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ge-innian; pp. -innod To bring in, include, to fill, supply, charge; præstare, includere :-- Wolde God geinnian ðone lyre God would supply the loss, Homl. Th. i. 12, 24 : 180, 18 : L. In. 62; Th. i. 142, 4 : Th. Apol. 23, 7. Súsle geinnod with sulphur filled, Cd. 2; Th. 3, 28; Gen. 42. He hæfþ geinnod ðat æ-acute;r geútod wæs he has included what before was excluded, Cod. Ex. p. 1.

ge-inseglian, -insegelian; p. ode; pp. od, ud To seal, to impress with a seal; signare, obsignare :-- Hú næ-acute;ron ðás geinseglude on mínum goldhordum? whether these thingis ben seelid in myn tresouris? Wyc; nonne hæc signata in thesauris meis? Deut. 32, 34. Annas and Caiphas ðæt loc geinseglodon Annas et Caiphas illud claustrum obsignarunt, Nicod. 14; Thw. 7, 2. Lá hú ne ðás þingc geinseglode on goldhordum mínum nonne hæc signata in thesauris meis, Cant. Moys. Isrl. Lamb. 194 a, 34 : Th. Apol. 20, 10 : 21, 2.

ge-irgan; p. de; pp. ed To make cowardly, terrify, Jos. 2, 9. v. geyrgan.

ge-irman; p. de; pp. ed To afflict; affl&i-long;g&e-short;re :-- Ðæt hie elles ne síen geirmed that they be not altogether afflicted, Past. 28, 1; Swt. 189, 16; Hat. MS. 36 b, 5. v. ge-yrman.

ge-iukod; part. p. Yoked :-- Geiukodan oxan junctis bobus, Th. An. 19, 19.

ge-lác, es; n. [lácan to move as e.g. the waves do, to sport, play] Motion, commotion, tumultuous assembly, play :-- Sealtýða gelác the tossing of the salt waves, Exon. 82 a; Th. 308, 5; Seef. 35 : 115 a; Th. 442, 3; Kl. 7 : Ps. Th. 118, 136 : Bt. Met. Fox 20, 345; Met. 20, 173 : 26, 57; Met. 26, 29. Sweorda gelác the play of swords, i. e. battle, Beo. Th. 2084; B. 1040 : 2340; B. 1168. Gelác engla and deófla hosts of angels and devils, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 5; Cri. 896. Ðurh heard ge ác through hard fortune, Andr. Kmbl. 2185; An. 1094. v. bord-, lind-, lyft-, scín-gelác.

ge-lácan; p. -léc To play a trick on, delude :-- On hý geléc ðæt hý mid him wunnon he deluded them into making war with him, Ors. 3,,7; Bos. 60, 2. [Cf. Icel. leika á to play a trick on.]

ge-lácian, ic, he -lácige; p. ode; pp. od [lác a gift] To give, bestow, present one with a thing; munerare, munerare aliquem aliqua re :-- Gelácige mid eádigum gifum donis beatis munerabit. Mid écum dó, mid hálgum ðínum, wuldre beón gelácod eternâ fac, cum sanctis this, gloriâ munerari, Te Deum, 21; Lamb. 195 b, 21.

ge-lácnian,-lácnigan; p. ode; pp. od To heal, cure; s&a-long;n&a-long;re, m&e-short;d&e-long;ri :-- Gif hine mon gelácnian mæ-acute;ge if he can be healed, L. Alf. pol. 69; Th. i. 98, 8. His sáwle wunda dæ-acute;dbétende gelácnian to heal the wounds of his soul by doing penance, Homl. Th. i. 124, 14. Gelácnigan, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 19; Cri. 1309. Ic gelácnige m&e-short;deor, Ælfc. Gr. 27; Som. 29, 56. Gelácna ðú hý heal thou them, Hy. 1, 5; Hy. Grn. ii. 280, 5. He wæs gelácnod he was cured, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 44. Mon geseah hine laman gelácnian people saw him healing the lame, Blickl. Homl. 177, 16. Hine gelácnode curam ejus egit, Lk. Skt. 10, 34, note.

ge-lád, es; n. A way, path, road, course; via, tr&a-long;mes :-- Oferfór he uncúþ gelád he traversed an unknown way, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 9; Exod. 58 : 158; Th. 197, 27; Exod. 313. Ofer deóp gelád over the deep way, i. e. ocean, Andr. Kmbl. 380; An. 190 : Exon. 51 b; Th. 179, 23; Gú. 1266. v. fen-gelád. See Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. xxvi.

