This is page b0323 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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ga-standan, sv. VI, to stand fast, stand still, remain, be restored.
ga-staúrknan, wv. IV, to become dry, dry up, pine away. OHG. gi-storchanen, to become rigid or hard.
ga-stráujan, wv. I, to strew, furnish.
gasts, sm. guest, 6, 39, 65, 87 note 1, 88 and note, 91, 107, 110, 117, 128, 133, 134, 153, 167, 175, 196. OE. giest, OHG. gast.
ga-supn, wv. II, to season.
ga-swran, wv. III, to glorify, make known.
ga-swi-kunjan, wv. I, to make known, proclaim.
ga-swiltan, sv. III, to die.
ga-swgjan, wv. I, to sigh. OE. sw
gan, to resound.
ga-taíran, sv. IV, to tear to pieces, destroy, break, 122, 306, 413. OE. teran, OHG. zeran.
ga-tamjan, wv. I, to tame, 318. OE. temian.
ga-táujan, wv. I, to do, make, perform.
ga-taúra, wm. tear, rent, 122, 208, 354.
ga-taúrs, sf. destruction, 199.
ga-teihan, sv. I, to tell, relate, proclaim, make known, show, 18, 48, 69, 300. OE. ton, t
on, OHG. z
han, to accuse.
ga-tmiba, av. fitly, 344. Cp. OHG. ga-z
ga-tilaba, av. conveniently.
ga-tiln, wv. II, to attain, obtain. OE. tilian, OHG. zil
ga-tils, aj. fit, convenient. OE. til.
ga-timan, sv. IV, to suit, 306. OHG. zeman.
ga-timrjan (-timbrjan), wv. I, to build.
ga-timrj, wf. building, 211.
ga-tiuhan, sv. II, to draw, lead, bring, take.
ga-trauan, wv. III, to trust, entrust, be persuaded.
gatw, wf. street, 211. OHG. ga
ga-ahan, wv. III, to be silent.
ga-aírsan, sv. III, to wither, 304.
ga-arban, wv. III, to suffer want, abstain from, 427. OE.
earfian, OHG. darb
ga-aúrsnan, wv. IV, to become dry, dry up, wither away, 331.
jan, wv. I, to bless.
ga-láihan, sv. VII, to cherish, console, comfort, take in the arms, caress, 313 note 2. OHG. fl
ga-iuhan, sv. II, to flee.
ga-rafsteins, sf. comfort.
ga-rask, sn. threshing-floor.
ga-ulan, wv. III, to suffer, endure.
gáuja, wm. countryman; used in pl. land, region.
gáumjan, wv. I, to perceive, see, behold, observe, 84, 320, 428. OE. geman, OHG. goumen.
gáunn, wv. II, to lament, 325.
gáunus, sm. mourning, lamentation, 385.
gáuria, sf. sorrow, 384.
gáurs, aj. sad, troubled, mournful, sorrowful, 227.
ga-wadjn, wv. II, to pledge, betroth. OE. weddian, MHG. wetten.
ga-wagjan, wv. I, to stir, shake.
ga-waírpan, sv. III, to cast, cast down, throw down.
ga-waíreigs, aj. at peace, peaceably disposed.
ga-waíri, sn. peace, 183, 187.