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75. Wudubeúma helm, 496, 2; Rä. 85, 8. Wudubeámum, 277, 6; Jul. 576.
wudu-bearu (-o), wes; m. A grove of trees, a wood :-- Wudubearwes weard (the Phenix), Exon. Th. 208, 7 ; Ph. 152. On wudubearwe (cf. on holtwuda, 1. 16), 209, 11 ; Ph. 169. Ðæt treów, ðe wexeþ on ðam wudubearwe, Wulfst. 262, 6. Wæ-acute;run wudubearwas on wyndagum exultabunt omnia ligna sylvarum, Ps. Th. 95, 12: Exon. Th. 191, 5; Az. 83. On feldum, and on mæ-acute;dutn, and on wudubearwum, and on sealtum merscum. Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 350, 7. Da wudubearwas nemora, Nar. 22, 15. Drihten sende ceferas, ða ádilegedan ealle wudebeorwas. Wulfst. 221, 17.
wudu-bend wood-bine :-- Wudubend. Genim ðysse wyrte wyrttruman ðe man capparis and óþrum naman wudubend hátaþ, Lchdm. i. 302, 11. Wuduhunig ðæt wæxeþ on wudebendum, Mk. Skt. Rush. l, 6. v. wudubind, and cf. wiþo-bend.
wudu-bil[l], es; u. A wood-bill :-- Wudubil (uuidu-) folcis, Txts. 63. 834 : falcastrum, 836: Wrt. Voc. ii. 35, i. 5. Uudubil falcastrum, ferramentum curvum a similitudine folds vocatum, 146, 82.
wudu-bind, es; m. ; -binde, au; f. : -bindele, an; f. Woodbine :-- Uuidubindae volvola, herba similis hederae, quae vitibus et frugibus circumdari solet, Txts. 104, 1059 : viburna, 106, 1082. Wudubind hedera nigra, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 51. Wudebinde, i. 32, 22. Weodubinde viticella, 69, 10. Uudubinde, uudubindlae, uuidubindlae involuco, Txts. 71, 1116. Wudubindes leáf, Lchdm, ii. 34, 26: 306, 24: 326, 11. Wudubindan leáf, iii. 14, 2 : 30, 8. Wuduhunig ðæt wæxes on wudubinde, Mk. Skt. Lind. i. 6. [Mater silva chevefoil, wudebinde. Wrt. Voc. i. 140, 19. Caprifolium wodebinde, Wülck. Gl. 570, 31. Woodebynde caprifolium, viticella, Prompt. Parv. 531.] v. wudu-bend, and cf. wiþo-winde.
wudu-binde, an; f. A bundle of wood :-- Uuidubinde lignarium (lignarium bois a brúler, Migne), Txts. 35, 18.
wudu-bléd, e; f A forest fruit :-- Steám swéttra swæcca gehwylcum, wyrta blóstmum and wudublédum, Exon. Th. 358, 18 ; Pa. 47. Hé somnaþ wyrta wynsume and wudubléda colligit succos et odores divite silva, 211, 8 ; Ph. 194.
wudu-bora (?), an; m. One who carries wood for fuel :-- Wudubior (-bora?) calo militum, Hpt. Gl. 427, 7. v. wudere.
wudu-bucca, an; m. A wild goat: -- Firginbucca, ðæt ys wudubucca, Lchdm. i. 348, 2. Wudubuccan gealla, 348, 6. v. wudu-gát.
wudu-cerfille, an; f. Wild chervil :-- Wuducerfille brassica, Wrt. Voc. i. 67, 4. Wuducerefille brassica sylvatica, 68, 74. Wuducerfille pastinace, 19. Wuducarfille speragus, 46. Wuduceruille. Genim ðysse wyrte wyrttruman ðe man sparagi agrestis, and óðrum naman wuducerfillu nemneþ. Lchdm. i. 188, 19-22. Nim cerfillan and wuducerfillan, ii. 152, 15: 268, 14. v. wudu-fille.
wudu-cocc, es; m. A woodcock :-- Wudecocc aceta, Wrt. Voc. i. 29, 52. Wuducoc acega, 280, 3. Wudecocc, Hpt. 33, 240, 28. [In later English the word translates several Latin words: castrimargus, Wülck. Gl. 571, 17: 625, 2: 701, 38: 762, 2: gallus sylvestris, 625, 3: fornix, 639, 36: orna, 639, 37: castrimargus, gallus sylvestris, Prompt. Parv. 531.]
wudu-croft, es ; m. A croft with trees on it (?) :-- On wudecrofte; of ðam crofte, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 376, 7.