ge-ládian; p. ode; pp. od To clear, vindicate, excuse; purgare, exculpare, excusare :-- Geládige hine let him clear himself, L. C. S. 44; Th. i. 402, 5 : 29; Th. i. 392, 16. Ðonne biþ he self geládod wiþ hine selfne then shall he himself be acquitted towards himself, Past. 21; Swt. 151, 18; Hat. MS.

ge-læccan, -læccean; he -læcþ; p. he -læhte, pl. -læhton; pp. -læht To take, catch, seize, apprehend, comprehend; capere, arripere, comprehendere :-- Ðæt híg woldon hine gelæccean and to cyninge dón, Jn. Bos. 6, 15. Híg gelæhton hys hand, Gen. 19, 16 : Mk. Bos. 9, 18. Ða Englisce men gelæhton of ðám mannon má . . . the English men captured of those men more . . . , Chr. 1087; Er1. 225, 26. Hwæt gelæhtest ðú quid cepisti, Th. An. 22, 5. Germanus gelæhte ðone pistol æt Gregories æ-acute;rendracan and hine totær Germanus took the letter from Gregory's messenger and tore it to pieces, Homl. Th. ii. 122, 29. Hét sóna gelæccan Stranguilionem he bade seize Stranguilio at once, Th. Apol. 25, 25. Ðis þing ic gelæhte I have comprehended this thing; hanc rem apprehendi, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 24.

ge-læ-acute;dan, -lédan; part. -læ-acute;dende; he -læ-acute;deþ, -læ-acute;dt, -læ-acute;t, pl. -læ-acute;daþ; p. ic, he -læ-acute;dde, ðú -læ-acute;ddest, pl. -læ-acute;ddon; impert. -læ-acute;d, pl. -læ-acute;daþ; subj. pres. -læ-acute;ðe, pl. -læ-acute;den; pp. -læ-acute;ded, -læ-acute;dd, -læ-acute;d To lead, conduct, bear, bring, derive, bring out, bring forth, produce, bring up; d&u-long;c&e-short;re, ded&u-long;c&e-short;re, &a-short;g&e-short;re, ind&u-long;c&e-short;re, deferre, perferre, der&i-long;v&a-long;re, ed&u-long;c&e-short;re, prod&u-long;c&e-short;re, ed&u-short;c&a-long;re :-- He wile folc gelæ-acute;dan in dreáma dreám he will lead the people into joy of joys, Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 21; Cri. 579 : 73 b; Th. 274, 13; Jul. 532. Gelæ-acute;dende híg nítenum prod&u-long;cens fænum jumentis, Ps. Spl. 103, 15. Ic gelæ-acute;de der&i-long;vo, Ælfc. Gl. 61; Som. 68, 46; Wrt. Voc. 39, 30. Me engel to ealle gelæ-acute;deþ spówende spéd an angel will bring to me all prosperous success, Exon. 36 a; Th. 117, 15; Gú. 224 : 33 b; Th. 107, 9; Gú. 56. Ðe to lífe gelæ-acute;dt quæ d&u-long;cit ad v&i-long;tam, Mt. Bos. 7, 14. Ðe to forspillednesse gelæ-acute;t quæ d&u-long;cit ad perd&i-short;ti&o-long;nem, 7, 13. Ða ðe feorran ðiðer feorh gelæ-acute;daþ they who lead their life thither from afar, Andr. Kmbl. 564; An. 282. Ðú gelæ-acute;ddest me deduxisti me. Ps. Spl. 60, 3 : Ps. Th. 114, 8. Moyses fyrde gelæ-acute;dde Moses led the march, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 17; Exod. 62 : 162; Th. 203, 2; Exod. 397. He gelæ-acute;dde me ed&u-short;c&a-long;vit me, Ps. Spl. C. 22, 2. Ðæt gé on fára folc feorh gelæ-acute;ddon that ye would lead your life among a hostile people, Andr. Kmbl. 860; An. 430. Gelæ-acute;d me on rihtwísnesse ðínre deduc me in just&i-short;tia tua, Ps. Lamb. 5, 9 : 138, 23. Ne gelæ-acute;d ðú us on costnunge ne nos ind&u-long;cas in tent&a-long;ti&o-long;nem, Mt. Bos. 6, 13. Ðæt ðú gelæ-acute;de hláf of eorþan ut ed&u-long;cas p&a-long;nem de terra, Ps. Spl. 103, 16. His líchoma wæs to Turnum gelæ-acute;ded corpus Tur&o-long;nis del&a-long;tum, Bd. 4, 18; S. 587, 9, 12. He wæs gelæ-acute;dd óþ ða þriddan heofonan he was led to the third heaven, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 2, 4; Lchdm. iii. 232, 26. He wæs fram Háligum Gástum gelæ-acute;d on sumum wéstene &a-short;g&e-long;b&a-long;tur a sp&i-long;r&i-short;tu in desertum, Lk. Bos, 4, 1 : Chr. 693; Erl. 43, 19.

