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rúmed-líc (rúm-méd ?) -líc; adj. Ample, large, liberal :-- Hwæt rúmedlíces oððe micellíces oððe weorðfullíces hæfþ se eówer gilp? Bt. 18, 1; Fox 62, 21. Mid rúmedlícum ælmessum, Shrn. 80, 10. v. next word and rúmmód-líc.
rúmedlíce; adv. I. liberally :-- Hé swá gifol is and swá rúmedlíce gifþ, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 14. Ða ic rúmodlíce (rúmmódlíce ?) gescarode, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 331, 2. Ne óðerra monna ne reáfiaþ, ne hiera rúmedlíce dæ-acute;laþ, Past. 23; Swt. 177, 7. Ðonne hwá æ-acute;gðer ge mete ge hrægl þearfendum rúmedlíce (rúmodlíce, Hatt. MS.) selþ, 44; Swt. 326, 20. II. at large, fully :-- Ðis ðæt wé nú feám wordum árímdon wé willaþ hwéne rúmedlícor (paulo latius) áreccean, 12; Swt. 75, 17. Rúmerlícor [rúmed ?] latius, multiplicius, Hpt. Gl. 420, 30. v. preceding word.
rúm-gál; adj. Rejoicing in ample space in which to move (applied to the dove when sent from the ark) :-- Seó culufre wíde fleáh óþ ðæt heó rúmgál reste stówe funde far the dove flew, in flight unconfined rejoicing, until a place of rest she found (cf. heó rúme fleáh, 87, 29; Gen. 1456), Cd. Th. 88, 16; Gen. 1466.
rúm-gifa, an; m. A liberal giver :-- Hé wæs eallum rúmgifa manu omnibus largus, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 8. v. next word.
rúm-gifol; adj. Liberal, bountiful, munificent :-- Rúmgifol, cystig prodiga, larga, Germ. 395, 18. Monig biþ ágiéta his góda and wilnaþ mid ðý geearnigan ðone hlísan ðæt hé síe rúmgiful se effusio sub apellatione largitatis occultat, Past. 20; Swt. 149, 7. Ic Óswald þurh ða rúmgiflan Godes cyste tó biscope gehádod, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 400, 25. Hé gewende of Róme mid ðam rúmgyfolan (-geofolan, MS. V.) þegne, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 330.
rúmgifolness, e; f. Liberality, bounty, munificence :-- Seó rúmgifolnes (largitas) winþ ongeán ða gýtsunge, Gl. Prud. 65. Rúmgyfolnes, 67 : 68-70. Hwá áwent gítsunge mid rúmgifulnysse bútan strece? Homl. Th. i. 360, 6.
rúm-heort; adj. I. of liberal heart, liberal, munificent :-- Rúmheort dapsilis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 31. Rúmheort hláford (the Deity), Hy. 7, 63, Mé wine Scyldinga fela leánode . . . rúmheort cyning, Beo. Th. 4227; B. 2110 : 3602; B. 1799. Rúmheort beón mearum and máþmum to be liberal of gifts, Exon. Th. 3391; Gn. Ex. 87. II. with mind free from oppression, untroubled. v. rúme, III :-- Se weg ðe tó lífe læ-acute;t is ús tó gefarenne mid rúmheortum móde and mid gódum and glædum geþance dilatato corde curritur via mandatorum Dei, R. Ben. 5, 22.
rúmheortness, e; f. Liberality, munificence :-- Syndon eahta heálíce mægenu ... ðæt is rúmheortnys (largitas) . . . , Wulfst. 68, 19. Eahta sweras syndon ðe rihtlícne cynedóm trumlíce up wegaþ ... rúmheortnes (largitas), L. I. P. 3; Th. ii. 306, 20. Rúmheortnesse liberalitatis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 32 : 79, 52. Rúmheortnesse liberalitatem, 86, 52.
rúmian; p. ode To get free from encumbrance :-- Ðonne rúmaþ him sóna se innaþ, Lchdm. i. 76, 13. v. rúm, I a.
