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Sumum yrrum ealowósan, were wínsadum from one irritated as an ale-drinker, a wine-sated man. Exon. 87 b; Th. 330, 10; Vy. 49.

eal-riht; adj. All-right; p&e-short;n&i-short;tus rectus, R. Ben. 72, Lye.

eal-sealf, e; f. [eal all, sealf salve] The herb called the oak of Jerusalem or the oak of Cappadocia; ambr&o-short;sia, Som. Ben. Lye:=GREEK a perfumed salve, a plant; ambr&o-short;sia m&a-short;r&i-short;t&i-short;ma, Diosc. 3, 129, L. S. Lex. under GREEK.

eal-seolcen; adj. All-silken; holos&e-long;r&i-short;cus = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 62; Som. 68, 92; Wrt. Voc. 40, 3.

eal-swá, eall-swá; adv. ALSO, so, so as, likewise, even as, even so; sim&i-short;l&i-short;ter, s&i-long;cut :-- Cristenum cyninge gebýreþ ðæt he sý ealswá hit riht is it is the duty of a Christian king to be as it is right, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 8, 22. Ðá cwæþ he ealswá to ðám óðrum dixit sim&i-short;l&i-short;ter ad alt&e-short;rum, Mt. Bos. 21, 30. Gewurþe ðé, ealswá ðu wylle fiat t&i-long;bi s&i-long;cut vis, Mt. Bos. 15, 28. [Piers P. Chauc. als also: Laym. alse, al so, al swa, al swo as, so, also, thus, as if: Orm. allse, alls, allswa, all swa also, as, so: O. Sax. alsó sim&i-short;l&i-short;ter, tanquam, s&i-long;cut, qu&a-short;si, quum: Frs. als, az, alsa s&i-long;cut, cum, ita, si: O. Frs. alsa, olsa ita, cum: Dut. als when, if; alzoo thus, so: Ger. also thus; als as, when: M. H. Ger. als, alsó, alse thus, when: O. H. Ger. al só ut, s&i-long;cut, v&e-short;lut, sic.]

eal-teaw; adj. [eal all, teaw = tæw good] Entirely good; omn&i-long;no b&o-short;nus :-- Gif he ealteawne ende gedreógeþ if he enjoys a very good end, Cd. Jun. 110, 16; Hy. 2, 13; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 13.

EALU, ealo, es; n: generally indecl. in sing. ALE; cerv&i-short;sia, s&i-long;c&e-short;ra :-- Ne he ealu ne drince næ-acute;fre oððe wín let him never drink ale nor wine. Jud. 13, 4. Iohannes se Fulluhtere ne dranc náðor ne win, ne beor, ne ealu John the Baptist drank neither wine, nor beer, nor ale, Homl. Th. ii. 38, 7: Bt. 17; Fox 60, 5, MS. Cot: L. M. 1. 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 15: Beo. Th. 1542; B. 769. [Chauc. Laym. ale: O. Sax. alo in alo-fat, n. an ale-cup: Dan. Swed. Icel. öl, n.]

ealu-benc, ealo-benc, e; f. An ale-bench; scamnum cerv&i-short;siam bibentium :-- On ealu-bence on the ale-bench, Beo. Th. 5726; B. 2867.

ealu-clýfe an ale-house, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eala-hús.

ealu-fæt an ale-vat, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ealo-fæt.

ealu-gafol, es; n. [gafol tax, tribute] Tribute or excise paid for ale; cerv&i-short;siæ tr&i-short;butum :-- On sumen lande gebúr sceal syllan hunig-gafol, on suman mete-gafol, on suman ealu-gafol in one place a boor shall give honey-tribute, in another meat-tribute, in another ale-tribute, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 32.

ealu-gál ale-drunken, v. ealo-gal.

ealu-geweorc ale-brewing, v. ealu.

ealu-malt malt used for making ale. v. ealu, alo-malt.

ealu-sceop, es; m. An ale-brewer, a brewer; cerv&i-short;si&a-long;rius. Som. Ben. Lye.

ealu-scóp, eala-scóp, es; m. An ale-poet :-- We læ-acute;raþ, ðæt æ-acute;nig preóst ne beó ealu-scóp we teach that no priest be an ale-poet, L. Edg. C. 58; Th. ii. 256, 15.

ealu-wæ-acute;ge, es; n. An ale-cup; p&a-short;t&e-short;ra, scyphus :-- Dóhtor Hróþgáres eorlum ealuwæ-acute;ge bær Hrothgar's daughter bore the ale-cup to the earls, Beo. Th. 4047; B. 2021.

ealu-wósa ale-wetter or drinker, v. ealo-wósa.

Eal-walda, an; m. All-ruler, the Almighty; omnium rector, Cd. 14; Th. 16, 20; Gen. 246. v. Eal-wealda.

eal-weald; adj. All-powerful, almighty; omn&i-short;p&o-short;tens :-- Æ-acute;rende ealwealdan Gode wæs sprecen a message was spoken to the all-powerful God, Andr. Kmbl. 3239; An. 1622.

