This is page 665 of An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Bosworth and Toller (1898)
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magdala-treów, es; n. An almond-tree; amigdala vel nutida, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 36; Wrt. Voc. 33, 34.
mage, an; f. The belly; ventriculus, Ælfc. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 43; Wrt. Voc. 44, 26. v. maga.
máge, an; f. A kinswoman :-- Elizabeþ ðín mæ-acute;ge (máge, MSS. A. B.) cognata tua, Lk. Skt. 1, 36. Seó cwén his máge regina propinqua illius, Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 24. Ða landes ðe hire máge hire geúþe, Chart. Th. 338, 14: 337, 27. From bearme ánre mágan, Exon. 112 b; Th. 430, 25; Rä. 44, 14. Grendles mágan (mother) gang, Beo. Th. 2786; B. 1391. Be hire mágan (propinqua), Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 3. Ne hæ-acute;me nán man wið his mágan ne wið his mæ-acute;ges wíf, Lev. 18, 16. Se wolde niman his mágan (cousin) tó wífe, Homl. Th. ii. 476, 19. Menn hæfdon on frymþe heora mágan tó wífe, Homl. Skt. 10, 215. v. mæ-acute;ge, mága.
má-geéct (má = magis, ge-écan = augere), mactus ( = magis auctus) :-- Ða mágeéctan macta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 55, 3. Cf. 54, 71. Mágeécte morota (macta ?), 57, 24.
Mage-sæ-acute;te, -sæ-acute;tan; pl. The people of Herefordshire, Chr. 1016; Erl. 158, 4.
mageþe, an; f. A plant-name, maythe, chamomile, ox-eye :-- Mageþe beneolentem [camemelon], Wrt. Voc. i. 67, 27: obtalmon, 68, 50. Magoþe optalmon, ii. 65, 52. Ðás wyrte ðe man camemelon, and óðrum naman mageþe nemneþ, Herb. 24; Lchdm. i. 120, 14. Wildre magþan wyrttruman (matricaria chamomilla) L. M. 2, 22; Lchdm. ii. 206, 15. Magoðe, L. M. 5, 64; Lchdm. ii. 140, 7. Ða reádan magoþan (anthemis tinctoria), 140, 4. [Maiþe camomilla, Wrt. Voc. i. 140, 27. Mathen (maythe) ameroke, 162, 20. Maythe embroca, 190, 51. See Lchdm. ii. 398, col. 2, iii. 337, col. 1, and E. D. S. Plant-names under mathes and May-weed.] v. mægþa.
magister, mægister, es; m. A master :-- Se magister, Past. 61; Swt. 455, 20. Byrla magister (cf. byrla ealdor, v. 20), Gen. 40, 21. Mægister, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 6. Mín mægister Euripides, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 20. For his magistre, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 10. Ðeáh hió hire magister lufige, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 10. His ágenne mægistre, 29, 2; Fox 104, 19. Magistra betst, Bt. Met. Fox 30, 8; Met. 30, 4. Hí hæfdan magistras, Bd. 4, 2; S. 565, 34. Mægestras, Ex. 1, 11.
magu, a; m. I. A child, son :-- Ðá wearþ eafora féded, mago Caines, Malalahel, Cd. 58; Th. 70, 28; Gen. 1160. Mago Ecgláfes (cf. Ecgláfes bearn, 1003), Beo. Th. 2935; B. 1465. Mago Healfdenes (cf. sunu Healfdenes, 541), 3738; B. 1867: 4027; B. 2011. Eald fæder ongon his mago monian, Exon. 80 b; Th. 303, 28; Fä. 60. Ðínum magum (mágum?) læ-acute;f folc and ríce, Beo. Th. 2361; B. 1178. II. a young person, a servant (cf. cniht, cnapa, geongra) :-- Ongan his magu frignan (cf. ombehtþegn, l, 9), Exon. 47 b; Th. 162, 30; Gú. 983. III. a young, strong man, a man (cf. cniht) :-- Hwæ-acute;r cwom mearg hwæ-acute;r cwom mago where is the steed gone? where his rider? 77 b; Th. 291, 34; Wand. 92. Mago Ebréa (Abraham), Cd. 100; Th. 132, 34; Gen. 2203: 109; Th. 145, 25; Gen. 2411: 127; Th. 161, 32; Gen. 2674. Maga gemédu, Beo. Th. 499; B. 247. [Goth. magus παîς (puer, servus): O. Sax. magu child: Icel. mögr a son, a man.]