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cuwon chewed, Ælfc. T. 42, 9; p. pl. of ceówan.
CWACIAN, cwacigan; part. cwaciende, cwacigende; p, ode; pp. od To QUAKE, shake, tremble; tremere, contremere :-- Seó eorþe wæs cwaciende the earth was quaking, Ors. 2, 6; Bos. 49; 41. Seó cwacigende swustor the quaking sister, Homl. Th. ii. 32, 26, 31. Heó gemétte ealle hire bearn cwacigende eallum limum she found all her children quaking in every limb, 30, 20. Heard ecg cwacaþ the hard edge shaketh, Elen. Kmbl. 1513 ; El. 758. Céne cwacaþ the bold shall quake, Exon. 19b; Th. 50, 8; Cri. 797. Ða téþ cwaciaþ on swíðlícum cýle their teeth shall quake in the intense cold, Homl. Th. i. 132, 27: 530, 35. Ic cwacode eal on fefore I quaked all in a fever, ii. 312, 19. Cwacode eorþe contremuit terra, Ps. Spl. C. 17, 9. Cwacode he sóna he instantly quaked, Homl. Th. ii. 312, 15: 32, 3, 19. [Prompt. quaky&n-long; tremere: Wyc. Piers P. quaken: R. Brun. Chauc. R. Glouc. quake: Laym. quakien, cwakie.]
cwacung, e; f. A QUAKING, trembling; tremor :-- Sóna biþ ætstilled sió cwacung the quaking will soon be stilled, L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 11. Cwacung gegráp híg tremor apprehendit eos, Ps. Spl. C. 47, 5. On cwacunge in tremore, Ps. Spl. C. 2, 11. Wæs se múnt Garganus bifigende mid ormætre cwacunge the mount Garganus was trembling with immense quaking, Homl. Th. i. 504, 28. Búton cwacunge without guaking, ii. 32, 18.
cwæ-acute;de, pl. cwæ-acute;don said, Ps. Th. 89, 3: Cd. 191; Th. 238, 28; Dan. 361; 2nd sing. p. and p. pl. of cweðan.
cwæl, pl. cwæ-acute;lon died; p. of cwelan.
cwælm death, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cwealm.
cwælu a violent death, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cwalu.
cwæ-acute;man to please, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cwéman.
cwæ-acute;n a queen :-- Æðelfriþ cwæ-acute;n, seó wæs Ælfrédes swuster, forþférde, and hire líc líþ æt Pauian queen Æthelfrith, who was Alfred's sister, died, and her body lies at Pavia, Chr. 888; Erl. 87, 16-18. v. cwén.
cwært-ern a prison. Mt. Kmbl. Rl. 25, 43, 44. v. cweart-ern.
cwæstednys a trembling, Som. Ben. Lye. UNCERTAIN DER. to-cwæstednys.
cwæþ QUOTH, said, spoke, Deut. 32, 26: Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 30, 31; p. of cweðan.
cwæðst sayest, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 3, 7, = cweðst; 2nd pres. sing. of cweðan.
CWALU, e; f. A quelling with weapons, torment, a violent death, slaughter, destruction; nex, cædes, exitium :-- Se cyning Eádwine mid árleásre cwale ofslegen wæs rex Æduini impia nece occisus, Bd. 2, 14; S. 517, 32: 2, 12; S. 513, 9, 12, 16. Þurh ánes engles cwale, on Cristes cwale through an angel's death, by Christ's death, Boutr. Scrd. 17, 38. Hú nyt is ðe mín slæge, oððe mín cwalu slaughter, oððe mín rotung on byrgenne? Ps. Th. 29, 8. To cwale cnihta for the destruction of the youths, Cd. 184; Th. 229, 32; Dan. 226. To cwale syllan to give to death. Exon. 70a; Th. 259, 29; Jul. 289. To cwale læ-acute;dan to lead to death, 74b; Th. 279, 14; Jul. 613. [Laym. quale murrain; quale-huse, cwal-huse a torture-house: O. Sax. quala, f: Dut. kwaal malum, morbus: Kil. quaele languor, ægritudo: Ger. qual, f: M. H. Ger. quël, f. torment: O. H. Ger. quála nex, pernicies: Dan. qwal, m. f: Swed. qual, n. anguish, agony: Icel. kwal- in compounds, pain, torment.] DER. deáþ-cwalu, feorh-, gást-, hearm-, hell-, líg-, níþ-, swylt-, sylf-.
cwanc, pl. cwuncon disappeared; p. of cwincan.