Eal-wealda, an; m. All-ruler, God, the Almighty; omnium rector, Deus, omn&i-short;p&o-short;tens :-- For ðam ealwealdan [MS. alwealdan] for the all-ruler [God], Cd. 19; Th. 23, 13; Gen. 359. Noldon ealwealdan [MS. alwealdan] word weorþian they would not revere the all-ruler's [the Almightys'] word, 18; Th. 21, 23; Gen. 328.

eal-werlíce; adv. All-manly, liberally, freely; prorsus vir&i-long;l&i-short;ter, benigne :-- Ealwerlíce [MS. ealwerlíc] dó Driht benigne fac Domine, Ps. Spl. 50, 19.

eal-wihta all beings, v. eall-wihta.

eal-wundor a very wonderful thing, v. eall-wundor.

eam am :-- Ic eam biddende Drihten ad Deum depr&e-short;c&a-long;tus sum, Ps. Th. 141, 1. Ic eam leás écan dreámes I am bereft of eternal joy, Cd. 216; Th. 275, 7; Sat. 168: Exon. 10a; Th. 11, 8; Cri. 167: Exon. 36a; Th. 116, 34; Gú. 217: Mt. Rush. Stv. 11. 29. v. eom.

EÁM, es; m. An EAM, uncle chiefly on the mother's side; avunc&u-short;lus :-- Eám avunc&u-short;lus. Wrt. Voc. 72, 42 : Beo. Th. 1766; B. 881: Exon. 112b; Th. 431, 35; R&a-long;. 47, 6: Chr. 1066; Erl. 203, 17. Nim ðé wif of Labanes dóhtrum ðínes eámes acc&i-short;pe t&i-short;bi inde ux&o-long;rem de f&i-long;li&a-long;bus Lab&a-long;ni avunc&u-short;li tui. Gen. 28, 2: 29, 10: Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 35, 32: 2, 2; Bos. 41, 7: Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 33. Rom&u-short;lus slóh his eám Romulus slew his uncle, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 41, 43: Chr. 1046; Erl. 175, 5, 23. Mín eám avunc&u-short;lus meus: mínes eámes fæder avunc&u-short;lus meus magnus: mínes eámes yldre fæder proavunc&u-short;lus meus: mínes eámes þridde fæder abavunc&u-short;lus meus, Ælfc. Gl. 93; Som. 75, 65-71; Wrt. Voc. 52, 21-24. [Chauc, eem, eme: Laym. æm, eam, æem, hem: Plat. oom. m: Dut. oom, m: Frs. yem, yeme: O. Frs. em, m: Ger. ohm, oheim, m: M. H. Ger. óheim, oeheim, m: O. H. Ger. óheim, m.] For an uncle on the father's side, v. fædera.

eám, eán to waters :-- Ofer ðám eam s&u-short;per fl&u-long;m&i-short;na, Ps. Th. 23, 2. Betweoh ðám twám eán between the two waters, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 16, 28; dat. pl. of eá.

eánian, eánigan; part. eánigende; p. eánode; pp. eánod [eáw=eówu a female sheep, a ewe] To YEAN, bring forth as a ewe; en&i-long;ti, partur&i-long;re :-- He genam hine of eówedum sceápa, fram eánigendum he genam hine sust&u-short;lit eum [D&a-long;v&i-short;dem] de gr&e-short;g&i-short;bus ovium, de post fetantes [oves] acc&e-long;pit eum, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70. DER. ge-eán. [Prompt. enyñ', brynge forthe kyndelyngys [A. Sax. litlingas]. The verb to ean or yean, which is commonly applied only to the bringing forth of lambs, here appears to have had anciently the more general signification of the word from which it is derived, A. Sax. eánian en&i-long;ti, part&u-short;r&i-long;re: Wyc. ene, eene, &yogh;eene, &yogh;ene, yeene sheep with lambs, Ps. 143, 13: Is. 40, 11: Dut. dial. oonen to produce young.]

eá-ófer, es; m. A river-bank; r&i-long;pa fl&u-long;minis :-- Be sæ-acute;waroþe, and be eá-ófrum by the sea-shore, and by river-banks. Bt. Met. Fox 19, 43.

eapl an apple, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 7; Sae. 411. v. æppel.

ear, ær, es; m. Sea, ocean; m&a-short;re, oce&a-short;nus :-- Hyre [dúne] deorc on lást eare geblonden óðer fereþ dark on its [the down's] track goes another mixed with the ocean, Exon. 101b; Th. 384, 3; Rä. 4, 22. v. ear-gebland, ear-grund.