ge-læ-acute;denlíc; adj. What is easily led or beaten out, malleable; ductilis :-- On býman gelæ-acute;denlícum in tubis ductilibus, Ps. Spl. M. 97, 6.

ge-læ-acute;fa, an; m. Belief, faith; f&i-short;des :-- He wolde ðone Cristes gelæ-acute;fan gerihtan he would set right the faith of Christ, Chr. 680; Erl. 41, 14. v. ge-leáfa.

ge-læ-acute;fa, an; m. Leave, permission; permissio :-- Be ðæs cynges gelæ-acute;fan by the king's leave, Chr. 1043; Erl. 170, 1.

ge-læ-acute;fan to believe. v. ge-lýfan.

ge-læ-acute;fan; p. de; pp. ed To leave; derelinqu&e-short;re :-- Ðé gelæ-acute;fed is se þearfa t&i-short;bi derelictus est pauper, Ps. Lamb. second 9, 14. Ðæt gelæ-acute;fed wæs quod superfuit, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 15, 37.

ge-læht, pl. ge-læhte; pp. Taken; captus, comprehensus :-- Híg beóþ gelæhte comprehenduntur, Ps. Lamb. second 9, 2; pp. of ge-læccan.

ge-læmed; part. Lamed; claudus factus :-- Gif eaxle gelæmed weorþeþ if a shoulder be lamed, L. Ethb. 38; Th. i. 14, 2.

ge-længed, -længd; part. Lengthened, drawn out :-- Eardbegengnes mín afeorrad oððe gelængd is incolatus meus prolongatus est, Ps. Lamb. 119, 5. v. langian.

ge-læ-acute;r; adj. Void, empty; vacuus, Som. [Laym. i-lær.]

ge-læ-acute;ran; ic -læ-acute;re, ðú -læ-acute;rest, -læ-acute;rst, he -læ-acute;reþ, -læ-acute;rþ, pl. -læ-acute;raþ; p. -læ-acute;rde; pp. -læ-acute;red, -læ-acute;rd To teach, educate, instruct, advise, persuade, induce; d&o-short;c&e-long;re, er&u-short;d&i-long;re, persu&a-long;d&e-long;re :-- We ðé mágon eáðe sélre gelæ-acute;ran we may easily teach thee better, Andr. Kmbl. 2706; An. 1355 : Beo. Th. 562; B. 278. Se gelæ-acute;rde peohtas to fullwihte he brought the Picts by his teaching to baptism, Shrn. 89, 33. Gif he ða cwéne gespannan and gelæ-acute;ran mihte ðæt heó brúcan wolde his gesynscipes si reg&i-long;næ posset persu&a-long;d&e-long;re ejus &u-long;ti conn&u-long;bio, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 30. Næ-acute;fre ðú gelæ-acute;rest, ðæt ic dumbum and deáfum deófolgieldum gaful onháte never shalt thou induce me, that I promise tribute to dumb and deaf idols, Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 22; Jul. 149. Ðæt gebrócode flæ-acute;sc gelæ-acute;rþ ðæt upahæfene mód the afflicted flesh teaches the proud mind, Past. 36, 7; Swt. 257, 14; Hat. MS. 48 a, 22. Hi á sibbe gelæ-acute;raþ they shall ever teach peace, Exon. 89 a; Th. 334, 23; Gn. Ex. 20. He gelæ-acute;rde ealle Crécas ðæt hý Alexandre wiðsócon he persuaded all the Greeks to strive against Alexander, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 6 : Cd. 222; Th. 290, 10; Sat. 413 : Th. Apol. 10, 18. Ðú us gelæ-acute;rdest ðæt we Hélende héran ne sceoldon thou persuadest us that we should not obey the Saviour, 214; Th. 268, 10; Sat. 53. Me gelæ-acute;r d&o-short;ce me, Ps. Th. 118, 68. Gelæ-acute;red doctus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 41 : 39; Som. 42, 47, 56. Ic eom gelæ-acute;red d&o-short;ceor; ðú eart gelæ-acute;rd d&o-short;c&e-long;ris; he is gelæ-acute;rd d&o-short;c&e-long;tur, 27; Som. 29, 21. Beóþ gelæ-acute;rede gé ðe démaþ eorþan er&u-short;d&i-long;m&i-short;ni qui jud&i-short;c&a-long;tis terram, Ps. Spl. 2, 10.

