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efen-boren; adj. (ptcpl.) Of equal birth:--Þ-bar; se mæssepreóst næ-acute;re, gif hé wíf hæfde, æ-acute;nigre óþre láde wyrþe bútan eallswá læ-acute;wede sceolde þe efenboren wæ-acute;re, Ll. Th. ii. 256, 38. [Icel. jafn-borinn.]

efen-brád; adj. Equally broad, as broad (as long):--Paradisus is eall efenlang and efenbrád, E. S. viii. 477, 7. [O. H. Ger. eban-breit: Icel. jafn-breiðr.]

efen-byrde; adj. Of equal birth:--Hé genam him gemeccan efenbyrde his cynne he took a wife of as good family as his own, Hml. S. 33, 3.

efen-ceasterwearan. Add:--Efenceasterwaran (efn-, v. l.), Bd. 1, 26; Sch. 59, 10. Of hyra efenceasterwarum civibus suis, Gr. D. 205, 1.

efen-cempa, an; m. A fellow-soldier:--Embe his efencempan hé hæfde welwillendnysse . . . and his efencetnpan hine árwurðodon, Hml. S. 31, 44, 49: Hml. Th. ii. 500, 15.

efen-crísten a fellow-christian. [v. N. E. D. even-christian. O. Frs. ivin-kerstena, -kristina: O. H. Ger. eban-christani: Icel. jafn-kristinn.] v. em-crísten in Dict.

efen-cuman. Add:--Efnecwóm (convenit) ðiú menigo, Mk. L. 3, 20. Efnecwómon (-cómun, R.) ðá apostolas convenientes apostoli, 6, 30. Efencómon (efne-, -cwómon, v. ll.) wé conuenimus, Bd. 4, 5; Sch. 373, 17. Seofon bysceopas tó his hálgunge efencóman (efnecómon, v. l.), 4, 28; Sch. 524, 13.

efen-díre, -dýre. Add:--Mæssepreóstes áð and woruldþegenes is geteald efendýre, Ll. Th. i. 182, 15. [Icel. jafn-dýrr.]

efen-eádig. Add: [Icel. jafn-auðigr.]

efen-eald. Add: (1) adjective:--Hé is efeneald his Fæder . . . Seó beorhtnys is efeneald þám fýre . . . ealswá eald swá þæt fýr, Hml. Th. i. 278, 20-32. Læ-acute;swede heó sceápum mid óþrum mægdenum hire efnealdum (with other maidens of like age with herself), Shrn. 101, 16. Heó tæ-acute;hte þám mægdene hire efenealde mægdenu coaevas ei puellas ostendit, Gr. D. 287, 13. His efenealdan lytlingas hé ácwealde, Hml. Th. i. 88, 12. (2) substantive, efen-ealda a coeval:--Efenealda consenior, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 58. Hé his efenealdan ádýlegode, Hml. Th. i. 82, 19. [v. N. E. D. even-old. O. H. Ger. eban-alt coaevus; eban-alto consenior.]

efen-éce. Add:--Efenéce coeternus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 40. Godes Sunu is efenéce (efn-, v. l.) his Fæder and þám Hálgan Gáste, Gr. D. 60, 15: Hml. Th. i. 198, 15: 278, 21. Euenéce, 32, 6. Efnéce, Bl. H. 111, 8: 29, 3. Án Godcundnys and gelíc wuldor and efenéce mægen&dash-uncertain;ðrymnys, Hml. Th. i. 276, 26. Ðurh ðínum euenécum wísdóme, ii. 598, 31. On mec his efenécne sunu, Shrn. 106, 13. [Orm. efenn&dash-uncertain;eche.]

efen-éhþ, -néhþ. Add: Three of the four MSS. have efennehþe, and this form points to connexion with efen-neáh, and to the idea of neighbourhood. For this sense cf. the later efen-nexta neighbour:--Gif þú agultest wið þine efennexta, O. E. Hml. i. 17, 32.

efen-fela (em-). Dele 'indecl.', and add: (1) substantive with gen.:--Man ne mihte nánne mete gegyrwan, þ-bar; þára wyrma næ-acute;re emfela þæ-acute;m mete, Ors. 1, 7; S. 36, 28. Gán inn emfela manna of æ-acute;gðre healfe, Ll. Th. i. 226, 20. Dó béga emfela, Lch. ii. 20, 24. Ealra emfela, 28, 14. (2) adjective:--Mid efenfealum (-feol-, Hpt. Gl. 511, 4) reádum rosum cum purpureis totidem rosis, An. Ox. 4509.

efen-gedæ-acute;lan. Add: [Cf. O. H. Ger. eban-giteilo consors.]