EAR, es; n. An EAR of corn; sp&i-long;ca :-- Seó eorþe wæstm beraþ, æ-acute;rest gærs, syððan ear, syððan fulne hwæ-acute;te on ðam eare terra fruct&i-short;f&i-short;cat, primum herbam, deinde sp&i-long;cam, deinde pl&e-long;num frumeníum in sp&i-long;ca, Mk. Bos. 4, 28. Ða seofon fullan ear getácniaþ seofon wæstmbæ-acute;re geár and wélige septem sp&i-long;cæ pl&e-long;næ septem ubert&a-long;tis anni sunt, Gen. 41, 26, 27. Pharao rehte Iosepe be ðám oxum and be ðám earum Pharaoh told Joseph of the oxen and of the ears [of corn], Gen. 41, 17. Híg ongunnun pluccian ða ear cœp&e-long;runt vell&e-short;re spicas, Mt. Bos. 12, 1: Mk. Bos. 2, 23: Lk. Bos. 6, 1. Him þuhte, dæt he gesáwe seofon ear weaxan on ánum healme fulle and fægre septem sp&i-long;cæ pull&u-short;l&a-long;bant in culmo uno pl&e-long;næ atque form&o-long;sæ, Gen. 41, 5: Lev. 23, 22: Deut. 23, 25. [Wyc. eere, ere: R. Glouc. eres, pl: Plat, aar, aare: Dut. aar, f: Ger. ähre, f; äher, n: M. H. Ger. äher, eher, n: O. H. Ger. ahir, eher, n: Goth. ahs, n: Dan. Swed. Icel. ax, n. Grimm supposes the root of these words to be ak sharp, and refers to Lat. acus, acies, acidus: Ger. ecke a corner.]

eár before. Chr. 1041; Th. 299, 15, col. 1. ILLEGIBLE v. æ-acute;r.

EÁR, es; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune RUNE, which stands for the letters ea: v. Steph. Runic Monmnts. p. 100, 11; 117, col. 7: and p. 137: the earth, the ground; h&u-short;mus :-- RUNE byþ egle eorla gehwylcum, ðonne fæstlíce flæ-acute;sc onginneþ hráw cólian, hrusan ceósan to gebeddan the ground is hateful to every man, when surely the flesh beginneth to cool as a corpse, to choose the earth for a consort, Runic pm. 29; Kmbl. 345, 10: Hick. Thes. i. 135, 57. [Icel. aurr, m. h&u-short;mus. Hylja auri h&u-short;mo cond&e-short;re, Kormak's Saga.]

earan are. Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 463, 1. v. eom.

earbe, an; f? A tare; ervum :-- Dó earban to add tares, L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 4. v. earfe.

earc, e; f: earce, an; f. I. the ark of Noah; arca :-- Noe on ða earce eode Noah went into the ark. Mt. Bos. 24, 38: Lk. Bos. 17, 27. Under earce bord under the boards of the ark, Cd. 67; Th. 80, 23; Gen. 1333. Earce bordum with the boards of the ark, 67; Th. 81, 33; Gen. 1354. II. a chest, the ark of the covenant; cista, cistella :-- Cest vel earc cib&o-long;tium = GREEK, vel cistella, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 64; Wrt. Voc. 16, 37. On earce in the chest, Exon. 124b; Th. 479, 3; Rä. 62, 2. Æt Godes earce to the ark of God, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 30; Dan. 752: Ps. Th. 131, 8. v. earce. f; arc, m.

earce, an; f. The ark; arca :-- Ðú earce eart eall-háligra tu arca sanctific&a-long;ti&o-long;nis tuæ, Ps. Th. 131, 8. v. earc II.

eár-clæ-acute;nsend, es; m. [eáre, clæ-acute;nsian to cleanse] An ear-cleanser, the little finger; d&i-short;g&i-short;tus aur&i-short;c&u-short;l&a-long;ris :-- Eárclæ-acute;nsend [MS. earclæsnend] aur&i-short;c&u-short;l&a-long;ris, Wrt. Voc. 283, 24.

earcnan-stán, es; m. A precious stone, gem; gemma, l&a-short;pis pr&e-short;ti&o-long;sa :-- Se earcnanstán the precious stone, Exon. 253; Th. 73, 27; Cri. 1196. v. eorcnan-stán.

eár-cóðu, e; f. [eáre. cóðu a disease] An ear-disease; par&o-long;tis = GREEK :-- Eár-cóðu par&o-long;t&i-short;des, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 57; Wrt. Voc. 20, 1.

EARD, es; m. I. native soil or land, country, province, region, place of residence, dwelling, home; s&o-short;lum n&a-long;t&i-long;vum, patria, r&e-short;gio, d&o-short;m&i-short;c&i-short;lium :-- Sumra wyrta oððe sumes wuda eard biþ on dúnum, sumra on merscum ... on ðære stówe ðe his eard biþ the native soil of some herbs or of some wood is on hills, some in marshes ... in the place which is its native soil, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 22-26. He com to his earde v&e-long;nit in patriam suam, Mt. Bos. 13, 54. Nys nán wítega bútan wurþ-scype, búton on hys earde non est proph&e-long;ta sine h&o-short;n&o-long;re, n&i-short;si in patria sua, 13, 57. Eard patria, Ælfc. Gl. 97; Som. 76, 57; Wrt. Voc. 54, 1. Ðis is mín ágen cýþ, eard and éðel this is my own country, dwelling, and home, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 99; Met. 24, 50. Ðú gebunde ðæt fyr ðæt hit ne mæg cuman to his ágenum earde thou hast bound the fire, that it may not come to its own region, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 32, 24. Ne ðæ-acute;r elþeó-