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hogde hé hí nó, Swt. 405, 31. Ða lytegan sint tó manianne ðæt hí oferhycggen (-hycgen, Cote. MSS.) ðæt hié wieton, 30, 1; Swt. 203, 7. Oferhige hí and ádríf hí fram ðé, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 8 note. Utan oferhycgan helm ðone miclan, Cd. Th. 280, 7; Sat. 252: 283, 15; Sat. 305. [O. H. Ger. ubar-hugjan contemnere, aspernere: cf. Goth. ufar-hugjan to be puffed up.] v. ofer-hogian.
ofer-hýd, -hýdig. v. ofer-hygd, -hygdig.
ofer-hygd, -hýd, e; f.: es; n.: -hygdu, -hýdu (o); indecl. f. [the plural is used with singular meaning, cf. ofer-méde, -méttu]. I. in a bad sense, pride, arrogance :-- Hæfde hig ofyrhigd (-hýd, MS. T.) tenuit eos superbia, Ps. Spl. 72, 6. Oferhigd supercilio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 20. Oferhygd, Cd. Th. 21, 22; Gen. 328. Wlenco, oferhýd, 258, 21; Dan. 679. Ðæs oferhýdes ord, 272, 3; Sat. 114. Se is kyning ofer eall ða bearn oferhygde (-hýde, Cote. MSS.) ipse est rex super universos filios superbiae, Past. 17, 4; Swt. 111, 22. In oferhygde in superbia, Ps. Surt. 16, 10: 58, 13. Hú mycel yfel ðé gelamp for ðínre gítsunga and oforhýdo and for ðínum ídlan gilpe, Blickl. Homl. 31, 14. Hí druncennesse and oferhýdo wæ-acute;ron heora swiran underþeóddende ebrietati, animositati, sua colla subdentes, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 26. Sum on oferhygdo þrinteþ, Exon. Th. 314, 33; Mód. 23. Nó wé oferhygdu (or pl.?) ánes monnes máran fundon, 118, 15; Gú. 240. Ðæt heofenlíce ríce ðæt ða æ-acute;restan men forworhtan þurh heora gífernesse and oferhygde, 25, 1. Se dóeþ oferhygde qui facit superbiam, Ps. Surt. 100, 7. Ða dóeþ oferhygd, 30, 24. Ðás þing wé sculon forgán oferhýd gýtsunge ... ab his debemus nos abstinere, a superbia, et avaritia ..., L. Ecg. P. iv. 64; Th. ii. 224, 28. Næfde hé on him náðer ne yrre ne oferhyd, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 8. Him oninnan oferhygda dæ-acute;l weaxeþ, Beo. Th. 3485; B. 1740. Oferhýda, 3525; B. 1760. Ða setl ðe deófol for his oforhygdum of áworpen wæs, Blickl. Homl. 121, 35. For oferhygdum, 156, 13: Cd. Th. 268, 4; Sat. 50: 269, 6; Sat. 69. Ne gedafenaþ ðé ðæt ðú andsware mid oferhygdum séce, Andr. Kmbl. 638; An. 319. Hwæt is wuldor ðín ðe ðú oferhygdum upp áræ-acute;rdest, 2637; An. 1320. Þurh oferhygda, Exon. Th. 316, 23; Mód. 53. Hé oferhýda ágan wolde he would give way to pride, Cd. Th. 287, 20; Sat. 370. II. in a good sense, honourable pride (?), high spirit :-- Gif ðú gesáwe sumne swíðe wísne man ðe hæfde swíðe góda oferhýda and wæ-acute;re ðeáh swíðe earm hwæðer ðú woldest cweþan ðæt hé wæ-acute;re unwyrþe anwealdes and weorþscipes si quem sapientia praeditum videres, num posses eum vel reverentia, vel ea, qua praeditus est, sapientia, non dignum putare? Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 24. [O. H. Ger. ubar-huht, -hucti superbia.]
ofer-hygd; adj. Proud :-- Oferhygdum égan superbo oculo, Ps. Surt. 100, 5. Oferhygde (sic MS.) superbi. Ps. Th. 139, 5. Ða oferhygdan superbi, Ps. Surt. 118, 78: 118, 21. Ágyld edleán oferhygdum redde retributionem superbis, Ps. Spl. C. 93, 2. Tóstrægd oferhygd dispersit superbos, Lk. Skt. Rush. 1, 51.
ofer-hygdig, -hýdig, es; n. Pride :-- Ðonne hí oferhýdig up áhófan and him wóhgodu worhtan and grófun in sculptilibus suis emulati sunt eum, Ps. Th. 77, 58.
