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wítu (the pains that we inflict) ne ondræ-acute;de, 85, 15: Cd. Th. 289, 3; Sat. 392. [His wite abideð on þere oðre weorlde, O. E. Homl. i. 103, 32. Mid ærmliche witen (in &yogh;oure bendhuse, 2nd MS.), Laym. 1046. Uppe wite of feowerti punden, 5118. O. Sax. wíti punishment, torment: O. Frs. wíte: O. H. Ger. wízi poena, supplicium, tormentum, passio, damnatio, judicium, crux: Icel.víti a punishment, fine.] v. blód-, dol-, fiht- (fyht-), fyrd- (ferd-), helle-, leger-, weard-, weorold-, wræc-wíte.
wíte-ærn, es; n. A house of punishment, a prison :-- Wítern carcer, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 62.
wíte-bend a torturing bond, a prison-bond :-- Ðé wæ-acute;rlogan wítebendum swencan móton, Andr. Kmbl. 216; An. 108. Wé ellþeódigne on carcerne clommum belegdon, wítebendum, 3120; An. 1563.
wíte-bróga, an; m. Penal horror, a horrid punishment or torment :--Ne mé weorce sind wítebrógan, ðe ðú tó mé beótast, Exon. Th. 250, 31; Jul. 135. Eal ðæt man ús foresegð embe helle wítebrógan (cf. Wende him God fro heuene riche into helle witerbrogen (hellewites brogen?), Chart. Th. 581, 3), Wulfst. 151, 24. Hé ðec sendeþ in ða sweartestan and ða wyrrestan wítebrógan, Elen. Kmbl. 1861; El. 932 : Cd. Th. 3, 33; Gen. 45.
wited-líc. v. witod-líc.
wíte-dóm, es; m. I. knowledge derived from a superhuman source, prophecy, foreknowledge :-- Wítedóm profetia, Kent. Gl. 1064. Se Godes wer ðurh wítedómes gást (per prophetiae spiritum) ðone storm tówardne foreseah, Bd. 3, 15 ; S. 542, 4. Ðæt heó ðurh wítedómes gást ða ádle forecwéde, 4, 19 ; S. 588, 15 : 4, 28 ; S. 606, 20. Ðæt wundor, ðæt þurh wítedómes cræft [hé] wiste and him cýdde, Guthl. 17 ; Gdwin. 70, 2. Wítedóme vaticinatione, Hpt. Gl. 520, 17. Hí þurh wítedóm eal ánemdon, Exon. Th. 104, 24; Gú. 12. II. a statement of what is known through superhuman agency, a prophecy :-- Wæs gefylled se wítedóm (praesagium) Agustinus, Bd. 2, 2; S. 504, 8:3, 14 ; S. 541, 9: Blickl. Homl. 71, 3: Exon. Th. 14, 1; Cri. 212. Wæs se wítedóm beforan sungen, Elen. Kmbl. 2304; El. 1153. Æfter ðam wítedóme secundum vaticinium (prophetiam), Hpt. Gl. 493, 48. Æfter Esaias wítedóme, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 22. Gehýraþ wítedóm Ióbes gieddinga, Exon. Th. 234, 31; Ph. 548. Wítedómas oracula, Hpt. Gl. 409, 50. Wítedóma &l-bar; godcundra spréca oraculorum, 442, 36. Mid wítedómas presago, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 32. v. next word, and cf. wíteg-dóm.
wítedóm-líc; adj. Of superhuman knowledge, prophetical :-- Wítedómlíc wundor a miracle which displayed a knowledge communicated by God (cf. him God ealle ða díglan þingc cúð gedyde, 1.UNCERTAIN 12), Guthl. 11; Gdwin. 54, 1. Gúðlác wítedómlíce gáste (in prophetic spirit) weóx, and hé ða tóweardan mannum cýdde swá cúðlíce swá ða andweardan, 13; Gdwin. 60, 19. Wítedómlíce múðe hé sang, 4; Gdwin. 28, 19.
wíte-fæst; adj. In slavery as a punishment for crime. v. wíteþeów :-- Hé wyle ðæt man freóge æfter his dæge æ-acute;lcne wítefæstne man ðe on his tíman forgylt wæ-acute;re si quis, secundum patriae Anglie morem, in aliquam incurrisset servitutem tempore sue potestatis, libertate sibi penitus contributa, relaxatus ejus jussu est, Chart. Th. 551, 14. Ic gean ðæt man gefreóge æ-acute;lcne wítefæstne man ðe ic on spræ-acute;ce áhte, 557, 21.
