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a-slitan, -slýtan ; p. -slát, pl. -sliton ; pp. -slyten, -sliten ; v. a. [a from, slítan to slit] To cleave, rive, destroy, cut off; discindere, diruere, abscindere :-- Aslát ða túnas ealle destroyed all the villages, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 20. Mildheortnysse his aslýteþ of cneórysse on cynrine misericordiam suam abscindet a generation in generationem, Ps. Spl. 76, 8.

a-slóh, -slógon struck, fixed, Bd. 3. 17; S. 543, 33, col. 1 ; p. of a-sleán.

a-slúpan; p. -sleáp, pl. -slupon; pp. -slopen To slip away; elabi :-- Læ-acute;t ðé aslúpan sorge of breóstum let sorrow slip away from thy breast, Cd. 134; Th. 169, 7; Gen. 2796. Ðæt hi æ-acute;fre him of aslépen [ = asleópen] that they may ever slip from them, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 18 ; Met.

13. 9.

a-slýtan; p. -slát; pp. -slyten; v. trans. To cut .off :-- Aslýteþ abscindet, Ps. Spl. 76, 8. v. a-slítan.

a-smeágan, -smeán ; p. -smeáde ; pp. -smeád To look closely into, examine, trace out, elicit, meditate upon, consider, contemplate, ponder, judge, deem, be of opinion, think; perscrutari, investigare, indagare, elicere, contemplári, pensare, censere :-- Nú ne máge we asmeágan hú God of ðam láme flæ-acute;sc worhte and blód, bán and fell, fex and næglas now we cannot trace out how of the loam God made flesh and blood, bones, and skin, hair and nails, Homl. Th. i. 236, 15. Stíge mine ðú asmeádest semitam meam investigasti, Ps. Spl. 138, 2: R. Ben. 55. Asmeágende indagantes, Cot. 104. Asmeáde elicuit, Cot. 77. Gif man hit ariht asmeáþ if one rightly considers it, L. Edg. C. 13 ; Th. ii. 246, 21. Ic déme oððe ic asmeáge censeo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2 ; Som. 28, 51.

a-smeágung, e; f. Investigation, meditation; scrutinium, investigatio, meditatio :-- Þurh asmeágunge bóclícre snotornesse through investigation of book-like wisdom, Apol. Th. 3, 16.

a-smiðian; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. trans. To forge, make, work as a smith; fabricare :-- Asmiðod fabricatus, Cot. 82.

a-smorian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. trans. To smother, choke, strangle, suffocate; suffocare :-- Asmoraþ ðæt word suffocat verbum, Mt. Rush. Stv. 13, 22. Hí hine on his bedde asmoredan and aþrysemodan they smothered and stifled him on his bed, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 5. Ðæt ge ne blód ne þicgen, ne asmored [MS. H. asmorod] that ye taste not blood, nor [what is] strangled, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 56, 26.

a-snæ-acute;san, -snásan ; p. de ; pp. ed ; v. trans. I. to hit or strike against, to stake oneself upon anything; impingere :-- Gif befóran eágum asnáse [MS. H. asnæ-acute;se] if he stake himself before his eyes, L. Alf. pol. 36 ; Th. i. 84, 14. II. to wrest anything from another? extorquere, L. Noel, Lye. DER. on-snæ-acute;san, ona-.

a-sniðan; p. -snáp, pl. -snidon ; pp. -sniden ; v. trans. To cut off; amputare. v. sníðan to cut.

a-soden sodden, boiled, tried by seething, Bd. 4. 23; S. 595.15; pp. of a-seóðan.

a-sogen sucked, Cot. 193 ; pp. of a-súgan.

a-sóht sought out, searched, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 496, 8 ; pp. of a-sécan.

a-solcen, a-swolcen; part. Idle, lazy, dissolute, slow, slothful; remissus, desidiosus, Homl. Th. i. 306, 11. v. a-sealcan.

a-solcennys, -nyss, e ; f. Idleness, sloth, slothfulness, sluggishness, laziness; ignavia, desidia, pigritia :-- Heora líðnys is asolcennys and nýtennys their mildness is sloth and ignorance, Homl. Th, ii. 46, 11 : 220, 21. Se sixta heáfodleáhter is asolcennyss the sixth chief sin is slothfulness, 218, 22. Þurh úre asolcennysse through our sluggishness, Th. Diplm. A. D. 970; 240, 12: Homl. Th. i. 602, 8.

