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grundlinga, -lunga; adv. From the very bottom or root, entirely, totally :-- Grundlunge oððe mid stybbe mid ealle stirpatus: grundlunga funditus: grundlinga oððe mid wyrttruman mid ealle radicitus, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 3, 4. Hí tobræ-acute;con ða burh grundlinga they destroyed the city to its very foundations, Homl. Th. ii. 66, 3; i. 72, 5. Grundlunge, ii. 164, 16.

grund-sceát, es; m. A region of earth, Exon. 8 b; Th. 3, 27; Cri. 42: 17 a; Th. 41, 2; Cri. 649.

grundsópa ground soap; saponaria officinalis :-- Cartilago, Gl. C. Lchdm. iii. 329, col. 1.

grund-stán, es; m. A foundation-stone :-- Grundstánas cementum, Ælfc. Gl. 116; Som. 80, 70; Wrt. Voc. 61, 47. [Ger. grund-stein.]

grund-wæg, es; m. A foundation, the earth :-- He on grundwæge men of deáþe worde awehte he [Christ] on this earth raised men from death by his word, Andr. Kmbl. 1163; An. 582. [Cf. Goth. grunduwaddjus foundation.]

grund-wang, -wong, es; m. The bottom, ground, floor, the earth :-- He ðone grundwong ongytan mihte he could perceive the bottom [of the lake], Beo. Th. 2996; B. 1496: 5533; B. 2770. Grundwong ofgyfan to give up the earth, to die, 5169; B. 2588.

grund-weall, es; m. A foundation :-- Ðes grundweall hoc fundamentum, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 60. Ic lecge grundweall fundo, 37; Som. 39, 20. Se cræft is eallra bóclícra cræfta ordfruma and grundweall that art is the beginning and foundation of all literary arts, 50; Som. 51, 2: Wrt. Voc. 81, 6. Se grundweall ðara munta fundamenta montium, Ps. Th. 17, 7: Lk. Skt. 6, 48, 49: Homl. Th. ii. 588, 20: Chr. 654; Erl. 29, 11: Bt. Met. Fox 7, 67; Met. 7, 34. [Orm. grunndwall: cf. Ger. grundmauer.] v. grund-wæg.

grund-wela, an; m. Earthly wealth :-- Him grundwelan ginne sealde hét ðám sinhíwum sæ-acute;s and eorþan tuddorteóndra teohha gehwilcre wæstmas fédan he gave them ample riches of earth, bade for the man and wife each of sea's and land's productive tribes bring forth fruits, Cd. 46: Th. 59, 1; Gen. 957.

grund-wyrgen, ne; f. A wolf of the deep [Grendel's mother], Beo. Th. 3041; B. 1518.

grunian; p. ode To make a loud noise, grunt :-- Swýn grunaþ sus grunnit, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 24, 10. [Cf. O. H. Ger. grun, grunni, Grff. iv. 328.]

grunung, e; f. A crying out, roaring; rugitus, barritus, mugitus, Hpt. Gl. 462, 508.

grut vorago, Hpt. Gl. 423, 507; grutte abyssus, 529.

grút; indecl. but also dat. grýt, Lchdm. iii. 28, 9; f. GROUT, the wet residuary materials of malt liquor; condimentum cerevisiæ :-- Wyrc clam of súrre rigenre grút oððe dáge work a paste of sour rye grout or of dough, L. M. 3, 59; Lchdm. ii. 342, 17. Grút mealtes, i. 31, 7; Lchdm. ii. 74, 9. Genim ealde grút take old grout, i. 39, 2; Lchdm. ii. 100, 1: 28; Lchdm. ii. 68, 26: Lchdm. iii. 42, 28. [Worte siromellum, sed growte dicas agromellum, Wrt. Voc. 178, 3. Growtt hoc idromellum, 233, 33. Growte for ale granomellum, Prompt. Parv. 217, 3, where see note. Mod. Engl. grouts grounds, dregs.] Cf. next word; also cf. Icel. grautr; m. porridge.

grút; pl. n. Fine meal :-- Grút pollis, Wrt. Voc. 290, 63: L. M. i. 61, 1; Lchdm. ii. 132, 15. VI ambra grúta six measures of meal, Th. Chart. 471, 13. [Cf. grytta, grot, greót, and the preceding word.]

grym. v. grim.

grymede glyppus, Ælfc. Gl. 76; Som. 71, 128; Wrt. Voc. 45, 31.