wítega, an; m. I. a wise man, one who has knowledge :-- Hé is wítgan (cf. the epithets applied to Simon, eald æ-acute;wita, 907 ; El. 455, guma gehðum fród, 1059; El. 531, and the whole passage in which these forms occur) sunu, Elen. Kmbl. 1181; El. 592. Swá ús gefreogun gleáwe wítgan þurh wísdóm on gewritum cýþaþ, Exon. Th. 199, 23; Ph. 30. II. one who has knowledge from a superhuman source, (1) a prophet :-- Wítega propheta vel vates, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 69 : propheta, 71, 68. (1 a) in the biblical sense :-- Swá se wítega sang, Menol. Fox 119; Men. 59. Wítga, Exon. Th. 41, 4; Cri. 650: 316, 18 ; Mód. 50. Se wítiga (the Psalmist; v. Ps. 28, 3) cwæð, Fragm. Kmbl. 13; Leás. 8. Óð ðæt wítga cwom UNCERTAIN, Daniel tó dóme, Cd. Th. 225, 5; Dan. 149. Wítga (Isaiah), Exon. Th. 19, 26; Cri. 306. Iónas tácn ðæs wítegan (prophetae), Mt. Kmbl: 12, 39. On ðæs wítegan béc Isaiam, Mk. Skt. 1, 2. Sunu Dauides wítgan (Nathan the prophet) lárum getimbrede tempel, Cd. Th. 202, 19; Exod. 390. Ðæt fram Drihtne gecweden wæs þurh ðone wítegan (wítgo, Lind., witgu, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 1, 22: 2, 15. Twelf wítegan syndon ðe twelf béc áwriton . . . Wæ-acute;ron eác óðre wítegan ðe ne writon náne béc, Ælfc. T. Grn. 10, 8, 28. " Eówre wítgan (prophetae) eów wítgodon dysig ". . . Ða gódan láreówas beóð oft genemnede on hálgum gewritum wiétgan (wítgan, Cott. MSS.), for ðæm hié gereccaþ ðis andwearde líf fleónde and ðæt tówearde gesweotoligeaþ, Past. 15; Swt. 91, 3-7. Wítigan, Cd. Th. 293, 26; Sat. 460: Blickl. Homl. 105, 9. Ðæt in fyrndagum wítegan sæ-acute;don, 293, 32 ; Sat. 464. Ða wítigan þrý (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), Andr. Kmbl. 1602 ; An. 802. Hú on worulde æ-acute;r wítgan sungon, gásthálige guman, be Godes bearne, Elen. Kmbl. 1119; El. 561: Exon. Th. 5, 3; Cri. 64. Æ-acute; and wítegena bebod (wítgas &l-bar; wítgo, Lind., wítgu, Rush.) lex et prophete, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 12. Wítgena word, Exon. Th. 29, 27; Cri. 469. Heáhfædera nán, ne wítgena, 273, 12; Jul. 515. Siteþ Waldend mid wítegum, Cd. Th. 301, 25 ; Sat. 587. Né wé sweotul tácen ús geseóð æ-acute;nig, ne wé wítegan habbaþ, ðæt ús andgytes má secgen, Ps. Th. 73, 9. (2) a wise man, diviner, soothsayer :-- Wítgan, Caldéa cyn, Cd. Th. 218, 19; Dan. 41. Andswarode cyning wítgum sínum (the wise men of Babylon, the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, Dan. 2, 2, 12), 224, 13; Dan. 135. Uuítgan divinos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 57: 25, 42 : divinos, ariolos, 141, 55. III. applied to things, a presage :-- Ætýwdon twégen steorran . . . Hí wítegan (praesagae) wæ-acute;ron grimmes wæles, Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 26. Wítegum praesagminibus, Hpt. Gl. 448, 64. [Dauid þe halie wite&yogh;e, O. E. Homl. i. 43, 16. Se witi&yogh;e, 233, 12. Ðe lorðew þe tehte Salemon and alle wise witege here wisdom, ii. 83, 36. Dauid þe wite&yogh;e, H. M. 5, 2. Teilesin heo heolten for witie, Laym. 9094. Merlin þe wite&yogh;e, 17415. Tweolue of þine witi&yogh;n, of þine wisuste monnen, 4368. He þeos word seide þurh an of his wite&yogh;en propheta clamabat dicens, Kath. 483. O. H. Ger. wízago propheta; pitho, divinus, ariolus.] v. deófol-, tungol-wítega.
wíteg-dóm, es; m. I. prophecy :-- Ðæt sié gefylled wítigdóm (prophetia) Essaies, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 13, 14. Ðæt uítgadóm and allra canóne cuido ða ðe ymb Cristes ðroung ácueden uæs &l-bar; wéron, Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 30 margin. II. divination : -- Ne meahte seó manigeo þurh wítigdóm wihte áþencean, ne áhicgan, Cd. Th. 224, 34; Dan. 146. [O. H. Ger. wízag-tuom prophetia, divinatio.] Cf. wíte-dóm, wítegung.
wítege, an ; f. A prophetess :-- Anna ðió wítga Anna prophetissa, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 36. [O. H. Ger. wízaga prophetissa. ] v. wítegestre.
wíte-geard (?), es; m. A place of punishment :-- Wítehúses &l-bar; wyerteardes (wítegeardes ?) amphitheatri, Hpt. Gl. 484, 47.
wítegend-líc ; adj. Prophetic :-- Ic (Elisha) bidde ðé (Elijah), ðæt ic beó áfylled mid ðam wítegendlícum gáste ðe on ðé nu wunaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 282. Ðæt cild on his módor innoðe . . . mid wítigendlícre fægnunge getácnode ðone tócyme úres Álýsendes, Homl. Th. i. 352, 28. Hí wiston ða tówerdan ðing, and mid wítigendlícere gyddunge bododon, 540, 25.
