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t&o-long; gel&y-long;fenne s&y-long; þ-bar; þysum Godes þeówan mihte symble æt beón se w&i-long;te-d&o-long;mes g&a-long;st, hwæþer be hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum (per intervalla temporum) his m&o-long;d gefylde þæs w&i-long;ted&o-long;mes g&a-long;st ?, Gr. D. 146, 5. (3) correlative, sometimes . . . at others :-- Hw&i-long;lt[&i-long;dum] . . . hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum modo . . . modo, An. Ox. 92-107. Sculan þ&a-long; gebr&o-long;&d-bar;ra hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum (certis temporibus) beón &a-long;byse-gode mid heora handa geswince, hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum (certis iterum) mid ræ-long;dinge, R. Ben. 73, 4-6. Se m&o-long;na is hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum weaxende, hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum wani-ende, Hml. Th. ii. 214, 32.

hw&i-long;lum. In l. 3 for quandam l. quondam, and add :-- Hw&i-long;lum nunc, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 43. (l) of more or less repeated action, sometimes, at times :-- Ð&a-long; &d-bar;e hw&i-long;lum (cf. hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum, 3) ged&u-long;fa&d-bar; on &d-bar;æ-long;m miclum scyldum qui aliquando in gravibus noxis demerguntur, Past. 437, 33 : Bt. 24, 4; F. 84, 33: 39. 9; F. 226, 12 : Bl. H. 227, 7. (l a) of alternate or contrasted action, (α) hw&i-long;lum . . . hw&i-long;lum sometimes . . . at others :-- Hw&i-long;lum þurh w&i-long;fes geweald, hw&i-long;lum þurh weres, Bl. H. 195, 4-5 : 203, 14-15. (β) hw&i-long;lum in the second clause only :-- Þæ-long;r h&e-long; hæfþ weallendne l&e-long;g and hw&i-long;lum cyle þone grimmestan, Bl. H. 61, 35. (2) of a single past event, once, some time ago :-- S&e-long;tnung hw&i-long;lum &l-bar; for longe &a-long;worden seditio quondam facta, Lk. R. L. 23, 19. Hw&i-long;lon wacodon menn sw&a-long; sw&a-long; gewunelic is ofer &a-long;n deád l&i-long;c, Hml. S. 21, 289. (3) of a future event, at some future time :-- Hw&i-long;lum (æt sumum cyrre, W. S.) gicerred aliquando conuersus, Lk. R. L. 22, 32. v. æ-long;r-, geó-, n&u-long;-hw&i-long;lum.

hw&i-long;l-wende. Add; , hw&i-long;lende. I. of duration, temporary, not lasting long, not permanent :-- Medemmicel hw&i-long;l is þ-bar; gUNCERTAIN m&e-long; ne geseó&d-bar;, and eft is lylel fæc þ-bar; g&e-long; m&e-long; eft geseó&d-bar; . . . Þeós hw&i-long;lwende gesih&d-bar; . . . , Hml. A. 74, 40, H&i-long; n&a-long; t&o-long; þæ-long;re hw&i-long;lendre (ad illam momentaneam) mihtan dæ-long;db&o-long;te becuman. W&e-long; forsceamia&d-bar; n&u-long; on lytlum timan dæ-long;db&o-long;te d&o-long;n, Scint. 49, 9. II. of a person, concerned with the things of time ; of things, temporal, not spiritual or eternal :-- S&e-long; þe hw&i-long;lende (tempo-rarius) ys on blisse, &e-long;ce h&e-long; by&d-bar; on w&i-long;te, Scint. 172, 7. Him s&i-long;h&d-bar; on þyssa hw&i-long;lwendra þinga lufu inter hos amor temporalium rerum grassatur, R. Ben. 139, 26. Þ&u-long; wæ-long;re n&u-long; o&d-bar; þis &u-long;p&a-long;hafen on þisse worulde æ-long;htum and hw&i-long;lwendum weorcum; n&u-long; gedafna&d-bar; þ&e-long; þ-bar; þ&u-long; beó &u-long;p&a-long;hafen on g&a-long;st-licum welum, Hml. S. 30, 118. [Þeos world is whilende, O. E. Hml. i. 7, 20. Þis world fareþ hwilynde, hwenne on cumeþ an oþer goþ, Misc. 94, 31.]

