This is page b0332 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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keinan, sv. I, to bud, grow, spring up; weak pret. keinda, see note to Mark iv. 27.
klikn, sn. tower, upper-room.
kilei, wf. womb, 212.
kindins, sm. ruler, governor.
kinnus, sf. cheek, 139, 162, 204. OE. cinn, OHG. chinni.
kiusan, sv. II, to choose, test, 51, 84, 104, 105, 129, 137, 175 note, 280, 302. OE. cosan, OHG. kiosan.
kniu, sn. knee, 9, 21, 105, 129, 134, 149, 150, 162, 189. OE. cno(w), OHG. knio.
knussjan, wv. I, to kneel; knussjan kniwam, to kneel.
kriustan, sv. II, to gnash with the teeth, grind the teeth, 302.
krusts, sf. gnashing.
kukjan, wv. I, to kiss. 318, 428.
*kumbjan, wv. I, see ana-kumbjan.
kumei, imper. arise!, Gr..
kunds, pp. born, cp. Skr. jtás, Lat. (g)n
tus, born.
kuni, sn. race, generation, tribe, 115, 155, 162, 186, 187. OE. cyn(n), OHG. kunni.
kunnan, pret.-pres. to know, 335, 426. OE. cunnan, OHG. kunnan.
*kunnan, wv. III, see ga-kunnan.
kuna, pret. I knew, 335. OE. cu
e, OHG. konda.
kuni, sn. knowledge, 187.
kunjan, wv. I, to make known. OE. cá
an, OHG. kunden, see ga-swi-kun
kuns, pp. of kunnan, known, 340, 428; sm. acquaintance. OE. c
, OHG. kund.
*kusts, sf. proof, test. OE. cyst, OHG. kust, choice, see ga-kusts.
kustus, sm. proof, test, trial, 203. OE. cyst, OHG. kust, choice.
lagga-mdei, wf. long-suffering, 389.
laggei, wf. length, 354, 383.
laggs, aj. long, 22, 132, 158, 166, 227. OE. OHG. lang.
lagjan, wv. I, to lay, lay down, set, place, 20, 158, 168, 318, 400; kniwa lagjan, to bend one's knees; gawaíri lagjan ana aír
a, to send peace on earth. OE. lecgan, OHG. leggen.
láiba, sf. remnant, 192, 354. OE. lf, OHG. leiba.
*láibjan (in bi-láibjan), wv. I, to leave. OE. lfan.
laígaín, legion. Gr.
láikan, sv. VII, to leap for joy, 313. OE. lcan, to play.
láiks, sm. dance, dancing. OE. lc, OHG. leih.
láis, pret.-pres. I know, 122, 137, 333.
láisareis, sm. teacher, master, 122, 153, 185, 380. OHG. lr
láiseigs, aj. teachable, 394.
láiseins, sf. doctrine, teaching, 153 note, 200, 388.
láisjan, wv. I, to teach, 22, 137 note, 175 note, 320, 426. OE. lran, OHG. l
láistjan, wv. I, to follow, follow after, 320. OE. ltstan, OHG. leisten.
láists, sm. foot-print, track, step, 197. OE. lst, OHG. leist.
lamb, sn. lamb, sheep, 14, 161. OE. OHG. lamb.
land, sn. land, country; landis over the land, far away, 427. OE. land, OHG. lant.