26 Phonology [§ 23 § 23. The voiceless explosives p, t, k underwent a two- fold treatment according to their position in the word : (i) Medially or finally after vowels; (2) Initially, medially and finally after consonants (1, m, n, r), and when doubled. NOTE.—p, t, k remained unshifted in the combinations sp, st, sk as also t in the combinations tr, ht, ft. 1. Single p, t, k were shifted to the voiceless double spirants ff, ?&, hh (also written ch) = MHG. if (f), & {?), ch. p>ff. OE. open, OHG. offan, MHG. offen, open; OE. slæpan, OHG. släffan, MHG. slāfen, to sleep; OE. ūp, OHG. MHG. ūf, up. t>-jz,. OE. etan, OHG. e2%an, MHG. ez,z,en, to eat; OE. hätan, OHG. hei^an, MHG. hei?en, to call; OE. hwæt, OHG. hwa?, MHG. wa^, what. In a few cases the z,, z& became s in MHG. before t or st, as pret. saste from saz,te: setzen, to set; beste, best, leste, last — OHG. bez,z,isto, lez^isto. k>hh. OE. ic, OHG. ih, MHG. ich, /; OE. sprecan (specan), OHG. sprëhhan, MHG. sprechen, to speak; OE. tācen, OHG. zeihhan, MHG. zeichen, token. This ch must not be confused with the MHG. h, ch which corresponded to Indo-Germanic k (= Germanic h), as ziehen, to draw, lead, pret, zōch, cp. Lat. dücö, / lead, see § 34. The double consonants were simplified in OHG. and MHG. according to § 32. 2. p, t initially, medially and finally after consonants (1, m, n, r), and when doubled, were shifted to the affricatae pf (also written ph), tz (generally written zz and z}= MHG. pf(ph),tz(z). p>pf. OE. ptrad, OHG. MHG. pfunt, pound; OE. gelimpan, OHG. gilimpfan, MHG. gelimpfen, to be meet; | ||||