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and-wíg, es; n. Resistance :-- Andwíges heard, Gú. 147.

and-wille (?); adj. Obstinate :-- Ne sý hé andwille (ann-, an-, v. ll.) non sit obstinatus, R. Ben. 121, 13.

and-wís. Add: v. un-andwís: and-wísnes. Add :-- Andwísnis experimentum. Wrt. Voc. ii. 107, 50: 29, 57.

and-wist, e; f. Sustenance :-- Eorþan andwist the sustenance that earth supplies, An. 1542. Cf. and-leofen.

and-wlata. Add :-- Anwlatan frontis, Scint. 172, 5 : formae, An. Ox. 5169. Lege ofer þá eágan on þone andwlatan, Lch. i. 72, 5. Begeót ðæne andwlatan, 200, 10. Anwlatan, 356, 20. [wlata from earlier wliota, wlita.] v. next word.

-andwlatod. v. ge-andwlatod.

and-wlita. Add: I. face, countenance :-- Andwlita ora. Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 26: 64, 43: vultus, Wülck. Gl. 156, 19. Anwlita vel neb fades, Wrt. Voc. i. 42, 51: vultus, 282, 45. Eówer mód is áwend and eówer andwlita, Hml. Th. i. 62, 32. His andwlita sceán, ii. 518, 11. Wearp seó eorþe hit tó þæs mannes andwleotan, Bl. H. 127, 2 : 223, 35. Ond-wleatan vultu. Ps. Srt. 37, 4: 45, 6. þ-bar; hiora nán óðerne on þone andwlitan ne slóge, Ors. 5, 12; S. 242, 11. Habban glædne andwlitan bútan blácunge and forhtunge, Hml. Th. i. 72, 27. Ondwliotan vultum, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 202, 34. Slógon ondwlitto (faciem) his, Lk. L. 22, 64. II. form, appearance :-- Andwlitan formae, An. Ox. 8, 325. Ðá eágan ongitaþ ðone andwlitan (formam) þæs líchoman, Bt. 41, 4; F. 252, 13.

and-wlítan. Dele.

and-wlite. Add :-- Andwlite Drihtnes vultus Domini, Ps. L. 33, 17. þines andwlites vultus tui, 79, 17. Hé geseah beorhtnesse on his and-wlite, Hml. S. 24, 138.

andwlite-full glosses vultuosus, Germ. 393, 172.

and-wyrdan. Add; (-weard-, -ward-, -word- in North Gospels) :-- Ne andwyrtst (-wyrdest, R. ) þu nán þing ongén þá nihil respondes ad ea f UNCERTAIN, Mt. 26, 62. Ondueardest (-wordes, R. ), Mk. L. 14, 60. Se smiþ andwyrt (respondit), Coll. M. 31, 15. Ðonne andwyrt se cyning þám rihtwísan þissum wordum, Wlfst. 288, 24. Ondueardeð, Mt. L. 25, 45. Ondueardas respondebunt, 37. Ic ðá sóna eft mé selfum andwyrde and cwæð. Past. 5, 22 : Bt. 5, 3; F. 12, 3. Hé him andwyrde þissara worda, Gr. D. 299, 5. Ðá andwearde se Hæ-acute;lend and cwæð, Hml. Th. i. 166, 14. Onduearde (onwyrde, R. ), Mt. L. 15, 26. Onduarde, 12, 39. Onduorde, 24, 2. Ondearde, Mk. L. 10, 24. þ-bar; ic þé andwyrdan scyle, Bt. 5, 3; F. 12, 16: Ors. 3, 9; S. 126, 30. Onduearda (-worda, R. ), Mk. L. 14, 40. [O. Sax. and-wordian: O. H. Ger. ant-wurten.] v. ge-andwyrdan.

and-wyrde. Add: -- Wæs Hannibale þ-bar; andwyrde láð. Ors. 4, 10; S. 202, 6: 5, 3; S. 222, 20. For ðæ-acute;m andwyrde geegsade, 21. þ-bar; hé nán ryht andwyrde nyte, gif mon ácsaþ, Bt. 35, l; F. 156, 8. [Goth. anda-waurdi: O. Sax. and-wordi: O. H. Ger. ant-wurti.]

and-wyrding. Add: -- Fácengecwis oððe andwyrding conspiratio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 8. (Cf. ge-anwyrdan conspiraverant, 134, 11.)

áne, æ-acute;ne. Dele, and see án, æ-acute;ne.

án-eága, -ége. Add :-- Ánége luscus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 12: 71, 2. Anéges monoptalmi, 93, 38. Ánége luscum. Mk. L. 9, 47. Ánégum monoptalmis, luscis, An. Ox. 7, 225. Æ-acute;négum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 40: 56, 73. [O. H. Ger. ein-ougi luscus, monoptalmus.] v. án-íge.

áneg, Hml. S. 23 b, 441. v. æ-acute;nig, I. (1).

