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cneátung, e; f. A debate, an inquiry, a search; disputatio, scrutinium, Scint. 14.

CNEDAN; ic cnede, ðú cnidest, cnist, he cnit, pl. cnedaþ; p. ic, he cnæd, ðú cnæ-acute;de, pl. cnæ-acute;don; pp. cneden To KNEAD, ferment; subigere, fermentare :-- Cnede to ðam [MS. ðan] hláfe to knead bread, Lchdm. iii. 134, 21. Óþ-ðæt sie cneden donec fermentaretur, Lk. Skt. Rush. 13, 21. [Chauc. knede: Orm. knedenn: Dut. Kil. knéden: Ger. kneten: M. H. Ger. knëten: O. H. Ger. knetan: Dan. knede: Swed. knåda: Icel. knoða.] DER. ge-cnedan.

CNEÓ, cneów, es; n. I. a KNEE; genu :-- Ðæt he on cneó lecge honda and heáfod that he lays his hands and head on his knee, Exon. 77a; Th. 289, 3; Wand. 42. Me synt cneówu unhále genua mea infirmata sunt, Ps. Th. 108, 24. Cneówu genua, Wrt. Voc. 283, 68. Hie on cneówum sæ-acute;ton they sat on their knees, Cd. 181; Th. 227, 2; Dan. 180: Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 22: Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 35: Exon. 48a; Th. 164, 19; Gú. 1014. Cneó bígeþ bends the knees, Exon. 62b; Th. 229, 23; Ph. 459. Cneó bégean scolden genua flectere deberent, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 39, col. 2: Elen. Kmbl. 1693; El. 848: Exon. 63a; Th. 232, 29; Ph. 514: 112b; Th. 431, 9; Rä. 45, 5. II. a generation, relationship; generatio, propinquitatis gradus :-- On ánum cneówe in generatione una, Ps. Th. 108, 13. Óþ hund cneówa [MS. cnea] to a hundred generations, Exon. 124a; Th. 476, 16; Ruin. 8. Binnan cneówe within relationship, L. E. G. 12; Th. i. 174, 25. In ðam þriddan cneówe mid Crécum mót man wif niman, in fiftan mid Rómánum in tertio propinquitatis gradu apud Græcos viro licet uxorem ducere, in quinto apud Romanos, L. Ecg. C. 28; Th. ii. 152, note h. Binnan ðam feórþan cneówe within the fourth degree of relationship, L. Eth. vi. 12; Th. i. 318, 15. [Piers P. knowes knees: Laym. cneo: Orm. cnewwe: Plat. knee knee, generation: O. Sax. knio, kneo, n. knee: O. Frs. kni, kne, n. knee, degree of relationship: Dut. Kil. knie, f. knee: Ger. M. H. Ger. knie, n: O. H. Ger. kniu, kneo, n: Goth. kniu, n: Dan. knæ, n: Swed. knä, n: Icel. kné, n: Lat. genu, n: Grk. GREEK , n: Sansk. j&a-long;nu, m. n.]

cneódan; he cneódeþ; p. cneád, pl. cnudon; pp. cnoden To give; tr&i-short;bu&e-short;re, cognominare :-- He naman cneódeþ he gives a name, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 24. v. cnódan.

cneóeht; adj. [cneó a knee, -eht = -iht, adj. termination, q. v.] Knotty; geniculatus :-- Sió cneóehte wenwyrt the knotty wenwort, L. M. 1, 64; Lchdm. ii. 140, 8.

Cneoferis burh, burg, e; f. Burghcastle, Suffolk; villæ nomen in agro Suffolciensi :-- Ðá wæs fæger mynster getimbred on wuda neáh sæ-acute; on sumre ceastre, seó is nemned on Englisc Cneoferis burh erat monasterium silvanum, et mares vicinitate amænum, constructum in castro quodam, quod lingua Anglorum Cnobheres burg, id est, urbs Cnobheri vocatur, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 22. v. Cnobheres burh.

cneó-holen, es; m. The shrub knee-holm, butcher's broom; ruscum, Wrt. Voc. 285, 48. v. cneÁw-holen.

cneoht a boy, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 18: 3, 18; S. 545, 45, col. 2. v. cniht.

cneó-mæ-acute;gas, cneów mæ-acute;gas, -mágas; pl. m. [cneó II. generation, mæ-acute;g relation] Relations of the same sex or the same generation; consanguinei :-- Cneówmæ-acute;gas relations, Cd. 83; Th. 104, 11; Gen. 1733. From cneómæ-acute;gum from their relations, Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 8; Æðelst. 8. Enos ongon, mid ðám cneómágum, ceastre timbran Enoch began, with his kinsmen, to build a city, Cd. 50; Th. 64, 28; Gen. 1057: Andr. Kmbl. 1370; An. 685: Elen. Kmbl. 1170; El. 587.

