This is page b0319 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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ga-batnan, wv. IV, to profit, benefit, 331.
ga-bauan, wv. III, to dwell.
ga-baúrjaba, av. gladly, willingly. Cp. OE. ga-byrian, gi-burren, to be fitting, proper.
ga-baúrjus, sm. pleasure, 385.
ga-baúri-waúrda, sn. pi. genealogy, 389.
ga-baúrs, sf. birth, birthplace, native country, generation, 199, 367; m
l gabaúr-
áis, birthday. OE. ge-byrd, OHG. gi-burt.
gabei, wf. riches, 122, 354.
gabigs (gabeigs), aj. rich.
ga-bindan, sv. III, to bind, 413.
ga-biugan, sv. II, to bend.
ga-bleijan, wv. I, to pity. Cp. OE. bl
e, OHG. bl
de, glad, cheerful.
ga-blindjan, wv. I, to blind.
ga-blindnan, wv. IV, to become blind, 331.
ga-btjan, wv. I, to make useful; aftra gab
tjan, to restore.
ga-brannjan, wv. I, to burn, 320. OE. bærnan, OHG. brennen.
ga-brikan, sv. IV, to break.
ga-bruka, sf. fragment, 367. OHG. brocko.
ga-bundi, sf. bond, 122.
ga-daban, sv. VI, to beseem, happen, befall, 310. Cp. OE. ge-dafen, fitting.
ga-dáiljan, wv. I, to divide, 413.
ga-dars, pret.-pres. I dare, 335. OE. dear(r), OHG. gi-tar.
ga-dáubjan, wv. I, to make deaf, harden.
ga-daúrsan, pret.-pres. to dare, 71, 335 OE. *durran, OHG. gi-turran.
ga-dáunan, wv. IV, to die, perish, 331.
ga-ds, sf. deed, 43, 75, 97, 122, 132.
ga-dfs, aj. becoming, fit, 367.
ga-dmjan, wv. I, to judge, pronounce judgment, condemn.
ga-draban, sv. VI, to hew out, 310.
ga-dragan, sv. VI, to heap up, heap together, 310. OE. dragan, OHG. tragan, to draw.
ga-dragkjan, wv. I, to give to drink.
ga-draúhts, sm. soldier.
ga-driusan, sv. II, to fall, be cast.
ga-drbnan, wv. IV, to become troubled, anxious.
ga-fhan, sv. VII, to catch, take, seize, overtake, apprehend as a criminal, 74, 413.
ga-fhs, sm. a catch, haul, 74.
ga-fastan, wv. III, to keep, support, hold fast.
ga-faúrds, sf. chief council.
ga-fáurs, aj. well-behaved, 234.
ga-filh, sn. burial, 354, 367.
ga-filhan, sv. III, to hide, conceal, bury.
ga-fraíhnan, sv. V, to find out, learn by inquiry, ask, seek.
ga-fráujinn, wv. II, to exercise lordship.
ga-fulljan, wv. I, to fill, 413.
ga-fullnan, wv. IV, to become full, fill
ga-gaggan, sv. VII, to collect, assemble, come to pass; also with sik.
ga-ga-máinjan, wv. I, to make common, to defile.
ga-geigan, wv. III, to gain, 328.
gaggan, sv. VII, to go, 74, 158, 313 note 1, 321 note 2; pret. iddja. OE. OHG. gangan.