efen-gefeón. Add:--Efengefeónde his hæ-acute;lo cujus sanitati congaudens, Bd. 5, 2; Sch. 560, 15. Efengefeánde (-feónde, v. l.) hire micclan wundres, Gr. D. 169, 10. Cf. efen-blissian.

efen-gelíc. Substitute:--Efnegelíc hine dóende Gode aequalem se faciens Deo, Jn. p. 4, 9. v. next word.

efen-gelíca, an; m. A coequal, fellow:--Þúhte him (Lucifer) þæt hé mihte beón þæs efengelíca ðe hine gescóp, Wlfst. 84, 4. Godes euengelíca, 306, 26. Þæt ungesæ-acute;lig man mæ-acute;ðe ne geseó on his under&dash-uncertain;þeóddum ne on his efengelícan, 53, 25: Mt. 11, 16. (In Dict. under efen-gelíc.)

efen-gemæcca. Substitute: An equal, a fellow, consort:--Þe læ-acute;s gif hyra (suna) hwylc wæ-acute;re hyre oferstealla þ-bar; sé ne myhte on heofenum beón hyre efngemæcca, Shrn. 151, 14. Gif hié ne ongietað ðæt ðá beóð hira gelícan and hira efngemæccan on hira gecynde, ðá ðe him under&dash-uncertain;ðiédde beóð ðurh Godes gesceafte si eos, quos per conditionem tenent subditos, aequales sibi per naturae consortium non agnoscunt, Past. 201, 17. [Cf. Icel. jafn-maki.]

efen-gemynd (efne-) commemoration:--Efnegimyndes commemorationis, Rtl. 57, 13. On mínum efnegimynde (-gemynd, L.) in meam commemorationem, Lk. R. 22, 19.

efen-gemyndig; adj. Commemorative:--Ealle þá syndon nú from heora eágum gewitene, and næ-acute;fre efngemyndige hider eft ne cumaþ (will never come back here to commemorate them), Bl. H. 101, 1.

efen-gód. [O. H. Ger. eban-guot; Icel. jafn-góðr.] v. emn-gód.

efen-háda-bisceop. Substitute: efen-háda, an; m. One of like rank with another, a co-bishop:--Sumes bisceopes mínes efenhádan cujusdam coepiscopi mei, Gr. D. 43, 22.

efen-hæfdling. l. -heáfodling. v. heáfod-ling, efen-heáfda.

efen-hálig; adj. Equally holy:--Se biscop biþ efenhálig Godes apostolum, Bl. H. 45, 18. [O. H. Ger. eban-heilag: Icel. jafn-heilagr.]

efen-heáfda, an; m. A fellow, comrade:--Þ-bar;á wæs óðer man, þæs mannes efenheáfda (unus de conservis suis, Mt. 18, 28), þætte him sceolde án hund peninga . . . hé náne líðe þám his efenheáfdan gedón nolde, Nap. 19. v. efen-hæfdling.

efen-heáh. Add: equally exalted:--Hé dyde hine efenheáhne Gode, and get hégran wolde dón. [Wiþþ hiss Faderr efennheh, Orm. 15720. O. H. Ger. eban-hóh: Icel. jafn-hárr.]

efen-heáp. Substitute: A band of comrades:--Efenheápas commanipulares, efenheápum commanipularibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 21, 27. Cf. efen-weorod.

efen-heort; adj. Concordant, harmonious. v. next word.

efen-heort (-e, -ness?) concord, harmony:--Æfnehearta concordi&e-hook;, Rtl. 108, 21. Efneheorta concordiam, 164, 24.

efen-hérenis. l. -herenis: efen-hérian. l. -herian, and add:--Hergað Dryhten alle ðióde and efenhergað (conlaudate) hine alle folc, Ps. Srt. 116, 1: efen-hleópor; n. (not m.).

efen-hleóþrian; p. ode To sing together:--Gyf þá deóflu þæt ongytað . . . beóð hí ealle efenhleóþriende and swýðe blíðe, Nap. 19.

efen-hleóþrung, e; f. A singing together, concert:--Efenhleóþrung vel dreám concentus, i. adunationes multarum vocum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 8.

efen-hleta. Substitute: efen-hlíte, -hléte, -hlýte; adj. Having like lot with another; efen-hlíta, an; m. A partner. (1) adj:--Se biscop biþ efenhálig Godes apostolum, and efenhléte his wítgum, Bl. H. 45, 18. (2) substantive:--Hæfde se cyning efenhlétan (-hlýtan, v. l.) þæ-acute;re cynelican wyrðnesse habuit Oswiu consortem regiae dignitatis, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 253, 18. Mid þám efenhlétum (-hlyttum, v. l.) his hádes cum consortibus sui gradus, 5, 8; Sch. 587, 7. v. hlét, hlýt.