cneord; adj. Diligent, intent; sollers, intentus. DER. ge-cneord.

cneord-læ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte; pp. -læ-acute;ht To be diligent, study; studere, M. H. 14a. DER. ge-cneordlæ-acute;can.

cneordnys, -nyss, e; f. Diligence, study, learning; studium, disciplina :-- Cneordnysse studio, Mone B. 2464: disciplina, 1034. DER ge-cneordnys.

cneóres, cneórys, cneóris, cneórnis, -ress, e; f. A generation, posterity, race, tribe, family; generatio, posteritas, gens, tribus, familia :-- Cneóres generatio, Ælfc. Gl. 91; Som. 75, 18; Wrt. Voc. 51, 63: Mt. Bos. 1, 18. Ðeós cneórys is mánfull cneórys generatio hæe generatio nequam est, Lk. Bos. 11, 29. Hwí sécþ ðeós cneóris tácen quid generatio ista signum quærit? Mk. Bos. 8, 12: Ps. Lamb. 23, 6: Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 9. Cneóresse generationis, Mone B. 896. Mid ðisse cneórysse mannum cum viris generationis hujus, Lk. Bos. 11, 31. Cneórisse bóc liber generationis. Mt. Bos. 1, 1: Ps. Th. 94, 9. Ne gesihþ nán man of ðisse wiirestan cneóresse ðæt góde land non videbit quispiam de hominibus generationis hujus pessimæ terram bonam, Deut. 1, 35: Ps. Th. 44, 18. On ðære þriddan cneórisse in the third generation, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 8: Mk. Bos. 8, 12: Lk. Bos. 11, 30. Fram cynrene on cneórisse a generatione in generationem, Ps. Lamb. 89, 1: 101, 19. Mid ðisse cneórysse cum generatione hac. Lk. Bos. 11, 32: 17, 25. Ealle cneóressa omnes generationes, Mt. Bos. 1, 17. Ðás sind ðære heofenan and ðære eorþan cneórnisse istæ sunt generationes cæli et terræ, Gen. 2, 4. Ðás sind Noes cneórnissa hæ sunt generationes Noe, Gen. 6, 9. Ða on cneóressum cýðed syndan they are known to generations, Ps. Th. 101, 16. Sie gefeá gehwám ðe in cneórissum cende weorþen let there be joy to each one who in their generations shall be born, Exon. 11a; Th. 15, 6; Cri. 232: Cd. 190; Th. 236, 10 ; Dan. 319: Ps. Th. 144, 13. Cneóresse posteritatem, Mone B. 648. Ðære cneórisse wæs Cainan weard Cainan was guardian of that race, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 18; Gen. 1155: 106; Th. 139, 31; Gen. 2318. Hine weorþiaþ wera cneóressa races of men worship him, Ps. Th. 71, 15. Ealle wera cneórissa ðé weorþiaþ omnes gentes adorabunt te, 85, 8: 74, 6. Com God wera cneórissa weorc sceáwigan God came to behold the work of the races of men, Cd. 80; Th. 101, 8; Gen. 1679. Secgaþ on cneórissum dicite in gentibus, Ps. Th. 95, 9: Cd. 64 ; Th. 77, 12; Gen. 1274. Cneóres tribus, Ælfc. Gl. 49; Som. 65, 73; Wrt. Voc. 34, 8. Cneórisse cende wæ-acute;ron ascenderunt tribus, Ps. Th. 121, 4. Se biþ wiðerbreca wera cneórissum he shall be an adversary to the tribes of men, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 8; Gen. 2288: Exon. 44b; Th. 151, 7; Gú. 791. Mon awóc on ðære cneórisse cynebearna rím one raised up in that family a number of princely children, Cd. 82; Th. 102, 22; Gen. 1704. Of Cames cneórisse wóc wermæ-acute;gþa fela from Ham's family arose many tribes of men, 79; Th. 98, 29; Gen. 1637.

cneó-rím, cneów-rím, es; n. The number of kin, progeny, family; cognatorum numerus, progenies, familia :-- Of ðam wíd folc, cneórím micel, cenned wæ-acute;ron from whom a wide-spread people, a great progeny, were born, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 32; Gen. 1639. Cneórím [MS. cneorisn] Caines the family of Cain, 63; Th. 76, 12; Gen. 1256. He his cynnes cneórím ícte he increased the progeny of his race, 59; Th. 72, 22; Gen. 1190. Ða ðæs cynnes cneówrím ícton they increased the progeny of the race, 52; Th. 65, 13; Gen. 1065.