rúm-líc; adj. I. gracious, liberal, benign :-- Rúmlíc benignus (Deus), Rtl. 104, 32. Rúmlícum helpe benign favore, 17, 35. II. liberal, abundant, plentiful :-- Nú wille wé ðis águnnene weorc mid rúmlícum wæstme begán, Anglia viii. 300, 6. Se ðe mid fódan ðære upplícan lufe biþ gefylled, hé biþ swilce hé sý mid rúmlícum mettum gemæst, Homl. Th. i. 522, 32. v. next word.
rúmlíce; adv. I. largely, fully, at large, at length :-- Ðæt hí rúmlíce roccettaþ swíðe, Ps. Th. 143, 16. Ðás þing rúmlíce gecýðan, Anglia viii. 303, 48. Ymbe ðás þing rúmlícor sprecan, 321, 36. Tó-dæ-acute;ledlícor vel rúm[licor ?] differentius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 15. II. liberally :-- Gif wé lustlíce and rúmlíce ða welan dæ-acute;laþ earmum monnum ðe God ús æ-acute;r sealde, Blickl. Homl. 49, 32. III. graciously, kindly, benignly :-- Rúmlíce clementer, Rtl. 89, 38 : Mt. Kmbl. p. 16, 7. [Heó rumliche hit (silver and gold) &yogh;ef þon kempan, Laym. 2452. O. H. Ger. rúmlího large.]
rúm-mód; adj. I. of liberal mind, liberal in giving :-- Hé þearfum rúmmód (largus) wæs, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 11. Sýn wé rúmmóde þearfendum mannum and earmum ælmesgeorne, Blickl. Homl. 109, 14. Sellaþ ælmessan, beóþ rúmmóde ryhtra gestreóna, Exon. Th. 106, 30; Gú. 49. I a. too liberal, profuse :-- Swá ða rúmmódan fæsthafolnesse læ-acute;ren swá hí ða uncystegan on yfelre hneáwnesse ne gebrengen sic prodigis praedicetur parcitas, ut tamen tenacibus periturarum rerum custodia non augeatur, Past. 60; Swt. 453, 28. II. benignant, gracious, kind :-- Rúmmód and mildheart is God benignus et misericors est Deus, Rtl. 5, 8 : Bt. 42; Fox 258, 22 : Lk. Skt. Lind. 6, 35. Rúmmód clemens, Rtl. 74, 10. The word translates paracletus, Rtl. 120, 1 : Jn. Skt. Lind. 14, 16, 26 : 15, 26.
rúmmódlíc. v. next word.
rúmmódlíce; adv. I. liberally :-- Gíf wé blíþe and rúmmódlíce hí (the tenth part of our goods) dæ-acute;lan willaþ earmum mannum, Blickl. Homl. 51, 10. II. graciously, favourably :-- Rúmmódlíce propitius, Rtl. 2, 5 : 22, 38 : clementer, 14, 36 : clementissime, 98, 16.
rúmmódness, e; f. I. liberality :-- Ðýlæs ða rúmmódnessa sió unrótnes gewemme ne largitatem tristitia corrumpat, Past. 44, 3; Swt. 323, 10. II. favour, grace, kindness :-- Snotor rúmmódnise sapiens benignitas, Rtl. 105, 1. Rúmmódnise clementiam, 41, 5 : propitiationem, 17, 25.
rúmness, e; f. I. breadth, a broad space :-- Ða rúmnisse Jericho feldes latitudinem campi Jericho, Deut. 34, 3. II. breadth, amplitude, abundance :-- Wæs swá mycel rúmnes on him ðæs hálgan geleáfan and swá mycele hé tó ðære Godes lufan hæfde there was in him so great abundance of the holy belief, and he had besides so great love for God, Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 82, 8.
rúm-well ( = -full?) spacious :-- Rúmwelle weg spatiosa via, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 7, 13.