efen-hlytta. Add: a partner:--Sé þe ne mæg lustlíce Godes word gehýran, hé bið ðæ-acute;ra árleásra Judéiscra efenhlytta, Hml. Th. ii. 228, 26. (1) with gen. of thing shared:--Efenhlytta fæderlices leóhtes consors Paterni lucis, Hy. S. 18, 1. Neód is þæt hí beón efenhlyttan þæs edleánes, þonne hí wæ-acute;ron geféran ðæ-acute;re ðrowunge, Hml. Th. i. 84, 19. Geférscipes efenhlyttum sodalitatis consortibus, Hpt. Gl. 506, 41. (2) with prep.:--Efenhlytta on martyrdóme hé wæs consors martirio fuit, Hy. S. 38, 17. Swá swá ðú underfénge æ-acute;r his gód, swá ðú scealt beón his efenhlytta on his wítum, Hml, Th. ii. 344, 22. [O. H. Ger. eban&dash-uncertain;(h)lozzo consors.] v. preceding word.

efen-irfeweard, es; m. A co-heir:--Efnyrfeweard coheres, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 41. Efenyrfeweardum coheredibus, Scint. 30, 8.

efen-íþe. v. efn-éðe in Dict.

efen-læ-acute;can. Add:--Efenlæ-acute;cende, Hml. A. 39, 386 note. [Nis nan mon wel cristene butan þe þe Criste euenlecheð, O. E. Hml. i. 113, 21.] v. following words.

efen-læ-acute;ce (?); adj. Imitative:--Þe læ-acute;s þe gé syndon efenlæ-acute;ce (-læ-acute;cend?, -læ-acute;ceras?) þæs hæ-acute;ðenscypes þe hý þæ-acute;r begáð, Ll. Th. ii.

358, 4.

efen-læ-acute;cend. Add:--Godfader efenlæ-acute;cend Dei Patris imitator, Scint. 13, 11. Þæt forme werod bið þæ-acute;ra apostola and heora efenlæ-acute;cendra, Hml. Th. i. 396, 18. Hwæðer þes árwurða wer læ-acute;fde æ-acute;nie efenlæ-acute;cendras (imitatores) his mægena, Gr. D. 23, 1.

efen-læ-acute;cere, es; m. An imitator, follower:--Efenlæ-acute;ceras sequipedas, i. sequaces, An. Ox. 1957.

efen-læ-acute;cestre. Add: v. ge-efenlæ-acute;cestre.

efen-læ-acute;cung. Add:--Mid efenlæ-acute;cinge háligra mægena imitatione virtutis, R. Ben. 139, 7. Þá Judéiscan wæ-acute;ron ytele ðurh euenlæ-acute;cunge, ná ðurh gecynde, Hml. Th. ii. 226, 35. [Efenlæ-acute;cunge (wrongly) glosses suggillationis, i. vituperationis, An. Ox. 5353.] v. ge-efenlæ-acute;cung.

efen-lang; adj. Equally long. (1) of the same length, coextensive with, stretching all along:--Se milte bið emlang and gædertenge þæ-acute;re wambe, Lch. ii. 242, 15. Licgað wilde móras wið eástan emnlange þæ-acute;m býnum lande, Ors. 1, 1; S. 18, 28. (2) as long (as broad). v. efen&dash-uncertain;brád. [O. H. Ger. eban-lang: Icel. jafn-langr.]

efen-láste. Substitute for 'The everlasting' The herb mercury, and add: [Mercurialis euenlesten, mercurial, Wrt. Voc. i. 141, 8].

efen-leóf; adj. Equally dear:--Nýdþeówas sind Gode efenleófe and þá ðe syndon freólse, Ll. Th. ii. 314, 11. v. em-leóf in Dict.

efen-lic. Substitute: I. equal in extent:--Þæ-acute;m wintrum tódæ-acute;ldum efenlice dæ-acute;le quibus (annis) aequa portione divisis, Bd. 4, 23; Sch. 463, 17. II. of equal degree, of like condition:--Éce efenlic comperennis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 61. Næ-acute;nig efenlic þám on worlde gewearð wífes gearnung woman's merit to match that was none in this world, Cri. 39. Ána God on ðrím hádum efenlices wuldres (aequalis gloriae), Bd. 4, 17; Sch. 432, 20. Wé sint emnlice on ðám ðe wé ongietað ðæt gé stondað aequales vobis sumus, in quo vos stare cognoscimus, Past. 117, 1. Efenlice englum aequales angelis, Scint. 69, 1. Þrý hádas synt efenlice (coaequales), Angl. ii. 362, 12. Ne synd ná emlice þissere tíde þrowunga þám tóweardum wuldre non sunt condignae passiones hujus temporis ad futuram gloriam, Hml, A. 77, 109. [v. N. E. D. evenly. Goth. ibna&dash-uncertain;leiks: Icel. jafn-ligr.] v. ge-, un-efenlic.