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4, 9; S. 192, 12. Hé beseah tó þæ-acute;re swýðran healfe . . . and hí tódrifon þone ende, ac him æfter eóde þ-bar; óðer gefylce, Hml. S. 25, 669. (d) quarters in a building :-- Heó is genyrwed on þone ende þe þá gesceádwísan wuniað, Hml. Th. i. 536, 19. (e) in an indefinite sense, side, quarter :-- Beó man georne ymbe feós bóte æ-acute;ghwár on earde, and ymb burhbóte on æ-acute;ghwylcan ende, Ll. Th. i. 310, 23 : 322, 32 : Wlfst. 268, 6. (3) the extremity of a line or long object :-- Ðá stánas licggeað æt æ-acute;lcre stræ-acute;te ende, Past. 133, 9. Hwílum ic on wicge ríde herges on ende, Rä. 78, 8. Ende calcem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 34. Æfter stræ-acute;ta endum, Past. 135, 3. (3 a) part of the human body (?) :-- Gif nýten sig mannes ende besmiten si bestia a viro sit polluta, Ll. Th. ii. 144, 10. (4) part, proportion (v. N. E. D. end, 5 c) :-- Hé him ánum deádum lytle mildheortnesse gedyde . . . þe hé siþþan nánum ende (not at all, in no instance) his cynne gedón nolde, Ors. 3, 9; S. 128, 17. Hé ofslóh mycelne ende þes folces (mycel folc, má þonne .xxx. gódera þegena bútan óðrum folce, v. ll.), Chr. 1052 ; P. 178, 9. II. with reference to time or serial order. (1) close of a period, conclusion of an action or continuous state or course of events :-- Aldres ende, B. 822. Him weorðeð ende lífes, Ph. 365. Ende cymeð dógorrímes, 484. Wuldres ende, An. 1059. Ende næ-acute;fre þínes wræces weorðeð, 1384. Þ-bar; wite þe næ-acute;fre næ-acute;nig ende ne becymeþ, Bl. H. 51, 31. Gefeá bútan ende, Hml. Th. i. 460, 19. Á bútan æ-acute;nigum ende, Nar. 49, 19. Þá wæs hyra tíres æt ende, Jud. 272 : Dóm. 2 : Cri. 1030. Is nú ende feor þæt wé sceolun ætsomne súsel þrowian it is far from the end of the time during which we must suffer together, i. e. our sufferings will never end, Sat. 40. Oð his lífes ende, Chr. 709; P. 41, 35. Þes dæg hæfð æ-acute;lcere wucan frymþe and ende, Bl. H. 133, 6. Gewinnes ende gereccan, Gú. 106. Ðisses eorðweges ende gescrífan, Ps. Th. 118, 87. Oþ ende in finem, 102, 9 : 111, 8. Wiþ ende, 67, 16: 73, 10. (1 a) the end of all things :-- Beóð fela frecednyssa on mancynne æ-acute;r þan þe se ende becume, Hml. Th. i. 2, 30. Hé eft æt þám ende eallum wealdeð monna cynne, Gn. Ex. 137. (2) the concluding part of a period, action, &c. :-- On ðínum endum in novissimis tuis, Kent. Gl. 707. Endas extrema, 483. (3) the terminal point of a series, in phrases expressing completeness :-- God is fruma and ende æ-acute;lces gódes, Bt. 80, 10. Cyninga wuldor, fruma and ende (cf. Ego sum α et α, principium et finis, dicit Dominus Deus, Rev. 1, 8), An. 556. Ic þé secgan wille ór and ende, 649. Ongeat cyning ord and ende þæs þe him ýwed wæs, Dan. 162. From orde oþILLEGIBLE ende forð, El. 590. Ór gecýðan oð ende forð, Jul. 353. (4) termination of existence :-- Ealle þá gewítaþ swá swá wolcn . . . þyllic bið se ende þæs líchoman fægernesse, Bl. H. 59, 21. Æ-acute;lc fæ-acute;gernes tó ende efsteþ, 57, 28: 59, 26. Bútan æ-acute;r God ende worulde wyrcan wille, Seel. 13. (4 a) of persons, death :-- Þurh hwelces monnes hond mín ende wæ-acute;re getiód cujus mortem percussoris manu cauendam habeam, Nar. 31, 18. Oþ þæt ende becwóm, swylt æfter synnum, B. 1254. Æ-acute;r þám syxtan dæge his endes (ændes, v. l.) . . . hé his ende (ænde, v. l.) getrymede ante sextum exitus sui diem . . . exitum suum munivit, Gr. D. 175, 14, 18. Hé him æt his ende grim geweorþeþ, Bl. H. 25, 13. Hé þæ-acute;r wunode tó his ende, Chr. 633 ; P. 26, 23. Æ-acute;r his ende, Shrn. 50, 13. Mon heora líchoman ætsomne ne byrgde at heora ende, 35, 21. (4 b) (latter, last) end :-- Þám ýtemestan ende suprema sorte, An. Ox. 1990. Þæt him feóndes hond æt þám ýtmestan ende ne scóde, Gú. 414. (5) final state :-- Ic (the soul) uncres gedáles onbád earfoþlíce; nis nú húru se ende tó gód, Seel. 38. (6) completion of action, æt ende finished :-- Swefn wæs æt ende, Dan. 524: Exod. 267. Eall þ-bar; mon untídlíce onginþ, næfþ hit nó æltæ-acute;wne ende, Bt. 5, 2 ; F. 10, 28: Hy. 2, 13. Þus þá æðelingas ende gesealdon thus those noble ones made end, Ap. 85. (7) issue, event :-- Hé in eóde þæt hé gesáwe ðone ende, Mt. 26, 58. Hú gelíce onginn þá twá byrg hæfdon . . . ac hiora anwalda endas wæ-acute;ron swíþe ungelíce similis Babylonis ortus et Romae . . . tamen non similis exitus similisve defectus, Ors. 2, 1; S. 64, 5. (8) end to be attained, goal :--Sege hwelces endes æ-acute;lc angin wilnige . . . Hú mæg þæt beón, nú þú þ-bar; angin wást, þ-bar; þú eác þone ende nyte, Bt. 5, 3; F. 12, 18, 24, 35. Willniað ealle þurh mistlice paþas cuman tó ánum ende, þ-bar; is þ-bar; hí wilniaþ þurh ungelíce earnunga cuman tó ánre eádignesse omnis mortalium cura diverso quidem calle procedit, sed ad unum tamen beatitudinis finem nititur pervenire, 24, 1; F. 80, 8. (9) in phrases. (a) æt (þám) ende in the end, ultimately :-- Æt þám ende ne beheóld hit nán þing seó scipfyrding búton folces geswinc, Chr. 999 ; P. 133, 9. Wearð hit fram dæge tó dæge lætre and wyrre swá hit æt þám ende eall geférde, 1066; P. 200, 6. Æ-acute;fre hí æt eude sige áhton, 998; P. 131, 16. Húru æt þám ende ne tweóde þæs leánes þe heó lange gyrnde, Jud. 346. (b) in ende,UNCERTAIN always, to the last:-- Nales in ende (in finem) ofergeotulnis bið ðearfena, Ps. Srt. 9, 19. (c) on (þám) ende in the end, ultimately :-- Þéh þá hláfordas on þæ-acute;m ende hæfdon heánlíce sige, Ors. 2, 6; S. 88, 1. Ðæs ðý wyrse wíte hié sculon habban on ende gravius quippe extrema ultione feriendi sunt, Past. 231, 14: Ps. Th. 58, 12. (d) on ende on end, continuously, consecutively, without omission or intermission :-- Hit man æ-acute;fre on ende for áne híde werian scolde, C. D. iii. 112, 23 ; Ps. Th. 78, 5. Heó eorlum on ende (to all in succession) ealuwæ-acute;ge bær, B. 2021. III. kind, sort :-- Hé sealde þ-bar; betste hors and þæs fægerestan endes (heówes, híues, eondes, v. ll.) Aidane donauerat equum optimum Aidano, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 257, 1. Ne hæfdon wit monig óþer uncýmran hors and óðres endes (eondes, híwes, v. ll.) numquid non habuimus equos uiliores uel alias species, Sch. 258, 4. v. norþeást-, norþwest-, rihtwest-, súþeást-, úp-, westsuþ-ende.

