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un-gemet, es; n. I. immensity, an immense number :-- Ealles his heres wæs swelc ungemet ðæt mon eáðe cweþan mehte ðæt hit wundor wæ-acute;re hwæ-acute;r hié wæteres hæfden ðæt hié mehten him þurst of ádrincan ut exercitui immensaeque classi vix ad potum flumina suffecisse memoratum sit, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 80. 7. Hé heora ungemet ofslóg; be ðæm mon mehte witan, ðá hé and ða consulas hié átellan ne mehton quot millia hominum interfecta ipse consul ostendit; qui numerum explicare non potuit, 3, 10; Swt. 140, 29. II. immoderation, excess :-- Of ungemete æ-acute;lces þinges, wiste and wæ-acute;da, wíngedrinces, Met. 25, 38. Ðæt hé ne wilnige wynsumran wyrðe ðonne hit gemetlíc sié, ne aft tó réþre; for ðæm hé ne mæg náþres ungemet ádrióhan, Bt. 40, 3; Fox

238, 22. II a. adverbial uses of cases, ungemetes, (mid) ungemete, ungemetum, to excess, without measure, excessively, immensely, very :-- Ungemetes wel, Beo. Th. 3589; B. 1792. Wese ðín esne on ðé ungemete blíðe servus tuus laetabitur, Ps. Th. 108, 27: 115, 2: 141, 7: 143, 17: Beo. Th. 5436; B. 2721. Ic bidde ðínre ansýne ungemete georne, mid ealre gehygde heortan mínre deprecatus sum faciem tuam in toto corde meo, Ps. Th. 118, 58: 108, 3: 115, 1. Ungemete neáh, Beo. Th. 4832; B. 2420: 5450: B. 2728. Hió wile weahsan mid ungemete sine mensura dilatatur, Past. 11; Swt. 71, 17. Mid ungemete (cf. ungemetlíce, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 25), Met. 26, 62. Se mid ungemete geonde anwalda ofer óþre ardens cupiditate dominandi, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 148. 29: 4, 5; Swt. 166, 25: 6, 3; Swt. 256, 28. Ða folc bútú on feferádle mid ungemete swulton gravissima pestilentia uterque exercitus angebatur, 4, 10; Swt. 198, 35. Ðá ongon se cealc mid ungemete stincan, 6, 32; Swt. 288, 1: Homl. Skt. i. 23, 230. Ungemetum réðe, Runic pm. Kmbl. 341, 2; Rún. 3: 341, 15; Rún. 11. Ungemettan fæste mid cludum ymbweaxen mirae asperitatis, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 132, 10. Ungemetum georne, Ps. Th. 118, 107: 142, 1. Ungemetum swíðe, 118, 67. Eágan ungemetum wépaþ, Dóm. L. 12, 193. [From mesure into unimete, A. R. 74, 28. O. H. Ger. un-gimez.]

un-gemet. Where the word seems to be used with an adjective or with an adverbial force, it is given, as in the case of ungemet-hleahtor, as part of a compound: cf. O. Sax. un-met (with adjectives): O. H. Ger. un-mez, Grff. ii. 898-9. Cf. ungesceád-micel.

ungemet-ceald; adj. Excessively cold :-- Winter bringeþ weder ungemetcald, Met. 11, 59.

un-gemete, un-gemetegod, un-gemetegung, ungemetelíce. v. un-gemet, II a, un-gemetgod, un-gemetgung, un-gemetlíce.

un-gemetfæst; adj. I. in a moral sense, immoderate, immodest, intemperate :-- Ðá forseah se Catulus hine, for ðam hé hine wiste swíþe ungesceádwísne and swíþe ungemetfæstne, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 96, 5. Ðám monnum ðe beóþ neátenum gelíce, ðæt beóð unrihtwíse and ungemetfæste, 14, 1; Fox 42, 4. II. in reference to physical things, (1) immoderate, excessive :-- Hwílum cymð of ungemetfæstre hæ-acute;to, hwílum of ungemetfæstum cyle, Lchdm. ii. 56, 16. Hwílum of ungemetfæstre hæ-acute;to, hwilum of ungemetfæstum cyle, hwílum of ungemetlícre wæ-acute;tan, hwílum of ungemætlícre drígnesse, iii. 72, 29. (2) applied to the stomach, irretentive :-- Ðæs hátan magan ungemetfæstan tácn sindon, ðonne hé bið mid ómum geswenced, ðam men bið þurst getenge, Lchdm. ii. 192, 25: 160, 4. [O. H. Ger. un-gimezfast immoderatus, immodestus.]

ungemet-fæst; adj. Extremely firm :-- Ðæ-acute;r hé mæge findan eáðmétta stán ungemetfæstne, grundweal gearone (cf. on ðam fæstan stáne eáðmétta, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 22), Met. 7, 33.