wítegestre, an; f. A prophetess :-- Anna wæs wítegystre (prophetissa), Lk. Skt. 2, 36. Týn mæ-acute;dena wæ-acute;ron on hæ-acute;ðenum folcum, ðe man hét Sibillas, ðæt synd wítegestran, and hí wítegodon ealle be Criste, Ælfc. T. Grn. 10, 31.
wítegian, wítgian; p. ode To prophesy, (1) absolute :-- Ðá hig wítegodon (prophetarent), ðá arn án cnapa and cwæð: " Eldad and Meldad wítegiaþ (prophetant)," Num. 11, 27. Wítigaþ, Cd. Th. 246, 16; Dan. 480. Wítgas, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 10. Zacharias wæs mid hálegum gáste áfylled and hé wítegode (prophetauit), Lk. Skt. 1, 67: Num. 23, 8. Hú ne wítegode wé on ðínum naman? Mt. Kmbl. 7, 22. Ealle wítegan wítegudun (wítgadun, Rush.) óð Ióhannes, 11, 13. Mid wítegiende múðe, Guthl. 5 ; Gdwin. 36, 19. (2) with an object, (a) an accusative: -- Ðæt hé him wítgode wyrda geþingu, Cd. Th. 250, 13; Dan. 546. " Eówre wítgan eów wítgodan dysig " . . . Hié scolden leásunga wítgian, Past. 15; Swt. 91, 3-8. Hié eal, ðæt tóweard wæs, beforan wítgodan, Blickl. Homl. 161, 15. Se swég wæs þurh wítgan wítgod, 133, 31. (b) with a clause :-- Hé wítgode, ðæt se Hæ-acute;lend sceolde sweltan for ðære þeóde, Jn. Skt. 11, 51. Hé wítgode suá suá hit geweorðan sceolde, Past. 1; Swt. 29, 11. Wítigan wítigodan, ðæt se wolde cuman, Blickl. Homl. 105, 9. Wítga (prophetiza) ús, huá is se ðe ðec ofslóg, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 68. (c) with constructions of (a) and (b) :-- Heora fæderas ðæt wítgodan, ðæt him God wolde sendan his sunu, Blickl. Homl. 177, 10. (3) with a preposition :-- Anna wítegode be him . . . swá hálig wíf wæs ðæs wyrðe, ðæt heó móste wítigian embe Crist, Homl. Th. i. 146, 27-29. Hé wítgode be ðære ácennednesse Cristes, Ps. Th. 8, arg. : Blickl. Homl. 133, 28. Wítgade, 83, 24. Wítegan ðe wítegodon ymbe Crist, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 18. [Þis wite&yogh;ede Dauid . . . þis he wite&yogh;ede bi Drihtene, O. E. Homl. i. 7, 13-15. Minna bern sculen wite&yogh;an, 91, 5. O. Frs. wítgia: O. H. Ger. wízagón prophetare, vaticinari, anguriari, divinare.] v. fore-, ge-wítegian.
wítegung, e; f. I. prophecy :-- Án ðæra gecýdde Cristes tócyme mid sealmsange, and óðer mid wítegunge. Sind sealmsang and wítegung, swylce hí syflinge wæ-acute;ron . . . tó ðám fíf æ-acute;lícum bócum, Homl. Th. i. 188, 19. Ðá wæs gefylled Hieremias wítegung, ðe ðus wítegode, 80, 18. Esaias wítegung (wítgiung prophetia, Lind.), Mt. Kmbl. 13, 14. Wítgiung, p. 16, 15. In stefne wítgeonges in uoce prophetiae, Mk. Skt. p. 1, 8. Swá swá Isaias se wítega hit on béc sette on his wítegunge, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 22. II. divination :-- Þurh eorþan wítegung geomantia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 23. Þurh deáþes wítgung nicromantia, 62, 30. [He &yogh;ifð summe witegunge, O. E. Homl. i. 97, 19. All þatt wite&yogh;hunnge þatt hall&yogh;he witess writenn, Orm. 15149. O. H. Ger. wízagunga divinatio, vaticinium, auspicium.] v. fore-wítegung.
wítegung-bóc; f. A book containing prophecies, a prophetical book :-- Hit is áwriten be mé on wítegungbócum, Homl. Skt. ii. 24, 115. Ic geliornod hæbbe on eówer wítegungbócum, ðæt gé wæ-acute;ron fram frymðe gecorene fram Criste selfum, H. R. 7, 11, 30.
wíte-hrægel, es; n. A garment worn as a punishment, sackcloth :-- Ic míne gewæ-acute;da on wítehrægl cyrde posui vestimentum meum cilicium, Ps. Th. 68, 11.
wíte-hús, es; n. A house of punishment or torment, (1) a prison :-- Wítehúsa ergastulorum, Hpt. Gl. 516, 8. (2) an amphitheatre in which the Christians were martyred :-- Wítehúses amphitheatri, Hpt. Gl. 484, 47. On wítehúse in amphitheatrum (the passage is: In amphitheatrum