ofer-hygdig, -hýdig; adj. Proud, arrogant, haughty :-- Hé eode tó reordum mid tócumendum mannum. Ðá tæ-acute;lde hine án oferhýdig bisceop for ðon, Shrn. 129, 28. Ðone oferhygdgan superbum, Ps. Surt. 88, 11. Ða wæ-acute;ron hí æfter æþelborennysse oferhýdige, Homl. Th. ii. 174, 8. Ða oferhýdegan, Ps. Th. 118, 78. Égan oferhygdigra oculos superborum, Ps. Surt. 17, 28: 118, 69. Ofyrhýdigra, Ps. Spl. 118, 69. Ðú eallum oferhýdigum eáþmódnesse forgifest, Blickl. Homl. 141, 12. Oferhýdegum eágum superbo oculo, Ps. Th. 100, 5. Fyll ða oferhýdigan, 73, 22. Ða oferhygdego superbos, Lk. Skt. Lind. 1, 51. [O. H. Ger. ubar-huctig superbus.]
ofer-hygdigian to be proud :-- Ðonne oferhygdgaþ se árleása dum superbit impius, Ps. Surt. 9, 23.
ofer-hyge (?), es; m. Pride, arrogance :-- Ðú mé oferhige (or ofer hige? mé ofer corresponding to super me in the Latin) on ealle gelæ-acute;ddest omnes elationes tuas super me induxisti, Ps. Th. 87, 7.
ofer-hylmend, es; m. One who conceals, who does not act openly :-- Ic oferhylmend ealle getealde ða on eorþan yfele wæ-acute;ron praevaricantes reputavi omnes peccatores terrae, Ps. Th. 118, 119. [Cf. Icel. hylma yfir to hide, conceal (as a law phrase); yfir-hylma to hide, cloak; yfir-hylming a hiding, cloaking.]
ofer-hýran, -hýre, -hýrness. v. ofer-híran, -híre, -hírness.
ofer-hyrned; adj. Having horns above :-- Úr býþ oferhyrned, Runic pm. Kmbl. 339, 8; Rún. 2.
oferian; p. ode To exalt :-- Geoferode sublimati, exaltati, Hpt. Gl. 428, 47.
ofer-ild, e; f. Very great age :-- Him se deáþ geneálæ-acute;cþ for ðære oferylde, Wulfst. 147, 27.
ofering, e; f. Superfluity :-- Gif ðú ofer gemet itst oððe drincst oððe cláþa ðé má on hæfst ðonne ðú þurfe seó ofering ðé wurþ tó sáre cujus satietatem si superfluis urgere velis, quod infuderes fiet noxium, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 16. Hé wilnigen mid oferinge hiora gítsunga gefyllan qui abundantiam suam ambitus superfluitate meliantur, 14, 2; Fox 44, 14.
ofer-irnan. I. to pass by running, cross :-- Ða hwíle ðe se móna ðære sceade ord oferyrnþ while the moon is crossing the point of the shadow, Lchdm. iii. 240, 26. II. to run over, go over a subject :-- Nú wille wé eft oferyrnan ða ylcan godspellícan endebyrdnysse, Homl. Th. i. 104, 7. Wé wyllaþ scortlíce oferyrnan ða dígelystan word, 202, 29. III. to come upon with violence, overwhelm, to come upon with surprise :-- Seó sæ-acute; oferarn Pharao and ealle his crætu, ii. 194, 27. Mé slæ-acute;p oferarn cum mihi somnus obrepsisset, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 33.
ofer-lád, e; f. A carrying across, translation :-- Oferlád translationem, Rtl. 62, 19. v. lád. III.
ofer-læ-acute;dan to oppress :-- Ðá wæs se munt mid mycelum brógan eall oferlæ-acute;ded; and unhiérlíc storm of ðæm munte ástág, Blickl. Homl. 203, 7. [Shal neither kynge ne kny&yogh;te, constable ne meire ouerlede þe comune, Piers. P. 3, 314: Prompt. Parv. ovyrledyñ opprimo; ovyrledare oppressor; ovyrledynge oppressio.]
ofer-læg, es; n. A cloak: :-- Oberlagu amfibula (amfibulum birrum villosum, Isidore), Txts. 111, 1.
ofer-leóf; adj. Exceedingly dear :-- Éðel byþ oferleóf æ-acute;ghwylcum men, Runic pm. Kmbl. 344, 3; Rún. 23.
ofer-leóran. I. to pass, pass away, pass by :-- Hé oferlióræs (-lióraþ, Rush.) from deáþe in lífe transiet a morte in vitam, Jn. Skt. Lind. 5, 24. Oferleóraþ transeant, p. 4, 10. Oferhlióras transibunt, Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 31. Ðætte oferleórade (transiret) ðió tíd, 14, 35. Tíd ðætte hé oferliórde of ðissum middengeorde, Jn. Skt. Rush. 13, 1. Oferleórdun transierunt. Ps. Surt. 118, 136. Oferleór transfer, Lk. Skt. Lind. 22, 42. Oferlióra transire, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 42. II. to pass moral bounds, deviate from right, transgress :-- Hæftas heársume ðæs hálgan word lyt oferleórdun, Exon. Th. 145, 21; Gú. 698. Oferliórende praevaricantes, Ps. Surt. 118, 119. Ofyrleórynde, -liórende, Ps. Spl. C. T. 118, 119. v. next word.