grymetan. v. grimetan.

grymetung v. grimetung.

gryn, es; m. n[?] Lamentation, grief, affliction, evil :-- Fela ic láðes gebád grynna æt Grendel much evil have I experienced, many a grief at Grendel's hands, Beo. Th. 1864; B. 930. [Cf. O. H. Ger. grun; m. grunni; f. Grff. iv. 328; and see grunian, gyrn. Or does gryn = grin?]

gryndan; pp. ed. I. to found. [Ger. gründen.] v. ge-gryndan. II. to come to the ground, to descend :-- Gryndende descendens, Cot. 68, Lye. v. agryndan.

grynde, es; n. An abyss, Cd. 220; Th. 285, 2; Sat. 331. v. æfgrynde (Appendix), un-grynde.

grynel, es; m. Kernel; toles, Mone Gl.

grynian to ensnare. v. grinian.

gryn-smiþ, es; m. One causing grief, affliction, evil [gryn, q. v.], Andr. Kmbl. 1833; An. 919.

gryre, es; m. Horror, terror, dread, something horrible, dreadful :-- Óðrum on gryre wæ-acute;ron to neósienne aliis horrori erant visendum, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 27. Him ðæs egesa stód gryre fram ðam gáste terror was upon him therefore, horror from the spirit, Cd. 201; Th. 249, 6; Dan. 526: Exon. 116a; Th. 446, 12; Dóm. 21: 116b; Th. 447, 22; Dóm. 43. Wæs se gryre læssa the horror was less, Beo. Th. 2569; B. 1282. Se légdraca grimlíc gryre the firedrake, a fierce terror, 6074; B. 3041: Cd. 195; Th. 243, 20; Dan. 439. Wið ðæs egesan gryre against the terror of that fear, 197; Th. 245, 22; Dan. 467: 223; Th. 293, 13; Sat. 454. Ðæt he in ðone grimman gryre gongan sceolde that he should go into that fell and fearful place, Exon. 41a; Th. 136, 18; Gú. 543. Hie wyrd forsweóp on Grendles gryre fate has swept them off into the terrible power of Grendel, Beo. Th. 960; B. 478: Cd. 143; Th. 178, 32; Exod. 20. Mid gryrum ecga with the terrors of swords, Beo. Th. 971; B. 483: 1187; B. 591. [Laym. grure: A. R. grure: O. Sax. gruri.] DER. fæ-acute;r-, helle-, hinsíð-, leód-, wæl-, wésten-, wíg-gryre.

gryre-bróga, an; m. Terror, horror, Exon. 20a; Th. 53, 12; Cri. 849.

gryre-fæst; adj. Terribly fast, Elen. Kmbl. 1516; El. 760.

gryre-fáh; adj. Terribly hostile or terrible in its variegated colouring, Beo. Th. 5146; B. 2576.

gryre-gæst, es; m. A dreadful guest, Beo. Th. 5113; B. 2560.

gryre-geatwe; pl. f. Terrible, warlike equipments, Beo. Th. 653; B. 324.

gryre-hwíl, e; f. A time of terror, Andr. Kmbl. 935; An. 468.

gryre-leóþ, es; n. A song of terror, Beo. Th. 1576; B. 786: Byrht. Th. 140, 8; By. 285.

gryre-líc; adj. horrible, terrible, Andr. Kmbl. 3101; An. 1553: Exon. 108b; Th. 415, 27; Rä. 24, 3: Beo. Th. 2886; B. 1441: 4278; B. 2136.

gryre-síð, es; m. A terrible way, Beo. Th. 2928; B. 1462.

grystlung. v. gristlung.

gryt grues, Wrt. Voc. 287, 25.

grýto; f. Greatness; grossitudo :-- Ungemetlícre grýto and micelnysse vincens grossitudine, Nar. 8, 22.

grytta and gryttan; pl. f. Grits, groats, coarse meal :-- Ðás gritta hic furfur, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22; Som. 10, 47. Gretta furfures, Wrt. Voc. 83, 21. Beren mela oððe grytta barley meal or grits, L. M. 2, 26; Lchdm. ii. 220, 8: 39; Lchdm. ii. 250, 2. Grytte, 18; Lchdm. ii. 200, 9. Of berenum gryttum of barley grits, 19; Lchdm. ii. 202, 7: 22; Lchdm. ii. 206, 19, Hwæ-acute;te gryttan apludes vel cantabra, Ælfc. Gl. 50; Som. 65, 124; Wrt. Voc. 34, 53. [Cf. A. R. gruttene brede, 186, 11: O. H. Ger. gruzze furfur: Ger. grütze; f. grit, groats.]