rún, e; f. I. a whisper (v. rúnian), hence speech not intended to be overheard, confidence, counsel, consultation [cf. Goth. rúna niman to take counsel] :-- On hyne næ-acute;nig monna cynnes mihte wlítan nymþe se módiga hwæne neár héte rinca tó rúne gegangan (cf. gangan te rúnu, an rúna, Hel. 1273, 5064), Judth. Thw. 22, 7; Jud. 54. Gesittan tó rúne to sit in consultation, Beo. Th. 346; B. 172. Gesittan sundor tó rúne, Andr. Kmbl. 2324; An. 1163. Swá cwæþ snottor on móde gesæt him sundor æt rúne sat apart communing with himself (cf. nim thú ina sundar te thí an rúna, Hel. 3227), Exon. Th. 293. 5; Wand. 111. Gefetigan tó rúne (cf. Icel. heita einn at rúnum to consult), 246, 15; Jul. 61 : Elen. Kmbl. 2319; El. 1162. Eodon fram rúne, 821; El. 412. Rúne besittan, Andr. Kmbl. 1254; An. 627. Ic Síward cinges þegen æt ræ-acute;de and æt rúnan (cf. þegno betst (Peter) te is herron sprak an rúnun, Hel. 3096), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 355, 17. Hé (Christ) feówertig daga folgeras síne rúnum (cf. Jesus ... being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, Acts 1, 3) árétte, Hy. 10, 36. II. a mystery, cf. gerýne :-- Rún biþ gerecenod, Cd. Th. 211, 12; Exod. 525. Bæd him áreccan hwæt seó rún (the dream) bude, 250, 6; Dan. 542. Healdaþ æt heortan hálge rúne, Exon. Th. 282, 1; Jul. 656 : Elen. Kmbl. 666; El. 333. Dryhtnes word, hálige rúne, 2336; El. 1169. Déglum rúnum mystice, Jn. Skt. p. 4, 4. III. a secret :-- Rúne healdan to keep one's counsel, Exon. Th. 338, 31; Gn. Ex. 87. IV. of that which is written, with the idea of mystery or magic :-- Ðæt hé him bócstafas áræ-acute;dde and árehte hwæt seó rún (the writing on the wall of Belshazzar's palace) bude, Cd. Th. 262, 9; Dan. 741. Hæfdon hié on rúne and on rímcræfte áwriten wera endestæf, Andr. Kmbl. 267; An. 134. V. a rune, a letter. v. rún-stæf :-- Enge rúne (referring to &n-rune; = níd), Elen. Kmbl. 2521; El. 1262. Ræ-acute;d sceal mon secgan, rúne wrítan, leóþ gesingan, Exon. Th. 342, 7; Gn. Ex. 139. Hé hine ácsade hwæðer hé ða lýsendlícan rúne cúþe and ða stafas mid hine áwritene hæfde be swylcum menn leásspell secgaþ ðæt hine mon forðon gebindan ne mihte interrogare coepit, an forte literas solutorias de qualibus fabulae ferunt, apud se haberet, propter quas ligari non posset, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 25. [Ofte heo eoden to ræde ofte heo heolden rune (&yogh;eode to roune, 2nd MS.), Laym. 25332. Þan kaisere heo radden þat he write runen (writes makede, 2nd MS.), 25340. Godess dærne ræd and run, Orm. 18719. Godes derne runes and his derne domes, A. R. 96, 4. [Goth. rúna counsel, a mystery : O. Sax. rúna counsel, conference : O. H. Ger. rúna susurrio, mysterium, litera, v. Grff. ii. 523 : Icel. rún counsel, mystery, a letter.] v. beadu-, hete-, hyge-, inwit-, leóþu-, searo-, wæl-rún.
-rún in burh-rún :-- Burgrúne Parcas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 116, 10. [Cf. -rún in proper names in Icel. e.g. Sig-, Öl-rún : and see Grmm. D. M. 376.] v. -rúne.
-rúna. v. ge-rúna, hell-rúna (-rune?). [Cf. Icel. rúni a counsellor.] v. -rúne.
rún-cofa, an; m. The chamber of secret counsel, the mind, breast :-- Hé mæg on his rúncofan rihtwísnesse findan on ferhþe fæste gehýdde (cf. ðonne fint hé ðær (on his gemynde) ða ryhtwísnesse gehýdde, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 51), Met. 22, 59.
rún-cræftig; adj. Skilled in explaining mysteries :-- Ne mihton áræ-acute;dan rúncræftige men (cf. the astrologers, Chaldeans, and the soothsayers, Dan. 5, 7) engles æ-acute;rendbéc (the writing on the wall of Belshazzar's palace), Cd. Th. 261, 31; Dan. 734.
-rúne. v. helle-, leód-rúne, burh-rúnan, and -rún. [Cf. Icel. rúna a counsellor.]