This is page b0321 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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ga-láugnjan, wv. I, to be hid, lie hid.
ga-láusjan, wv. I, to loose, loosen.
ga-leikan, wv. III, to please, take pleasure in, 436.
ga-leik, av. like, in the same manner, 344. OE. ge-l
ce, OHG. gi-l
ga-leikn, wv. II, to liken, compare, resemble, be like, 325.
ga-leiks, aj. like, similar, 227. OE. ge-lc, OHG. gi-l
ga-leian, sv. I, to go, travel, come, 300. OE. l
an, OHG. l
ga-lwjan, wv. I, to give up, betray.
galga, wm. cross, gallows, 208. OE. gealga, OHG. galgo.
ga-lisan sik, sv. V, to gather together, meet together, assemble, 413.
ga-liug, sn. lie; galiug weit-wdjan, to bear false witness.
ga-liugan, wv. III, to marry.
ga-liuga-praúftus, sm. false prophet.
ga-liuga-weitws (-w
ds), sm. false witness.
ga-liuga-xristus, sm. false Christ.
ga-liuhtjan, wv. I, to bring to light, illumine.
ga-lkan, sv. II, to shut, lock, 82, 102, 280, 302 and note. OE. l
can, OHG. l
ga-luknan, wv. IV, to be shut up.
ga-máinds, sf. community, 382.
ga-máinjan, wv. I, to make common, defile.
ga-máins, aj. common, unclean, 234. OE. ge-mne, OHG. gi-meini.
ga-máis (-máids), aj. weak, feeble, bruised. OE. ge-m
dd, OHG. gi-meit, mad.
ga-malwjan, wv. I, to bruise.
ga-man, sn. fellow-man, companion, partner, 367.
ga-manwjan, wv. I, to prepare, make ready.
ga-marzjan, wv. I, to offend.
ga-matjan, wv. I, to eat.
ga-máudeins, sf. remembrance.
ga-máudjan, wv. I, to remember, remind.
ga-maúrgjan, wv. I, to curtail, cut short.
ga-mljan, wv. I, to write, enroll;
ata gam
, writing, scripture.
ga-mini, sn. remembrance.
ga-mt, pret.-pres. I find room, 338. OE. m
t, OHG. muo
, I may.
*ga-mtan, pret.-pres. to find room, to have room, 338.
ga-mtjan, wv. I, to meet, 320. OE. ge-m
ga-munan, pret.-pres. to bethink, remember.
ga-munds, sf. remembrance, 54, 199, 354, 367. OE. ge-mynd, OHG. gi-munt.
ga-nah, pret.-pres. it suffices, 336. Cp. OE. be-neah.
ga-náitjan, wv. I, to treat shamefully. OE. ntan, OHG. nei
ga-nasjan, wv. I, to save, 413.
ga-niman, sv. IV, to take to oneself, take with one, conceive.
ga-nipnan, wv. IV, to mourn, be sorrowful. Cp. OE. ge-npan, to grow dark.
ga-nisan, sv. V, to be saved, become whole, recover, 137 note, 174, 175 note, 308, 322. OE. ge-nesan, OHG. gi-nesan.