gú-dæ-acute;d, e; f. A deed done in the past, Exon. 64a; Th. 235, 12; Ph. 556. v. iú-dæ-acute;d.

guma, an; m. A man; vir, homo :-- Grétte ðá guma óðerne then one man took leave of another, Beo. Th. 1309; B. 652. God ealle cann guman geþancas Dominus novit cogitationes hominum, Ps. Th. 93, 11. Wiste ferhþ guman knew the man's mind, Cd. 134; Th. 169, 2; Gen. 2793. Guman God wurþedon the men worshipped God, 187; Th. 232, 14; Dan. 260. Gumena aldor ruler of men, 89; Th. 111, 30; Gen. 1863. God gumena weard God, the guardian of men, 184; Th. 230, 22; Dan. 237. Gumena gehwylc each man, Exon. 19b; Th. 51, 25; Cri. 821: 32a: Th. 101, 5: Cri. 1654. Gumena bearn the children of men, Beo. Th. 1760; B. 878. Geared gumum gold brittade Jared distributed gold to the people, Cd. 59; Th. 72, 3; Gen. 1181. [Laym. gume, gome: Piers P. gome: O. Sax. gumo; m. vir, homo: O. Frs. goma: O. H. Ger. goma: Goth. guma: O. Nrs. gumi; m. homo, vir, primipilus: Lat. homo.] DER. brýd-, dryht-, þeód-guma.

gú-mann, es; m. A man of old :-- Ðæ-acute;m gúmonnum antiquis, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 27. v. gió-man.

gum-cynn, es; n. Mankind, men, a race, nation; humanum genus, gens, natio :-- He þohte forgrípan gumcynne he resolved to destroy mankind, Cd. 64; Th. 77, 14; Gen. 1275. Eom ic gumcynnes ánga ofer eorþan amongst men on the earth I am unique, Exon. 129a; Th. 496, 11; Rä. 85, 12: Beo. Th. 5524; B. 2765. Swá hwylc mægþa ðone magan cende æfter gumcynnum whatever matron brought forth this son amongst men, Beo. Th. 1892; B. 944. We synt gumcynnes Geáta leóde we are of the race of the Gauts' people, 525; B. 260. [O. Sax. gumkunni.]

gum-cyst, e; f. Manly virtue or excellence, munificence, liberality :-- Ðú ðé læ-acute;r be ðon gumcyste ongit learn from that, understand liberality, Beo. Th. 3450; B. 1723. He siððan sceal gódra gumcysta geásne hweorfan afterwards shall he pass away wanting in all noble virtues, Exon. 71a; Th. 265, 14; Jul. 381. Nú is þearf micel ðæt we gumcystum georne hýran now is it very needful that we with virtuous zeal attend, Andr. Kmbl. 3210; An. 1608. Abraham gumcystum gód golde and seolfre gesæ-acute;lig Abraham, noble in his munificence, blessed with gold and silver, Cd. 85; Th. 106, 10; Gen. 1769: 86; Th. 108, 23; Gen. 1810: Beo. Th. 2976; B. 1486. Gumcystum gód brave [or munificent?], 5079; B. 2543. See the use of cystum under cyst III.

gum-dreám, es; m. The joys of men, this life :-- He gumdreám ofgeaf Godes leóht geceás he gave up the joy of men, chose God's light, Beo. Th. 4929; B. 2469.

gum-dryhten, es; m. A lord of men; virorum dominus, Beo. Th. 3289; B. 1642.

gum-féða, an; m. A troop of men, Beo. Th. 2807; B. 1401.

gum-man, -mann, es; m. A famous man, a man; vir clarus, homo, Beo. Th. 2061; B. 1028.

gum-ríce, es; n. Power, rule over men, a kingdom, the earth :-- Nis ðé goda æ-acute;nig on gumríce efne gelíc éce Drihten non est similis tibi in diis, Domine, Ps. Th. 85, 7. On ðam gumríce in that kingdom, Elen. Kmbl. 2439; El. 1221. Gumríces weard the king, Cd. 180; Th. 226, 25; Dan. 176.