un-gemetfæstlíc; adj. Irretentive :-- Ðis sint tácn ðæs hátan magan ómihtan ungemetfæstlícan, Lchdm. ii. 192, 24, v. un-gemetfæst, II. 2.

un-gemetfæstness, e; f. Intemperance :-- Ðú wilt cweþan ðæt wræ-acute;nnes and ungemetfæstnes hí ofsitte sed transversos eos libido praecipitat, sic quoque intemperantia fragiles, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 182, 2.

ungemet-geneahhie; adv. Extremely :-- Mé fyrenfulra rápas ungemetgeneahhie oft beclyptan, Ps. Th. 118, 61.

ungemet-gímen[n], e; f. Excessive care :-- Se réþa rén, sumes ymbhogan ungemetgémen (cf. se rén ungemetlíces ymbhogan, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 19), Met. 7, 28.

un-gemetgod; adj. Immoderate, excessive, intemperate, indiscreet :-- Ðonne sió ðreáung bið ungemetgad cum increpatio immoderate accenditur, Past. 21; Swt. 165, 18. Sió ungemetgode suíge indiscretum silentium, 15; Swt. 89, 9. Ne durre wé ðás bóc ná miccle swíðor gelengan, ðí læs ðe heó ungemetegod sý, Homl. Th. ii. 520, 4. Ungemetegod lufu, 220, 6: Homl. Skt. i. 16, 276. Tunge ungemetegud(-ad) lingua immoderata, Scint. 78, 10: Kent. Gl. 507. Mid ðære ungemetgodan smeáunge, Past. 11; Swt. 67, 8. Ða ungemetgodan spræ-acute;ce immoderatam locutionem, 38; Swt. 281, 1. His ungemetegodan lufe, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 363. Beweóp se ylca apostol ungemetegodra manna líf, ðus cweðende: 'Heora wamb is heora god,' Homl. Th. i. 604, 27.

un-gemetgung, e; f. Want of moderation, excess, intemperance :-- 'Coda becumaþ.' Efne hér is foresæ-acute;d manna líchamana ungemetegung and geswencednys, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 30. Ðý læs ðæt innegeðonc sié gebunden ðære heortan for ðære ungemetgunge ðæs ymbehogan ðæra úterra ðinga (per moderatam cordis intentionem non impeditur), Past. 18; Swt. 141, 8.

ungemet-hleahtor, es; m. Immoderate laughter :-- Hú micele má wénestú ðæt hé mid yrre ða út áweorpe of his temple, ðe mid unnyttum gespræ-acute;cum and mid ungemethleahtrum ða stówa, ðe tó Godes þeówdóme gehálgode wæ-acute;ron, fýlaþ and besmýtaþ, L. E. I. 10; Th. ii. 408, 32.

ungemet-lange; adv. Excessively long, Cd. Th. 20, 23; Gen. 313.

un-gemetlíc; adj. I. immoderate, inordinate, excessive, too great :-- Ungemetlíco forgifnis ... ungemetlícu irsung inordinata remissio ... effrenata ira, Past. 20; Swt 149, 9-11. Ungemetlícu spræ-acute;c immoderata loquacitas, 43; Swt. 309, 2. Se rén ungemetlíces ymbhogan, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 19: 18, 1; Fox 60, 24. Ðú woldest brúcan ungemetlícre wræ-acute;nnesse voluptariam vitam degas, 32, 1; Fox 114, 20. For ungemetlícum cyle, 33, 4; Fox 130, 34. Mið ungemetlícre gítsunge intemperans cupido, Txts. 180, 1: Ors. 1, 2; Swt. 30, 28. Of ungemetlícre drígnesse, Lchdm. ii. 56, 17. Ungemætlícre, iii. 72, 30. Of ðam ungemetlícan gegerelan, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 16. Hé onsent ofer hig ungemetlíce hæ-acute;to ðære sunnan, Ps. Th. 10, 7. Ðá hié angeátan ðæt hé ungemetlíc gafol wið ðæm friþe habban wolde cum intolerabiles conditiones pacis audissent, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 174, 24. Ungemetlíca metesócna and ungemetlíce unlustas, Lchdm. ii. 174, 27. Ða ungemetlícan hleahtras, Blickl. Homl. 59, 18. II. immense, very great :-- Ungemetlíc inmane, Wrt. Voc, ii. 48, 25. Gif hit full ungemetlíc wind gestent, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 15. Ungemetlíc moncwealm incredibilium morborum pestis, Ors. 6, 23; Swt. 274, 11. Wæs ungemetlíc wæl geslægen, Chr. 867; Erl. 72, 15. Ðá com se ungemetlíca unfriðhere, 1009; Erl. 142, 16. III. not of the same measure, diverse :-- Ungemetlícra diversarum, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 5. v. un-metlíc.