án-éged. l. án-eágede, -égede, and add: -- Ánégede luscus vel monoptalmus, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 41. Sum bróþor wæs ánégede . . . him wearð ágifen his eáge, Hml. S. 33, 321. Ánégedum monoptalmis, An. Ox. 2, 142.

á-neglod, dele: ánes, áness, dele: ánet-ness. v. æ-acute;nett.

ánett, e; f. Solitude :-- Hié þára geearnunga hiora dígelnesse and ánette bet trúwien secretum praeponit suum, Past. 46, 2. v. æ-acute;nett.

án-feald. Add :-- Ánfeald simplex, Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 50. Ánfald simpla, 120, 55. I. as numeral, single, sole :-- Anfealdre simplo (volumine), An. Ox. 2376. Tó ánfealdan gewinne ad singularem pugnam, R. Ben. l. 10, 2. Náht elles búton his ánfealdne gegyrelan, Bl. H. 215, 3. On eallum þisum men sécaþ ánfealde eádignesse (solam bealitudinem), Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 10. Gif mon næbbe búton ánfeald hrægl, Ll. Th. i. 52, 24. II. simple, not resolvable into components : -- -Ánfeald and untódæ-acute;lendlic, þeáh hine dysige men on mænig tódæ-acute;len, Bt. 33, 1; S. 74, 30: 76, 9: 33, 2; S. 76, 12. III. simple, unmixed :-- Þeáh hit us manigfealdlic ðince, sum god, sum yfel, hit is þeáh him ánfeald gód, Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 8. Hit hwílum gewurþ þ-bar; þæ-acute;m gódum becymþ ánfeald yfel, and þám yflum ánfeald gód, and óþre hwíle æ-acute;gþer gemenged, 39, 9; F. 224, 29. Tó tácnunge án-fealdes sáres, 7, 2; F. 18, 21. IV. simple, without addition or amplification, no more than :-- Se Ióannes wæs ácenned swá swá óðre menn beóð and wæs ánfeald man, mæ-acute;re and geðungen (he was simply a great and illustrious man), Hml. Th. ii. 36, 29. þonne wé sceolan habban ánfeald leán þæs þe wé on lífe æ-acute;r geworhtan, Ll. Th. i. 370, 21: Wlfst. 209, 13: 208, 33. Fela árison mid Críste ðe wæ-acute;ron ánfealde men, ðeáh ðe Críst God sý, Hml. Th. i. 226, 5. V. simple, plain, (1) of persons :-- Da bilwitan ánfealdan simplices, Past. 237, 14. Mid ðæ-acute;m bilwitum and mid ðæ-acute;m ánfealdum cum simplicibus, 243, 17. Críst geceas hyrdas and yrðlingas and ánfealde fisceras. Hml. S. 5, 225. (2) of things :-- Þonne þincþ þám ungelæ-acute;redum þ-bar; eall þ-bar; andgit beó belocen on þæ-acute;re ánfealdan gerecednisse, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 32. VI. simple, uniform, fixed, invariable :-- þ-bar; is openlíce cúþ þ-bar; sió godcunde foreteohhung is ánfeald and unawendendlic illud certe manifestum est, immobilem simplicemque gerendarum formam rerum esse providentiam, Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 16: 39, 4; F. 216, 30. Æt þæ-acute;m stillan and æt þæ-acute;m gestæþþigan and æt þæ-acute;m ánfealdan Gode ex divinae mentis stabilitate, 39, 5; F. 218, 15: 39, 6; F. 220, 25.

ánfealdlíce. Add: I. in the singular :-- Hé ne cwæþ ná menifealdlíce 'tó úrum anlícnissum,' ac andfealdlíce 'tó úre anlícnisse,' Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 3, 17. II. simply, without reference to or connexion with anything else :-- Gif hi náne æhta tó sellenne næbben, offrigen hyra bearn ánfealdlíce (simpliciter), R. Ben. 105, 9. Mid stilnesse ánfealdlíce (simpliciter) hé ingange, 81, 10. III. simply, without ornament, amplification, &c. :-- Hit is ánfealdlíce gecweden. Hml. Th. ii. 244, 20. Þis godspel is nú ánfealdlíce gesæ-acute;d, 404, 6. Agathes andwyrde ánfealdlíce, Hml. S. 8, 18.

ánfealdnes. Add; Simplicity, ingenuousness: -- Biliwitnes and ánfealdnes his weorca simplicitas actionis, Past. 243, 13. Ðæt hié geícen ðá gód hira ánfealdnesse mid wærscipe ut simplicitatis bono prudentiam adjungant, 237, 16. Críst læ-acute;rde sóðfæstnysse and ánfealdnysse, Wlfst. 55, 10.

an-fealt. v. an-filte: an-féðe, dele.

an-filt. Substitute: an-filte, es; n. ; an-fealt, e; f.; an-filt; f. n. (?) An anvil :-- Onfilti incuda, Txts. 69, 1072. Osifelti (on-?) incus, 112, 53. Anfilte, An. Ox. 53, 33 : Wrt. Voc. i. 34, 56: cudo, 286, 77 : ii. 16, 72. Anfilt, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 60, 8: 178, ll. Ómiges anfiltes scabrae incudis. An. Ox. 479. Anfealte onsméðre, ii. 67. [Mid. E. an-felt, -feld, -veld, -vilt.]