CWÁNIAN; part. cwániende; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To bewail, deplore, lament, mourn; plorare, deplorare, queri, lugere. I. v. trans :-- Sum sceal, leómena leás, sár cwánian one, void of light, shall bewail his pain, Exon. 87b; Th. 328, 18; Vy. 19: 73b; Th. 274, 23; Jul. 537. II. v. intrans :-- Cwániendra cirm the cry of mourning men, Exon. 20a; Th. 52, 19, note; Cri. 836. Weras cwánedon the men lamented, Andr. Kmbl. 3071; An. 1538. [Plat. kwinen to languish: Dut. kwijnen to linger, pine: Kil. quenen, quynen tabescere: M. H. Ger. quinen to languish: Goth. qainon lamentari, lugere: Icel. kweina to wail, lament.]
cwánig; adj. [cwánian to bewail, lament, mourn] Complaining, bewailing, sad; querulus, tristis. DER. mód-cwánig.
Cwanta-wíc, es; n. [wíc a dwelling] St. Josse-sur-Mer or Estaples, the ancient name of which was Quantovic or Quentawich :-- Hér wæs micel wælsliht on Lundenne and on Cwanta-wíc and on Hrófes ceastre in this year [A. D. 839] there was a great slaughter at London and at Estaples and at Rochester, Chr. 839; Erl. 66, 17.
cwart-ern a prison :-- Ic wæs on cwarterne eram in carcere, Mt. Kmbl. Hat. 25, 36, 39. v. cweart-ern.
Cwat-brycg, -bricg, e; f. [Ethelw. Cantbricge: Flor. Quatbrig: Hunt. Quadruge: Matt. West. Quantebridge] Bridgenorth in Shropshire; oppidi nomen UNCERTAIN in agro Salopiensi :-- Hí gedydon æt Cwatbricge be Sæfern they arrived at Bridgenorth on the Severn, Chr. 896; Th. 173, 43, col. 1: col. 2 has Brygce. Æt Cwatbrycge, Th. 174, 1, col. 1, 2. Sæ-acute;ton hie ðone winter æt Cwatbrycge [Bricge, Th. 174, 10, col. 2; 175, 9, col. 1: Brygcge, 175, 10, col. 2] they remained that winter at Bridgenorth, Chr. 896; Th. 174, 11, col. 1. v. Bricg.
CWEAD, es; n. Dung, filth, ordure; stercus :-- Sume nimaþ wearm cwead some take warm dung, L. M. 1, 50; Lchdm. ii. 124, 8: 2, 48; Lchdm. ii. 262, 18. Of cweade de stercore, Ps. Spl. 112, 6. [Wyc. quad, quade, adj. bad: Piers P. queed the evil one, devil: Plat. quaad, adj. bad, evil: O. Frs. quad, qwad, adj. bad, evil: Dut. kwaad, n. evil, mischief: Kil. quaed, quaet, quat, kat stercus, oletum: Ger. koth, m. merda, lutum: M. H. Ger. kát, kót, quat, m. n. stercus: O. H. Ger. chot stercus: Zend gútha, m. dirt: Sansk. g&u-long;tha, m. n. execrement.]
cweahte, pl. cweahton quaked, vibrated; p. of cweccan.
cwealde, pl. cwealdon slew, Exon. 65b; Th. 243, 3; Jul. 5: Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 80, 41; p. of cwellan.
cwealm, cwélm, es; m. n. [cwelan to die] Death, destruction, a violent death, slaughter, murder, torment, plague, pestilence, contagion, QUALM; mors, pernicies, nex, cædes, homicidium, cruciatus, lues, pestis, pestilentia, contagium :-- Hine se cwealm ne þeáh death profited him not, Exon. 74b; Th. 278, 30; Jul. 605: Cd. 79; Th. 98, 1; Gen. 1623: Elen. Kmbl. 1349; El. 676. Him cwelm gesceód death destroyed him, Cd. 208; Th. 257, 36; Dan. 668. Yida UNCERTAIN cwealm a slaughter of men, Andr. Kmbl. 363; An. 182. Cwealmes wyrhta a worker of murder, a murderer, Cd. 48; Th. 61, 29; Gen. 1004. Ðider sóþfæstra sáwla mótun cuman æfter cwealme thither the souls of the just may come after death, Exon. 32b; Th. 103, 14; Cri. 1688: Cd. 166; Th. 207, 18; Exod. 468. To wera cwealme for the destruction of men, Andr. Kmbl. 3013; An. 1509. Ic honda gewemde on Caines cwealme míne I have polluted my hands in Cain's murder, Cd. 52; Th. 67, 4; Gen. 1095. In Caines cynne ðone cwealm gewræc Drihten the Lord avenged the death [of Abel] on Cain's race, Beo. Th. 215; B. 107: Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 17; Cri. 1426: Andr. Kmbl. 2243: An. 1123. Ðú wást cwealm hátne in helle thou knowest hot torment in