wudu-culfre. an ; f. A wood-pigeon :-- Wuduculfre palumba. Wrt. Voc. i. 77, 21 : palumbes, 62, 27. Wudeculfre palumbus, 29, 26.
wudu-ounelle, an; f. Wild thyme :-- Wuducunille, Lchdm. ii. 96, 22. Wuducunellan, 320, 14.
wudu-cyn[n], es; n. A kind of wood :-- Wuducynn &l-bar; wyrtcynn nardi pistici, Jn. Skt. Lind. 12, 3.
wudu-docce, an ; f. Sorrel :-- Wududocce. Genim ðás wyrte ðe man lapatium, and óðrum naman wududocce nemneþ, Lchdm. i. 132, 215.
wudu-fæsten[n], es; n. I. a place rendered secure by woods, a wood as a place of security :-- Ðæ-acute;r gewexen is wudufæstern micel there has grown a great wood which affords shelter, Cod. Dip. B. ii. 376, 4. HSgewícode ðæ-acute;r ðæ-acute;r hé niéhst rýmet hæfde for wudufæstenne he pitched his camp in the nearest spot allowed by the woods, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 9. Ða flugon ða Bryt-Walas tó ðam wudufærstenum (cp. silvis sese obdidere, Bd. I. 2), pref. ; Erl. 5, 12. II. a place of security built of wood :-- Sceal fæsl wesan cwiclifigendra cynna gehwylces on ðæt wudufæsten (Noah's ark) gelæ-acute;ded, Cd. Th. 79, 16 ; Gen. 1312.
wudu-feld, a. es; m. A field of the wood :-- On wudufeldum in campis silvae, Ps. Th. 131, 6.
wudu-feoh; gen. -feós; n. A wood-tax, tax on forests :-- Wudefeoh lucar (vectigal quod ex lucis contrahitur, Du Cange), Lchdm. i. lxiii, 2. Cf. land-feoh.
wudu-fllle, an; f. Wild chervil :-- Wudufille, Lchdm. iii. 24, 7. Nim wudufillan, ii. 312, 14: 340, 2. Wudafillan, 4, 27. Ða reádan wudufillan (sparagia agrestis), 50, I. v. wudu-cerfille.
wudu-fin, e ; f. A heap of wood; -- Wudufín strues, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Zup. 53, 5. Wudefíne, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 53. Wudufíne strue, congerie, Hpt. Gl. 464, 30. [O. H. Ger. witu-nina strues.]
wudu-fugel, es; m. A bird of the woods :-- Wudufuglas, ðeáh hí beón wel átemede, gif hí on ðam wuda weorþaþ, hí forseód heora láreówas, and wuniaþ on heora gecynde, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 15 : Met. 13. 35.
wudu-gát, e ; f. A wild goat :-- Wudugáte geallan, Lchdm. i. 348, 13, 18. v. wudu-bucca.
wudu-gehæg, es; n. An enclosed wood (?) :-- Of ðam hwítan stoccæ þurh ðæt wudugehæg, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 176, 1.
wudu-hana, an ; m. A woodcock :-- Uuduhona pantigatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 116, 56.
wudu-heáwere, es; m. A hewer of wood, woodcutter :-- Búton wuduheáwerum exceptis lignorum caesoribus, Deut. 29, 11.
wudu-herpaþ, es; m. A public road through a wood :-- On ðone wuduherpaþ, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 213, 2.
wudu-holt, es; m. A grove: -- Ðæ-acute;r is se fægere wuduholt ðe is on bócurn geháten Radians sallus, Engl. Stud. viii. 477, 12. Sunbearo, wuduholt wynlíc solis nemus, et consilies arbore multa lucus, Exon. Th. 200, l; Ph. 34. Wuduholtum, 223, 20; Ph. 362.
wudu-hunig, es; n. Wild honey :-- Wuduhunig mel silvestre, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 4. Wudehunig, Homl. Th. i. 352, 7. Be wyrtum and be wuduhuuige, Blickl. Homl. 167, 36. Wuduhunig hé æt, Mk. Skt. l, 6.
wudu-lád, e; f. Carting wood :-- Æt wúduláde wæ-acute;ntreów, L. R. S. 20; Th. i. 440, 27.
wudu-læ-acute;s, we; f. Forest pasture :-- Seó útlæ-acute;s and seó wudulæ-acute;s mid ódrum mannum gemæ-acute;ne, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 214, 22. Wæs tiolo micel spréc ymb wuduléswe tó Súðtúne; waldon ða swángeréfan ða læ-acute;swe forður gedrífan ond ðone wudu . geþiogan ðon hit aldgeryhto wéron, i. 278, 32.