ofer-leórness, e; f. Deviation from right, transgression :-- Dónde oferleórnisse facientes praevaricationes, Ps. Surt. 100, 3.
ofer-libban to outlive, survive :-- Wes ðet lond becueden his bróðar, gif hé Cyneþrýðe oferlifde, Chart. Th. 465, 19. Láf oððe oferlibbende superstes, Gr. 9, 26; Som. 11, 7. [O. H. Ger. ubar-lebén.]
oferlíce; adj. Excessively :-- Hí mid heora synnum swá oferlíce swýðe God gegræmedon, ðæt hé lét Engla here heora eard gewinnan, Wulfst. 166, 18: 83, 14. [Cf. Icel. ofr-ligr excessive.]
ofer-líhtan to outshine :-- Seó sunne oferlíht ealle óðre steorran and geþióstraþ mid hire leóhte, Bt. 9, tit.; Fox xii. 2.
ofer-líðan to cross (water), sail across :-- Ástígende on scipe oferláð (transfretavit) ðone sæ-acute;e. Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 9, 1: Shrn. 88, 28: Cd. Th. 200, 26; Exod. 362. Oferlíðan transire, transfretare, Hpt. Gl. 492, 50. [Goth. ufar-leiþan.]
ofer-lufu, e, an; f. Excessive love :-- Seó oferlufu eorþan gestreóna, Wulfst. 149, 4: 263, 24.
ofer-mæcga, an; m. A man superior to others, an illustrious person :-- Ofermæcga spræc dýre Dryhtnes þegn (the angel sent to save Guthlac), Exon. Th. 143, 21; Gu. 664. [Cf. Icel. ofr-menni a mighty champion.]
ofer-mægen, es; n. Superior or overwhelming force :-- Wið ofermægenes egsan, Cd. Th. 127, 27; Gen. 2117. Hé hæfde wígena tó lyt wið ofermægene, Elen. Kmbl. 128; El. 64. Hyne Hetware hilde gehnæ-acute;gdon mid ofermægene, Beo. Th. 5827; B. 2917. Forst and snáw mid ofermægene eorfan þeccaþ, Exon. Th. 215, 6; Ph. 249. Him on swaðe fylgeþ A ofermægene, Salm. Kmbl. 187; Sal. 93. [Cf. O. H. Ger. ubar-meginón praevalere: Ger. über-macht: Icel. ofr-efli overwhelming force.]
ofer-mæ-acute;ned (?) made too common (?), trite :-- Oferméned contrita, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 43: 92, 37.
ofer-mæstan to over-fatten :-- Swá ðæt úre líchama ne wurþe ofermæst tó ídelum lustum, Bd. Whelc. 228, 25.
ofer-mæ-acute;te; adj. Beyond measure, excessive, immoderate, immense :-- Ofermæ-acute;te insolens, Hpt. Gl. 526, 10. Moyses behelede ða ofermæ-acute;tan bierhto his ondwlitan, Past. 63; Swt. 459, 19. God hyra ofermæ-acute;tan ofermétto genyðerode, Ors. 1, 7; Swt. 38, 27. Hé hét ða ofermæ-acute;tan brycge mid stáne ofer gewyrcan, 2, 5; Swt. 84, 3. Æt ðám ofermæ-acute;tum wæterum de multitudine aquarum, Ps. Th. 17, 17. Ýða ofermæ-acute;ta, Exon. Th. 53, 23; Cri. 855. [Cf. Icel. ofr-máta excessively: Ger. über-mässig.]
ofermæ-acute;t-lic; adj. Immense :-- Ðonne swá ofermæ-acute;tlícu rícu onstyrede wæ-acute;ron ubi tot et talia regna mutata sunt, Ors. 1, 12; Swt. 52, 10.
ofer-mæ-acute;tu (o); indecl. f. Excess, presumption :-- Ádríf fram mé dysig and ofermæ-acute;to and sile mé wísdóm. Shrn. 169, 16.
ofer-máðum, es; m. A very valuable treasure, a treasure of surpassing worth, Beo. Th. 5979; B. 2993.
ofer-méde, es; n.: -médu; f. [the plural form is used with singular meaning, cf. ofer-hygd, -méttu] Pride :-- His ofermédu is fruma úres forlores, Past. 41; Swt. 301, 8. Ofermédes elationis, Hpt. Gl. 433, 31. His engyl ongan oferméde micel áhebban, Cd. Th. 19, 19; Gen. 293. Ðæt hie ne ástigan on ofermédu, Blickl. Homl. 185, 14. Se ðe on ofermédum leofaþ, Exon. Th. 317, 33; Mód. 75. [O. H. Ger. ubar-muoti superbia, elatio, animositas.] v. ofer-mód, -méttu.
ofer-méde; adj. Proud, arrogant, presumptuous :-- Cyning gefeaht wið ðone ofermédan (-módigan, MS. E.) aldorman, Chr. 750; Erl. 48, 10. [O. H. Ger. ubar-muoti superbus.]