This is page b0317 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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fldus, sf. flood, stream, 45, 79, 136. OE. fl
d, OHG. fluot.
*flkan, sv. VII, to lament, bewail, 313 note 4. OHG. fluachan, sv. fluoh
n, wv. to curse.
fdeins, sf. meat, food.
fdjan, wv. I, to feed, nourish, bring up 138, 320, 400. OE. f
dan, OHG. fuoten.
fn, n. fire, 222.
ftu-baúrd, sn. footstool, 389. OE. f
ftus, sm. foot, 45, 79, 87, 100, 128, 129, 203, 353. OE. f
t, OHG. fuo
fra-bugjan, wv. I, to sell, 428.
fra-dáiljan, wv. I, to divide, distribute.
fra-giban, sv. V, to give, grant, 412.
fra-gifts, sf. a giving away, espousal, 138, 365. Cp. OE. OHG. gift.
fra-hinan, sv. III, to capture, imprison, 304; fra-hun
ans, prisoner.
fraíhnan, sv. V, to ask, ask questions, 308 and note, 427. OE. frignan, OHG. ge-fregnan.
fráisan, sv. VII, to tempt, 312 note, 313. OE. frsian, OHG. freis
fráistubni, sf. temptation, 158 note, 194, 386.
fra-itan, sv. V, to eat up, devour, 2 note, 308 note, 412.
fráiw, sn. seed, 149, 189 note 2.
fra-kunnan, pret.-pres. to despise, 34, 428.
fra-kuns, pp. despised, 34. OE. fraco
fra-ltan, sv. VII, to liberate, let free, leave, let down, permit, 412.
fra-lts, sm. forgiveness, remission, deliverance.
fra-lwjan, wv. I, to betray.
fra-liusan, sv. II, to lose, 86, 105, 122, 302, 412, 428. OE. for-losan, OHG. fur-liosan.
fra-lusnan, wv. IV, to perish, go astray, be lost, 331.
fra-lusts, sf. loss, perdition, 95, 122, 199, 365. OHG. for-lust.
fram, prep. c. dat. from, by, since, on account of, 350; fram himma, henceforth, 267; fram himma nu, henceforth, 347. OE. from, OHG. fram.
fram-aldrs, aj. of great age, 366, 391. Cp. OE. ealdor, OHG. altar, age, life.
fram-ghts, sf. progress, furtherance, 74, 366.
framis, av. further, onward, 345. O.Icel. fremr.
fram-waíris, av. henceforward.
fra-niman, sv. IV, to receive, take, 412.
fra-qiman, sv. IV, to expend, spend, 428.
fra-qisteins, sf. waste, 365.
fra-qistjan, wv. I, to destroy, 412, 428.
fra-qistnan, wv. IV, to perish, be destroyed, 331.
fra-qian, sv. V, to curse.
fra-slindan, sv. III, to swallow up, 304. OHG. fir-slintan.
frai, sn. understanding, 187, 354.
frajan, sv. VI, to understand, perceive, think, know, 122, 137, 171, 309, 310, 428.
fráuja, wm. master, lord, 208. OE. fra, OHG. fr
fráujinn, wv. II to be lord or king, rule, 325, 381, 425.
fráujinnds, m. ruler, 218.
fra-waírpan, sv. III, to cast away.