This is page b0338 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language
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n, av. nay, no, 349.
n, av. near, close by, 19, 143. OE. n
ah, OHG. n
na, prep. c. dat. nigh to, near; av. near, 350. OHG. n
nis, av. nearer, 345.
njan sik, wv. I, to approach, draw near. OHG. n
nundja, wm. neighbour, 208.
nei, sn. envy, hatred. OE. n
, OHG. n
neiwan, sv. I, to be angry.
nla, sf. needle, 192. OE. n
dl, OHG. n
ni, av. neg. not, 265 note 1, 349, 427; nist = ni ist; ni ... ak, not ... but; ni alja ... alja, not other ... than; ni ... ni or nih, neither ... nor, 351; nianamáis or
s, no longer, no more; ni
atainei ... ak jah, not only ... but also; ni áinshun, no one, no, none, 427; ni áiw, never, 347; ni allis, not at all, 427.
nibái, niba, cj. unless, except, if ... not, 351. OHG. nibu.
nidwa, sf. rust, 149, 192.
nih, cj. and not, not even, 351; nih ... nih, neither ... nor; nih ... ak jah, neither ... but also, 351 OHG. noh.
niman, sv. IV, to take, take away, receive, accept, 5, 10, 11, 22, 33, 65, 68, 70, 87, 88, 89 note, 91, 93, 95, 106, 107, 108, 110, 112, 114, 115, 120, 124, 158, 175, 239, 240, 241, 242, 282, 286, 287, 288, 289, 292, 293, 295, 296, 297, 305; miniman, to receive, accept. OE. niman, OHG. neman.
*nipnan, wv. IV, see ga-nipnan.
*nisan, sv. V, see ga-nisan.
nist = ni ist.
nian, sv. V, to help, 308.
nijis, sm. kinsman, 185, 211. Cp. OE. ni
as, men.
, wf. female cousin.
niu, interrogative particle, not = Lat. nonne, 349; niu áiw, never.
*niujan, wv. I, see ana-niujan.
niuja-satis, sm. novice, 389.
niujis, aj. new, young, 20, 85, 105, 229, 238. OE. newe, n
we, OHG. niuwi, niuui.
niujia, sf. newness, 354, 384.
niu-klahs, aj. under age, young, childish, 393.
niun, num. nine, 22, 247, 252. OE. nigon, OHG. niun.
niunda, num. ninth, 253. OE. nigoa, OHG. niunto.
niunthund, num. ninety, 247.
niutan, sv. II, to enjoy, 302, 427. OE. notan. OHG. nio
ni waíhts, nothing, naught, 427. See waíhts.
nta, wm. stern of a ship, 208.
nu, av. now, so, consequently, 347; aj. present, existing; subs. present time; nu, nunu, nuh, av. and cj. therefore, 351.
nuh, interrogative particle, then, 73 note, 349, 351.
nuta, wm. fisher, catcher of fishes, 208, 354.
*nuts (in un-nuts), aj. useful. OE. nytt, OHG. nuzzi.
, interj. O! oh!
*gan, pret.-pres. to fear, 7, 169, 428.
gjan, wv. I, to terrify, 7, 320.
-ni-, suffix, 388.
sanna, hosanna. Gr.
-u-, suffix, 385.
páida, sf. coat, 23, 160. OE. pd, OHG. pfeit.