a-spanan; p. -spón, -speón, pl. -spónon, -speónon; pp. -spanen, -sponen; v. trans. To allure from, entice, induce, urge, persuade, introduce secretly; allicere, illicere, impellere, persuadere, attrahere, subintroducere :-- Gif he ða cwéne gespannan [MS. B. aspanan] and gelæ-acute;ran mihte, ðæt heó brúcan wolde his gesynscipes si reginæ posset persuadere ejus uti connubio, Bd. 4, 19 ; Whel. 304, 42, note. Hér aspón Æðelwald ðone here to unfriþe in this year Æthelwald allured the army to a violation of the peace, Chr. 905 ; Th. 180, 18, col. 1. Hine Hannibal aspón, ðæt he ðæt gewinn leng organ Hannibal induced him to carry on the war longer, Ors. 4, 11; Bos. 97, 15. He aspeón him fram ealle he enticed all from him, 1, 12; Bos. 35, 19: 2, 2 ; Bos. 41, 8 : 5, 2 ; Bos. 102, 21. Aspeón óðerne bisceop subintroduxit alium episcopum, Bd. 3. 7; S. 530, 4.

a-spáw vomited out; p. of a-spíwan.

a-spédan; p. -spédde; pp. -spéded, -spédd To speed, prosper; prosperare :-- Wítum aspédde made prosperous by their sufferings, Andr. Kmbl. 3261; An. 1633.

a-spelian; part. a-speliende; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To supply another's room, to be deputy or proxy for another, represent another; vicario munere fungi, vicem vel locum alicujus supplere :-- He móste his hláford aspelian he might represent his lord, L. R. 3 ; Th. i. 192, 3 : R. Ben. 58. Aspelad beón to have one's place supplied by another; excusari, R. Ben. 35.

a-spendan; p. de; pp. ed [a, spendan to spend] To spend entirely, consume, squander, to spend, expend, lay out, bestow, distribute; consumere, dissipare, expendere, sumptum facere, erogare, impertiri :-- Ðonne hys gestreón beóþ ðus eall aspended when his property is thus all entirely spent, Ors. 1, 1 ; Bos. 22, 43. Ic aspende yfele distraho, Ælfc. Gr. 47 ; Som. 48, 52. Ic aspende [asende MS.] oððe gife impertior, 37; Som. 39. 13. Aspendan þearfum to spend on the poor; erogare pauperibus, R. Ben. interl. 58 : Scint. 1.

a-speón enticed, secretly introduced, Ors. 1, 12 ; Bos. 35, 19: Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 4. v. a-spanan.

a-sperian to track, trace, investigate; investigare, Prov. 20. v. aspyrian.

aspide, es; m. An asp, viper, serpent; aspis, &i-short;dis; f. = &alpha-tonos;σπ&iota-tonos;s, &iota-tonos;δοs f. a sort of serpent remarkable for rolling itself up in a spiral form: a negative, and σπ&iota-tonos;ζω to extend, Scapulæ Lexicon :-- Aspidas aspides, Ps. Th. 139, 3. Anlíc nædran, ða aspide ylde nemnaþ like a serpent, which men call an asp, Ps. Th. 57. 4. Spl. Lamb. in Ps. 57. 4 have nædran instead of aspide. Ðú ofer aspide miht gangan thou mayest go over an asp [super aspidem], Ps. Th. 90, 13; Lamb. has ofer nædran, 90, 13.

a-spirian, -spirigan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To search, trace :-- Aspirige hit út let him trace it out, L. Ath. iv. 2 ; Th. i. 222, 14. v. a-spyrian.

a-spíwan; p. -spáw, pl. -spiwon; pp. -spiwen To spew out, vomit forth; evomere, vomere :-- Aspau = a spáw evomuit, Cot. 78: Peccat. Medic. 5.

a-spón allured, induced, Chr. 905 ; Th. 180, 18, col. 1 : Ors. 4, 11 ; Bos. 97, 15. v. a-spanan.

a-spreádan; p. de ; pp. ed [ = a-spræ-acute;dan] To spread forth, extend ; prætendere :-- Aspreád mildheortnysse ðíne prætende misericordiam tuam, Ps. Spl. T. 35, 11. v. spræ-acute;dan.

a-sprecan; p. -spræc, pl. -spræ-acute;con ; pp. -sprecen [a, sprecan] To speak out, speak; eloqui, loqui :-- Hwylc mæg æ-acute;fre mihta Drihtnes asprecan and aspyrian quis loquetur potentias Domini ? Ps: Th. 105, 2. Ðú aspræ-acute;ce locutus es, 59, 5 : 58, 12: 73, 21.