un-gemetlíce; adv. I. immoderately, beyond measure, excessively, too (much) :-- Se ðe wile ungemetlíce gesceádwís beón, Past. 11; Swt. 67, 6. Tantalus ðe ungemetlíce gifre wæs, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 33. Gé wilniaþ eówerne hlísan ungemetlíce tó gebræ-acute;danne, 18, 1; Fox 62, 18. Ne nán preóst ne drince ungemetelíce, L. Ælfc. C. 29; Th. ii. 352, 28. Hú ungemetlíce gé bemurciaþ, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 48, 17. Ongan hió hine lufian, and hiora æ-acute;gþer óþerne swíþe ungemetlíce, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 25. Ðæt hé ðæt ryht tó swíþe and tó ungemetlíce (nimie et inordinate) ne bodige, Past. 15; Swt. 95, 17. Ðæt hié tó ungemetlíce ne forweaxen ne immoderatius excrescant, 18; Swt. 141, 6: 21; Swt. 167, 14. II. immensely, exceedingly, very greatly :-- Ðá wearð Cain ungemetlíce yrre iratus est Cain vehementer, Gen. 4, 5. Seó wæs ungemetlíce micel serpens mirae magnitudinis, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 174, 4. Sió eá hæfde ungemettlíce ceald wæter praefrigidus amnis, 3, 9; Swt. 124, 29. Ic eom swíþe ungemetlíce ofwundrod vehementer admiror, Bt. 13; Fox 40, 4., Isaac wundrode ungemetlíce swíðe Isaac ultra quam credi potest admirans, Gen. 27, 33. [O. H. Ger. un-gimezlíhho hyperbolice.] v. un-metlíce.

ungemet-lytel; adj. Exceedingly little :-- Ðæt ðeós eorðe sié eall for ðæt óþer ungemetlytel, Met. 10, 9.

un-gemetness, e; f. Extravagance :-- Ungemetnisse dementiam, Txts. 180, 3.

ungemet-scearp; adj. Excessively sharp :-- Wæ-acute;ron hyra tungan ungemetscearpe, Ps. Th. 56, 5.

ungemet-þurst, es; m. Excessive thirst :-- Se háta maga ungemetþurst þrowaþ, Lchdm. ii. 160, 4.

ungemet-wæcce, an; f. Excessive wakefulness :-- Monige ádla ... on unmóde and on ungemetwæccum, Lchdm. ii. 176, 2.

ungemet-wæl, es; n. Very great carnage :-- Ðæ-acute;r wæs ungemetwæl geslægen, Chr. 867; Erl. 73, 14.

ungemet-wilnung, e; f. Excessive desire :-- Ungemetwilnung æ-acute;tes and slæ-acute;pes, Dóm. L. 30, 44.

un-gemidlod; adj. Unbridled :-- Swá swá módig hors, ðe ungemidlod byð, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 22. Seó ofermódnes ungemidledum (-odon) horse fleáh superbia effreni volitat equo, Gl. Prud. 29 a. v. unmidlod.

un-gemilt; adj. Undigested :-- Heald georne ðæt se mete sí gemylt..., for ðan ðe se ungemylta mete him wyrcð mycel yfel, Lchdm. ii. 284, 4.

un-gemód; adj. Disagreeing, contentious, at variance; discors :-- Ðæ-acute;m ungesibsuman is tó cýðanne ðæt hié wieten ðætte swá lange swá hié beóð from ðære lufe áðiéd hiera niéhstena and him ungemóde beóð ... admonendi sunt dissidentes, ut noverint, quod ... quamdiu a proximorum caritate discordant, Past. 46; Swt. 349, 7. Ða ungemódan..., ða gemódan discordes..., pacati, 23; Swt. 177, 9.

un-gemódigness, e; f. Dissentiousness :-- Ðæt wæs ungerím, ðæt þurh deófles ungemódignesse intó helle behreás, Wulfst. 8, 15 note. v. next word.

un-gemódness, e; f. Contentiousness, indisposition to agree :-- Ða ungesibsuman sint tó manianne ðæt hié witen ðæt hié nó on tó ðæs monegum gódum cræftum ne ðióð ðæt hié æ-acute;fre mægen gástlíce bión gif hié ðurh ungemódnesse ágiémeleásiaþ ðæt hié ánmóde bión nyllaþ on ryhte and on góde discordes admonendi sunt, ut sciant, quia, quantislibet virtutibus polleant, spiritales fieri nullatenus possunt, si uniri per concordiam proximis negligunt, Past. 46; Swt. 344, 9.