ge-læ-acute;red; part. p. Learned; doctus :-- Albinus wæs betst gelæ-acute;red Albinus was most learned, Bd. Pref; S 471, 23. He is gleáwest úre gelæ-acute;red he is the most skilfully instructed of us, H. R. 11, 9. Mid gelæ-acute;redre handa he swang ðone top with skilful hand he whipped the top, Th. Apol. 13, 13.

ge-læ-acute;rednes, -ness, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Learning, knowledge, skill; er&u-short;d&i-long;tio, p&e-short;r&i-long;tia :-- Wæs Cúþberhte swá mycel getýdnes and gelæ-acute;rednes to sprecanne Cudbercto tanta &e-short;rat d&i-long;cendi p&e-short;r&i-long;tia, Bd. 4, 27; S 604, 19. Ðá se cyning his gelæ-acute;rednesse geseah cujus er&u-short;d&i-short;ti&o-long;nem videns rex, 3, 7; S. 529, 46. On gelæ-acute;rednysse in er&u-short;d&i-long;ti&o-long;ne, 3, 21; S. 551, 13.

ge-læ-acute;stan; to -læ-acute;stenne; he -læ-acute;steþ, -læ-acute;st; p. -læ-acute;ste; pp. -læ-acute;sted, -læ-acute;st. I. to do, perform, accomplish, fulfil, discharge, execute, pay; f&a-short;c&e-short;re, perf&i-short;c&e-short;re, patr&a-long;re, præst&a-long;re, persolv&e-long;re :-- Ic náuht ne tweóge ðat ðú hit mæ-acute;ge gelæ-acute;stan I doubt not that thou canst perform it, Bt. 36, 3; Fox 174, 31 : Elen. Kmbl. 2329; El. 1166. Ic ða wæ-acute;re sóþe gelæ-acute;ste I will truly execute the compact, Cd. 106; Th. 139, 11; Gen. 2308. Gif we sóþ and riht symle gelæ-acute;staþ if we always perform truth and right, Hy. 7, 75; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 75. Beót eal wið ðé he sóþe gelæ-acute;ste he truly fulfilled all his promise to thee, Beo. Th. 1053; B. 524 : Byrht. Th. 132, 13; By. 15. Ðe æ-acute;r Godes hyldo gelæ-acute;ston who ere executed God's pleasure. Cd. 17; Th. 21, 9; Gen. 321 : Chr. 878; Erl. 81, 16 : Ors. 4, 9; Bos. 91, 17. Hwænne man ðæt gelæ-acute;ste when it shall be fulfilled. L. Edg. H. 7; Th. i. 260, 13 : L. In. 4; Th. i. 104, 10 : L. E. G. 6; Th i. 170, 4. He hæfde wordbeót leófum gelæ-acute;sted he had performed his promise to the beloved, Cd. 132; Th. 167, 7; Gen. 2762 : 109; Th. 144, 25; Gen. 2395. Ðæt gafol wæs gelæ-acute;st the tribute was paid, Chr. 1012; Erl. 146, 10 : 1007; Erl. 141, 13. II. to accompany, follow, attend, serve; c&o-short;m&i-short;t&a-long;ri, s&e-short;qui, pers&e-short;qui :-- He wolde gelæ-acute;stan freán to gefeohte he would accompany his lord to the fight, Byrht. Th. 132, 5; By. 11. Mec mín gewit gelæ-acute;steþ my intellect attends me, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 1; Gú. 347. Swá lange swá me líf gelæ-acute;st as long as life attends me, L. Edg. S. 12; Th. i. 276, 19 : 16; Th. i. 278, 12. Ðæt hý him æt ðám gewinnum gelæ-acute;ston that they would serve him in the wars, Ors. 4, 9; Bos. 91, 30. Ðæt hine ðonne wíg cume leóde gelæ-acute;sten that the people serve him when war comes, Beo. Th. 47; B. 24. III. v. intrans. To continue, remain, last, endure; m&a-short;n&e-long;re, d&u-long;r&a-long;re :-- Ne mæg hús on munte lange gelæ-acute;stan a house cannot long remain on a mountain, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 37; Met. 7, 19. Ðæt eówre blæ-acute;da gelæ-acute;ston ut fructus vester m&a-short;neat, Jn. Bos. 15, 16.