rnonotogy [§ 9
enemy. Examples are: gartenære, gardener, schepfære,
creator, schribsere, scribe.

küneginrie, queen, vriundinne, female friend, wirtinne,

edelinc, so« of a nobleman, hendelinc, glove, vingerlinc,
ring; muedinc, unhappy man.

magedin, little girl, vingerīn, ring; kindelīn, little child,
vogelin, little bird.

hindernisse, hindrance, Verderbnisse, destruction, vin-
sternisse, darkness, vancniisse, captivity.

be?z;erunge, improvement, handelunge, action, mëldunge,

himellsch, heavenly, irdisch, earthly, kindisch, childish,
beside -esch.

heilic (OHG. heilag), holy, honic (OHG. honag, honig),
honey, kttaic {OHG. cuning, cunig), king, manic (OHG.
manag}, many a, sælic (OHG. sālīg), blessed, beside -ec,

oberist beside oberest, highest.
kumbersal, distress, trüebsal, gloom, wëhsal beside
wëhsel, change.

bitterlich, bitterly, sicherlich, surely, wīslīch, wisely,
beside -lieh.

Dietrich, Heinrich, beside -rich.
The OHG. pronominal ending of the nom. sing. fern,
and the nom. ace. pi. neuter remained unweakened, as
OHG. blintitt = MHG. blindiu (§ 55).

§ 9. The weakened e regularly disappeared :—
i. After 1 and r in dissyllables with short stems, as ar,
older are (OHG. aro), eagle, ace. gen. dat. am, beside
name, name, namen; wol, older wole (OHG. wola),
well; gar (OHG. garo), ready, milch (OHG. millh), milk,
zal (OHG. zala), number; kit, quill, gen. kil(e)s, dat. kil,