hell, 2374; An. 1188: 562; An. 281. Þurh deáþes cwealm through pain of death, Exon. 35b; Th. 115, 26; Gú. 195: Cd. 224; Th. 296, 9; Sat. 499. Mid morþes cwealme with pain of death, 35; Th. 47, 9; Gen. 758. Cwealma mæ-acute;st the greatest of torments, hell, Exon. 31b; Th. 99, 20; Cri. 1627. Micel cwealm wearþ ðæs folces the mortality of the people was great, Homl. Th. ii. 122, 18. Cwealm pestilentia vel contagium vel lues, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 57, 8; Wrt. Voc. 19, 18. Ðæt us cwealm on ne becume ne forte occidat nos pestis, Ex. 5, 3. To ðam swíðe awédde se cwealm ðæt hundeahtatig manna of lífe gewiton the plague raged to that degree that eighty men departed from life, Homl. Th. ii. 126, 18: Exon. 89a; Th. 335, 7; Gn. Ex. 30. On ðissum geáre com micel máncwealm on Brytene ígland, and on ðam cwealme forþférde Tuda biscop in this year [A. D. 664] there was a great plague in the island of Britain, and bishop Tuda died of the plague, Chr. 664; Erl. 35, 19: Homl. Th. ii. 124, 2. Godes miltsung ðone rédan cwealm gestilde God's mercy stilled the cruel pestilence, ii. 126, 22. Beóþ mycele eorþan styrunga geond stówa, and cwealmas terræmotus magni erunt per loca, et pestilentiæ, Lk. Bos. 21, 11. In the following example cwealm is neuter :-- Sume ic þurh mislíc cwealm mínum hondum slóg some I slew by my hands through various deaths, Exon. 73a; Th. 272, 2; Jul. 493. [Chauc. qualm sickness: Laym. qualm mortality, plague: Plat. qualm vapour, smoke: O. Sax. qualm, m. violent death, murder: Dut. kwalm, m. reek, moist: Ger. qualm, m. vapour, smoke: M. H. Ger. qualm, m. anguish: O. H. Ger. qualm, m. nex: Dan. qwalm, m. f. vapour, smoke: Swed. qwalm, n. sultriness.] DER. beadu-cwealm, bealo-, bróðor-, deáþ-, feorh-, gár-, mán-, morþor-, níþ-, orf-, út-, wael-, yrf-.
cwealm-bæ-acute;re, cwylm-bæ-acute;re; adj. [-bæ-acute;re, an adj. termination; producing, bearing] Death-bearing, deadly; mortif&e-short;rus :-- Ðeáh ðe he cwealmbæ-acute;re wæ-acute;re though he was death-bearing, Wanl. Catal. 164, 48, col. 1. Drenc mid ðam cwealmbæ-acute;rum áttre gemenged a drink mingled with deadly poison, Homl. Th. ii. 158, 17: 260, 11. Cwealmbæ-acute;rne mortif&e-short;rum, Mone B. 4905. Cómon ða cempan mid cwylmbæ-acute;rum tólum the soldiers came with deadly tools, Homl. Th. ii. 260, 7.
cwealm-bæ-acute;rnes, -ness, e; f. Destruction, ruin, deadliness, mortality; pernicies, mortalitas. v. cwelm-bæ-acute;rnys.
cwealm-bealu; gen. -bealuwes; n. [bealo, bealu bale, evil] Deadly evil; cædis malum :-- Ðæt hit móste cwealmbealu cýðan that it must make known the deadly evil, Beo. Th. 3884; B. 1940.
cwealm-cuma, an; m. [cuma, q. v. a comer, guest] A deadly guest; advena cædem parans :-- Nolde eorla hleó ðone cwealmcuman cwicne forlæ-acute;tan the refuge of the earls would not leave the deadly guest living, Beo. Th. 1588; B. 792.
cwealm-dreór, es; m. [dreór blood] Slaughter-gore; sanguis cæde profusus, Cd. 47; Th. 60, 22; Gen. 985.
cwealmnes, cwylmnes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Torment, pain, anguish; cruciatus :-- Ða wæ-acute;ron missenlícum cwealmnyssum þréste qui diversis cruciatibus torti, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 13. Fram swá myclum cwylmnessum a tamque diutinis cruciatibus, 4, 9; S. 577, 10.
cwealm-stede, es; m. [stede a place] A death-place; mortis-locus :-- To cwealmstede ad palæstram, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 148, 46.
cwealm-stów, e; f. [stów a place] A place of execution; patibuli vel supplicii locus :-- He to ðære cwealmstówe læ-acute;ded wæs he was led to the place of execution, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, note 38.