wudu-land, es; n. Wood-land, forest-land, forest :-- Ægðer ge etelond ge eyrðlond ge eác wudoland, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 95, 14. Ðæt wudæland, ðæ mín fæder geúþæ, iii. 2:73, 27. Him wæ-acute;re fornéh eall ðæt wudulond on gereáfad . . . ðæt Æðelbald cyning gesealde tó mæstlonde and tó wudulonde, v. 140, 17. Feldlondes and wudulandes, iii. 262, 19: vi. 219, 5. Hí hine geond ealle eorðan sóhton, ge on dúnlandum ge on wudalandnm, Ap. Th. 7, 14. [Þa wilde bær i þon wodelonde, Laym. 1699.]
wudu-leáctric, es; m. Wild lettuce :-- Wuduléctric. Ðeós wyrt ðe man lactucam sylvaticam, and óðrum naman wuduléctric nenmeþ, Lchdm. i. 128, 6-8. Wuduléhtric, iii. 2, 21.
wudu-líc; adj. I. of a wood :-- Wudulíc siluester, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 18 ; Zup. 44, 16. Wudelícra treówa arborum silvestrium, Hpt. Gl. 419, 42. II. wild :-- Wudulíce oððe wilde agrestes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 460.
wudu-mæ-acute;d. v. mæ-acute;d.
wudu-mær echo: -- Wudumer (uuydu-) echo, Txts. 59, 715. Wudumær. Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, l: 70, 7 (windu-, MS. ), v. Grmm. D. M. pp. 452, 1412 (Stallybrass' Trans. ).
wudu-merce, es; m. Wood- marche :-- Wudumerce apis sylvatica, Wrt. Voc. i. 67, 29. Wudemerce apiaster, 31, 9. Genim wudumerce, Lchdm. ii. 22, 16: 66, 18: 326, 9. [Wudemerch saniculum, Wrt. Voc. i. 139, 6.]
wudung, e; f. I. cutting wood :-- Ða hæ-acute;ðenan on heora ðeówte leofodon tó wudunge and tó wæterunge, Homl. Th. ii. 222, 29. II. as a technical term referring to the right of cutting timber in a wood :-- Dis is seó wudung ðe ðæ-acute;rtó; gebyreþ, æ-acute;lce geáre fíftig fóðra and án hund of ðæs cinges ácholte, and húsbót, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 243, 11. Seó wudung on gemæ-acute;nan gráfe tó Ðorndúne, iii. 463, 9. Uuidiguug, uuidiung, Cod. Dip. B. i. 344, 13, 17. v. wudian
wudu-ræ-acute;den[n], e; f. Woodcutting, right of cutting timber in a wood :-- Ánan esne gebyreþ tó metsunge .xii. pund gódes cornes, and wuduræ-acute;den be landside (the amount of wood that he may cut is to be determined by local custom), L. R. S. 8 ; Th. i. 436, 27. Twá hund swína mæsten and wuduræ-acute;den loca hwæs man beþurfe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 20, 5. An ic twéga wæ-acute;na gang tó wuduredenne, vi. 36, 16. Heó hæbbe ða wuduræ-acute;ddenne in ðæm wuda ðe ða ceorlas brúcaþ, and éc ic hire léte tó ðæt ceorla gráf, ii. 100, 14.
wudu-réc, es; m. The smoke from burning wood :-- Wuduréc ástáh sweart, Beo. Th. 6280; B. 3144.
wudu-rima. an ; m. The edge of a wood :-- West be wuduriman, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. in. 34, 15. [To mine lauerde i þon woderime, þer he under rise lið, Laym. 739.]
wudu-rofe, -rife (cf. Jamieson's Dict. wood-rip), an; f. Woodruff :-- Wuderofe astula regia, Wrt. Voc. i. 30, 31. Wudurofe. Genim ðysse wyrte seáw ðe man astula regia, and óðrum naman wudurofe nemneþ, Lchdm. i. 132, 6-9. Wuduhrofe. Genim ðysse wyrte wyrttruman ðe Grécas malochin agria, and Rómáne astula regia nemnab, and eác Ængle wudurofe hátaþ, 156, 8-11. Wel wudurofan, ii. 54, 2 : 108, 19 : 324, 13. Wudurifan, 64, 5.
wudu-rose, an ; f. Wilj rose :-- Genim wudurosan, Lchdm. ii. 90, 16.
wudu-snite, an; f. The name of some bird: -- Uudusuíte cardictis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 46. Wudusníte, 14, 9. v. sníte.