ende-byrd, e ; f. (not es; n.). Add: (cf. Mid hwilcere endebyrd&dash-uncertain;nesse Drihten gemetgað ealle gesceafta quibus immensum legibus orbem natura servet, Bt. 25 ; F. 88, 4. ) v. ende-byrdes.

ende-byrdan. Add: , -byrdian :-- Þá þe endebyrdiaþ (ordinant) gecýðnesse his, Ps. L. 49, 5. Gif hwám þises sealmsanges endebyrdnes mislícaþ, endebyrde (ordinet) hé sél, R. Ben. 44, 15. Mynster tó endebyrdienne ordinandum monasterium, Bd. 4, 23; Sch. 467, 12. Endebyrde digesta, i. ordinata, An. Ox. 185. v. ge-endebyrdan(-ian).

endebyrdend, es; m. One who orders or arranges :-- Endebyrdend conditor, An. Ox. 8, 335 : 7, 351.

ende-byrdes. Substitute for 'for order' in order, and for the second passage :-- Ðú þysne middangeard from fruman æ-acute;rest forð oð ende tídum tódæ-acute;ldes endebyrdes (in order, in regular succession ; cf. the corresponding prose : Ðú ðe tída fram middaneardes fruman oþ þone ende endebyrdlíce gesettest, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 7), Met. 20, 12. v. ende-byrd.

ende-byrdian. v. ende-byrdan : ende-byrdlic. Add :-- Endebredlices originalis (misread by glosser as ordinalis?), Rtl. 109, 27.