an-forlæ-acute;tan. Add: I. to let go (1) what one holds :-- 'Ic bebeóde þ-bar; gé hine leng ne beran, ac hine ánforlæ-acute;tan.' And hié sóna hine forlétan and hé gefeól, Bl. H. 189, 12. (2) what one possesses, to lose:-- Ic geþence hwæt ic ánforlét (amisi), and þonne ic geþence hwæt ic forleás (perdidi), Gr. D. 5, 9. Hié ne gémdon hwonne hié þ-bar; gestreón eall ánforlæ-acute;tan sceoldon, Bl. H. 99, 30. II. to leave unnoticed, to omit, neglect :-- Þá gódan weorc wé ánforlæ-acute;taþ þe wé began sceoldan, Bl. H. 109, 4. þ-bar; nán dæg ne sý betweoh ánforlæ-acute;ten (praetermittatur), þ-bar; on þám ne sý geoffrod seó onsægdnes, Gr. D. 345, 29. III. to lose as the result of fault :-- Tó náhte nyt ne biþ þ-bar; man gódne mete ete . . . gif þ-bar; gelimpeþ þ-bar; hé hit eft spíwende ánforlæ-acute;teþ; swá wé þá gástlican láre unwærlíce ne sceolan ánforlæ-acute;tan, Bl. H. 57, 5-9. Hé (Adam) gemunde þá gefeán þe hé æ-acute;r ánforlét (amiserat), Gr. D. 261, 5 : Wlfst. 2, 10. IV. to let go what ought to be kept, to forsake, abandon :-- Seó sáwel byþ deádlic þonne heó ánforlæ-acute;t syngiende þ-bar; heó eádiglíce lifige mortalis quia beate vivere amittit, Gr. D. 337, 2. Manige men hwæthugu gód begangaþ, and raþe hié hit ánforlæ-acute;taþ. Bl. H. 57, 3. Hé his swostor ánforlét. Chr. 658; P. 32, 7. V. to give up what one has a claim to :-- Gif wé ússe brýde ánforlæ-acute;tað if we give up those who ought to be our wives. Shrn. 86, 22.

án-forlæ-acute;tness, e; f. I. loss. v. án-forlæ-acute;tan, III :-- Æt neorxnawanges ánforlæ-acute;tnesse, Bl. H. 85, 31. II. intermission. Cf. án-forlæ-acute;tan, II:-- Búton ánforlæ-acute;tnesse sine intermissione, Gr. D. 227, 16.

anga, an; m. A sting :-- Se anga ðæ-acute;re wræ-acute;nnesse aculeus libidinis, Past. 309, 15. v. onga in Dict.

anga. Dele II, and add :-- Ic wæs mínra yldrena ánuga bearn, Shrn 36, 22. Mine ángan sáwle unicam meam animam, Ps. Th. 34, 17. [Goth, ainaha ; O. Sax. énag ; O. H. Ger. einac unicus.]

ang-breóst. Add: -- Wiþ hwóstan and wiþ angbreóste, Lch. ii. 58, 11. Wið angcbreóste, iii. 48, 1.

ange. Dele all but passage from Orosius, and substitute: anga (onge, ænge); adv. Anxiously, painfully, with anxiety :-- Blind sceal his eágna þolian . . . þæt him biþ sár in his móde, onge þonne hé hit ána wát, Gn. Ex. 42. Þú eart bitere ætfæsted, ænge and yfele, Ps. Th. 136, 8.

angel a hook. Add :-- Fiscere piscator, angel amus, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 42. Hwanon fiscere ancgel?, Coll. M. 30, 33. Hú geféhst þú fixas? Angil ic wyrpe, 23, 11. Se græ-acute;diga fisc gesihð þæt æ-acute;s and ne gesihð ðone angel ðe on ðam æ-acute;se sticað, Hml, Th. i. 216, 11. Angul hamum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 75.

angel an angel, Add: -- Angel angelus, Lk. L. 1, 26: Rtl. 58, 5. Angla angelos, Jn. L. 1, 51. v. angel-lic.

Angel-cyning. Add :-- Eádgáres Angulcynincges, C. D. iii. 49, 28. Ongelcyningum regibus Anglorum, Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 16.

Angel-cynn. Add :-- Þá hálgan þe Angelcynn wurþað, Hml. S. p. 4, 42. On Angolcynnes bócum, ðæt is on Istoria Anglorum, Shrn. 137, 6; 59, 12. Mid wópe Angelcynnes monna, 134, 24. Æðelbryht æ-acute;rest fulluht onféng on Angelcynne, Ll. Th. i. 58, 26. Geond Angelcynn (-kynn, v. l.). . . on Angelcynne (-kynne, v. l.) . . . behionan Humbre . . .