a-spreótan; p. -spreát, pl. -spruton; pp. -sproten; v. intrans. [a, spreótan] To sprout forth, break forth; progerminare, erumpi, eructare :-- Swá unefne is eorþe þicce, syndon ðas móras myclum asprotene sicut crassitudo terræ erupta est super terram, Ps. Th. 140, 9.

a-sprettan to sprout out; germinare, pullulare, Solil. 9. v. a-sprýtan.

a-sprian; v. a. To lay before, shew? prætendere, Bd. 4, 19.

a-sprincan; p. -spranc, pl. -spruncon ; pp. -spruncen To spring up, arise; oriri, exoriri :-- Aspruncen is on þýstrum leóht exortum est in tenebris lumen, Ps. Spl. 111, 4: C. R. Ben. 7. v. a-springan.

a-sprindlad; part. [ = a-springlad ? from springan to spread, or sprengan to burst open] Torn asunder, ripped up; diruptus, L. M. 2, 24; Lchdm. iii 216, 7.

á-spring a water-spring, fountain; seaturigo, Hom. de Comp. Cordis, Lye. v. æ-acute;-spring.

a-springan, -spryngan, -sprincan; p. -sprang, pl. -sprungon; pp. -sprungen; v. intrans. I. to spring up, arise, originate, break forth; surgere, assurgere, oriri, exoriri, rumpi, prorumpi :-- Aspryngþ rihtwísnys orietur justitia, Ps. Spl. 71, 7 : R. Ben. 69. Asprang ortum traxit, Lupi Serm. 3, 7. Ðá asprungon ealle wyllspringas ðære micelan niwelnisse rupti sunt omnes fontes abyssi magnæ, Gen. 7, 11. II. to spring out, lack, fail, cease, fall away; deficere, desinere :-- Asprang gást mín defecit spiritus meus, Ps. Spl. C. 76, 3. Asprong hálig defecit sanctus, 11, 1 : 72, 19. Ne ðám fore yrmþum ðe ðær inwuniaþ líf aspringeþ nor, through sorrows, shall life fail to them that dwell therein, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 8 ; Cri. 1685: 30 b ; Th. 94, 11; Cri. 1538. Wróht wæs asprungen strife had ceased, Cd. 5 ; Th. 6, 4 ; Gen. 83 Ps. Th. 54, 10. Ðæt hi ne asprungan fram heora geleáfan ne a fide deficerent, Bd. 2, 9 ; S. 511, 6.

a-sprít shall sprout out, Gen. 3, 18. v. a-sprýtan.

a-spruncen arisen. v. a-sprincan.

a-sprungennes, -sprungennýs, -ness, e; f. [asprungen failed, ceased; pp. of a-springan] An eclipse, deficiency, failing, fainting, exhaustion; eclipsis, defectio :-- Wæs geworden sunnan asprungennys facta erat eclipsis solis, Bd. 3, 27; S. 558, 10. Asprungynnes nam me defectio tenuit me, Ps. Spl C. 118, 53.

a-spryngan to spring up, arise, Ps. Spl. 71, 7. v. a-springan.

a-sprýtan, -sprítan; p. -sprýtte, -sprítte; pp. -sprýted To sprout out, cause to sprout out; germinare :-- Þornas and bremelas heó asprit ðé spinas et tribulos germinabit tibi, Gen. 3,18. v. sprýtan, spryttan.

a-spýlian, -spýligan; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse, wash, purify; abluere :-- Swín nyllaþ aspýligan [aspýlian MS. Cot.] on hluttrum wæterum swine will not wash in pure waters, Bt. 37. 4; Fox 192, 27. [Plat, afspölen: Dut. afspoelen: Ger. abspülen.]

a-spyrgan to search, explore, investigate, Exon. 92 b ; Th. 348, 16 ; Sch. 29. v. a-spyrian.

a-spyrgeng, e; f. An inventing, invention; adinventio, Cot. 186.

a-spyrian, -spyrigan, -spyrigean; p. ede; pp. ed To search, explore, trace, discover, explain; investigare, indagare, explorare, enucleare :-- Se ðe nele, be his andgites mæ-acute;ðe, ða bóclícan gewritu aspyrian, hú hí to Criste belimpaþ he who will not, according to the measure of his understanding, search the book-writings, how they refer to Christ, Homl. Th. ii. 284, 30. Aspyrige hit út let him trace it out, L. Ath. iv. 2 ; Th. i. 222, 14, note 33. Ðæt mihte ðæra twegra tweón aspyrian that might discover the difference of the two, Salm. Kmbl. 870 ; Sal. 434: Elen. Kmbl. 932; El. 467. Ic aspyrige enucleo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 18: Ps. Th. 105, 2.