ende-byrdlíce. Add: I. of action, conduct, & c., in accordance with prescribed or requisite order :-- Ðæt is tó tacne ðæt mon endebyrdlíce (-byrð-, v. l.) ðone biscepdóm halde, Past. 52, 23. Sé ðe gedafenlíce and endebyrdlíce tó cymð qui ad regimen ordinate pervenerit, 75, 1. Ne gelýfe ic nó þ-bar; hit geweorþan mihte swá endebyrdlíce nullo existimaverim modo, ut fortuita temeritate tam certa moveantur, Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 12, 4. Næ-acute;ron nó swá gewislíce ne swá endebyrdlíce heora stede and hiora ryne funden on hiora stówum and on hiora tídum non tam certus naturae ordo procederet, nec tam dispositos motus locis, temporibus explicaret, 35, 2 ; F. 158, 2. Sió godcunde foreteohhung welt æ-acute;lces þinges endebyrdlíce, 39, 6; F. 220, 17. Wé sprecað be ðæ-acute;re heofonlican cwéne endebyrdlíce æfter wífháde we are quite in order in speaking of the heavenly queen as if she were woman, Hml. Th. i. 546, 14. Ic hohgie swá ændebyrdlíce gedélan swá ic ændebyrdlícost mæg (sapientissime atque cautissime administrare), Solil. H. 35, 19. II. of narration, where circumstances are given in due order :-- Béda þises hálgan líf endebyrdlíce áwrát, Hml. Th. ii. 132, 28. Swíðe endebyrdlíce þú hyt recst, Solil. H. 59, 10. Wé wyllað nú secgan endebyrdlíce be eallum þisum, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 119, 17. v. ge-endebyrdlíce.

ende-byrdnes (-bred-, in Northern specimens). Add: I. a row, series, rank of objects on the same level :-- Ðá xii apostolas and siððan ealle ðá endebyrdnessa ðára biscopa ðe ðæ-acute;ræfter fylgeað universus pastorum ordo, Past. 105, 6. Heó hæfð on æ-acute;ghwylcum leáfe twá endebyrdnyssa fægerra pricena, Lch. i. 188, 13. II. a rank, grade, degree, body of persons of the same status :-- Æ-acute;lc endebyrdnes on mynstre sceal beón gefadod be heora gecyrrednesse, R. Ben. 113, 21. II a. rank, position, degree, (1) of persons :-- Menn magon on æ-acute;lcere endebyrdnysse ðám Ælmihtigan gecwéman, Hml. Th. ii. 318, 31. Quotus and totus gebyriað swýðost tó endebyrdnysse. Quotus es in ordine monachorum ? hwylcere endebyrdnysse eart ðú betwux munecum? Ic cweþe secundus vel tertius, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 117, 15-118, 1. Ná be gebyrdum ánum þis is tó healdenne, ac be ealles mynstres endebyrdnysse, R. Ben. 12, 18. Hé sý onfangen on úteweardre endebyrdnesse in ultimo gradu recipiatur, 53, 11. Swá bið on ðisse menniscan gecynde manige on beteran háde and on beteran endebyrdnesse wyrsan, and on wyrsan háde and on wyrsan endebyrdnesse beteran sic in humano genere et quidam in meliori ordine deteriores sunt, et quidam in deteriori ordine meliores, Past. 411, 32-34. (2) of things :-- Ðæs ðe seó endebyrdnes and ðæt gecynd forwiernð ðæ-acute;m iacinte, se wlite his beorhtnesse hit eft geíceð, and eft ðeáh ðe ðæt gecynd and sió endebyrdness ðæs carbuncules hine úp áhebbe, his blioh hine gescent hyacintho, quod naturae ordo subtrahit, species decoris adjungit, et carbunculum, quem naturalis ordo praetulerat, coloris qualitas foedat, Past. 411, 29-32. III. an order, a body of persons of the same occupation in a community :-- On þysre worulde synd þreó endebyrdnysse on ánnysse gesette, þ-bar; synd laboratores, oratores, bellatores, Hml. S. 25, 813. IV. a class of beings distinguished from others by nature or character :-- Þæ-acute;r beóð feówer werod . . . þæt forme werod biþ þæ-acute;ra apostola . . . Óðer endebyrdnys bið geleáffulra woruldmanna . . . Án endebyrdnys bið þæ-acute;ra wiðercorenra . . . Óðer endebyrdnys bið þæ-acute;ra hæ-acute;ðenra manna, Hml. Th. i. 396, 15-28. Se Drihten þe on engla endebyrdnesse wæs gehered þá hé wæs on Betleem ácenned, Bl. H. 93, 8. V. rank in specific departments. (1) one of the nine orders of angels :-- Mid þám ix endebyrdnyssum heofonwara, Wlfst. 183, 16. Uton biddan ðá nigen endebyrdnessa ðára háligra engla, Bl. H. 209, 27. (2) rank in the church :-- Hwæt getácniað ðá stánas ðæs hálgan húses búton ðone hád ðæ-acute;re hálgan endebyrdnesse quid sanctuarii lapidibus nisi sacrorum ordinum personae signantur?, Past. 133, 17. Preóstas ðe synt þæ-acute;re micclau endebyrdnysse þ-bar; hí sceolon óðrum mannum ðæ-acute;re sýfernysse God