f
fijawa (fia
wa), sf. hatred, 192, 387.
filhan, sv. III, to hide, conceal, bury, 18, 122, 137, 164, 304. OE. folan, OHG. felhan.
filigri (filgri), sn. den, cave, hiding-place.
*fill, sn. skin, hide. OE. fell, OHG. fel, seer
filleins, aj. leathern, 395. Cp. OE. fell, OHG. fel, skin.
filu, neut. aj., also used adverbially, great, very much, 88, 116, 205 note, 427. OE. fela, feola, feolu, OHG. filu.
filu-ga-láufs (filugaláubs), aj. very precious, costly.
filusna, sf. multitude.
filu-waúrdei, wf. much talking, 389.
filu-waúrdjan, wv. I, to talk much, use many words.
fimf, num. five, 16, 60, 88, 134 note, 160, 247, 258. OE. fif, OHG. fimf, finf.
fimfta-, num. fifth, 253.
fimf-taíhun, num. fifteen, 247, 252.
fimfta-taíhunda, num. fifteenth, 253.
fimf tigjus, num. fifty, 247.
finan, sv. III, to find, find out, know, learn, hear, 28, 172, 304. OE. OHG. findan.
fiskja, wm. fisher, 153 note, 208, 354.
fiskn, wv. II, to fish, 325, 400.
fisks, sm. fish, 6, 38, 68, 93, 128, 180, 353. OE. OHG. fisc.
fitan, sv. V, to travail in birth, 308.