cneóris a generation, race, tribe, family, Mk. Bos. 8, 12: Ps. Th. 74, 6: 121, 4: Cd. 79; Th. 98, 29; Gen. 1637. v. cneóres.

cneórnis, -niss, e; f. A generation, Gen. 2, 4: 6, 9. v. cneóres.

cneórys a generation, Lk. Bos. ll, 29, 31, 32: 17, 25. v. cneóres.

cneó-sib a race, generation. v. cneów-sib.

cneów, es ; n, I. a knee; genu :-- Cneów genu, Ælfc. Gl. 75; Som. 71, 87; Wrt. Voc. 44, 69: 71, 52. Heó on cneów sette she knelt down, Elen. Kmbl. 2270; El. 1136: Ps. Th. 94, 6. Hí bígdon heora cneów befóran him they bowed their knees before him, Mt. Bos. 27, 29. II. a generation; generatio :-- In ðære þeóde awóc his ðæt þridde cneów in that nation rose the third generation from him, Cd. 209; Th. 258, 16; Dan. 676. v. cneó.

cneów, pl. cneówon knew; p. of cnáwan.

cneó-wærc, cneów-wærc, es ; n? A pain in the knees; genuum dolor :-- Wið cneówærce for a pain in the knees, Lchdm. iii. 16, 16. Wið cneów-wærce, L. M. 1, 24; Lchdm. ii. 66, 11.

cneów-holen, cneó-holen, es; m. n? KNEEHOLM, knee-hulver, knee-holly, butcher's broom; ruscum, victoriola, ruscus aculeatus, Lin :-- Genim twegen scenceas fulle wóses ðysse wyrte, ðe man victoriola, and óðrum naman cneówholen, nemneþ take two cups full of the juice of this herb, which is called victoriola, and by another name knee-holly, Herb. 59; Lchdm. i. 162, 6. Genim cneówholen take knee-holly, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 10: 1, 39; Lchdm. ii. 102, 9: 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 266, 15: iii. 4, 29: 30, 14. Wyrc to drence twá cneówholen make into a drink the two knee-hollies, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 8.

cneówian, cneówigan; part. cneówigende; p. ode; pp. od [cneó, cneów a knee] To bow the knee, to kneel; genuflectere :-- Benedictus on his gebédum cneówode Benedict knelt down in prayer, Homl. Th. ii. 154, 20: 178, 33. Cneówigende genuflectens, Proæm. R. Conc. DER. ge-cneówian.

cneówlian; p. ode; pp. od To KNEEL; genuflectere, MS. Tib. A. iii. fol. 94. v. cneówian.

cneów-mæ-acute;gas, -mágas relations, Cd. 83; Th. 104, 11; Gen. 1733: Elen. Kmbl. 1372; El. 688. v. cneó-mæ-acute;gas.

cneów-rím progeny, Cd. 52; Th. 65, 13; Gen. 1065. v. cneó-rím.

cneów-sib; gen. -sibbe; f. A race, generation; generatio :-- Cende cneówsibbe cénra manna he begot a race of brave men, Cd. 161; Th. 200, 13; Exod. 356.

cneówung, cnéwung, e; f. A kneeling; genuflectio, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 39, note.

cneów-wærc a pain in the knees, L. M. 1, 24; Lchdm. ii. 66, 11. v. cneó-wærc.

cneów-wyrste; pl. f. [wrist, wyrst the wrist] Knee-joints; genicula, Ælfc. Gl. 75; Som. 71, 88; Wrt. Voc. 44, 70.

cnep a top, summit, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 147, 55. v. cnæp.

cnídan; p. cnád, pl. cnidon; pp. cniden To beat; cædere :-- Ða sume cnidon [MS. cnidun] they beat some; alium ceciderunt, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 21, 35. DER. for-cnídan.

cnidest, cnist, he cnit kneadest, kneads; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of cnedan.

CNÍF, es; m. A KNIFE; culter, cultellus, artavns, Low Latin = cultellus :-- Cníf artavus, Wrt. Voc. 82, 40. [Chauc. knyfes, pl: Laym. Orm. cnif: Plat. knief, kniiv: Frs. knyf: Kil. knijf: Ger. kneif, m: Dan. kniv, m. f: Swed. knif, m: Icel. knifr, m. a knife or dirk.] v. seax.

CNIHT, cneoht, cnyht, es; m. A boy, youth, attendant, servant, KNIGHT: hence the modern knights of a shire are so called because they