hw&i-long;lwend-lic. Take here the passages under hw&i-long;lend-lic, and add: I. of duration, temporary, not of long duration, not eternal :-- Ðreó þing synd on middanearde, &a-long;n is hw&i-long;lwendlic, þe hæf&d-bar; æ-long;g&d-bar;er ge ordfruman ge ende. . . &O-long;&d-bar;er þing is &e-long;ce, sw&a-long; þ-bar; hit hæf&d-bar; ordfruman and næf&d-bar; n&e-long;nne ende. . . Ðridde þing is &e-long;ce, sw&a-long; þ-bar; hit næf&d-bar; n&a-long;&d-bar;or ne ordfiumau ne ende, Hml. S. I. 25-31. &A-long;n l&i-long;f is hw&i-long;lwendlic, &o-long;&d-bar;er &e-long;ce, Hml. Th. ii. 440, 4. H&i-long; wæ-long;ron gehæ-long;lede t&o-long; hw&i-long;lwendlicum l&i-long;fe, 240, 15. Þæ-long;ra hæ-long;&d-bar;enra w&i-long;ta synd hw&i-long;lwendlice, Hml. S. II, 127. For þissum hw&i-long;-wendlicum yflum br&u-long;ca&d-bar; &d-bar;æ-long;ra &e-long;cera g&o-long;da on worulda woruld, 30, 449. II. temporal, not spiritual :-- Ð&a-long;m r&i-long;can wæs forgolden mid &d-bar;&a-long;m hw&i-long;lwendlicum sp&e-long;dum, Hml. Th. i. 332, 5. H&u-long; h&e-long; geheólde þ&a-long; hw&i-long;lwendlican geþincþu. Hml. S. 26, 113. II a. physical, not spiritual and eternal :-- Hit gedafenode Godes weorcum þ-bar; se ælmihtiga, s&e-long; þe is &e-long;ce leóht, æ-long;rest þ-bar; hw&i-long;lwendlice leóht geworhte congruit operibus Dei, ut a luce aeterna lux temporalis primo fieret, Angl. vii. 18, 159.

Hwinca. v. Hwiccas.

hwirfan. Take here hwerfan in Dict. , and add: I. of motion, (l) to move about :-- Ic hider and þider m&e-long; (reflex, dat.) hwyrfde (hwerfde, v. l.), Bd. 5, 6 ; Sch. 576, 5. Hwerfende errabilis, vertibilis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 17. Hwerbende errabiles, 107, 33. Hwyrfende, 29, 47, (2) to go to or from, to return :-- Hié eft hwyrfende wæ-long;ron t&o-long; heora h&u-long;sum, Bl. H. 207, 30. (3) to revolve :-- Þæ-long;re eaxe &d-bar;e eall þes rodor on hwerfþ, Bt. 39, 3, ; F. 214, 21. þ-bar; hweól hwertþ ymb&u-long;ton, 39, 7 ; F. 220, 29. (3 a) reflex. :-- Be þ&i-long;nre h&e-long;se heó hweorf&d-bar; seó heofene, and ealla tungla heora rina gehealda&d-bar; tuis legibus rotantur poli, cursus suos sidera peragunt, Solil. H. 9, 13. II. of action, conduct, to proceed, go on :-- Hw&y-long; þ&u-long; æ-long;fre woldest þ-bar; seó wyrd sw&a-long; hwyrfan sceolde ? (cur tantas lubrica versat fortuna videa?). Heó þreáþ þ&a-long; unscildigan, and n&a-long;uht ne þreáþ þ&a-long;m scildegum, Bt. 4; F. 8, 12. III. of the operations of the mind :-- M&e-long; þincþ þ-bar; þ&u-long; hwerfest ymb&u-long;ton sume wunderlice spræ-long;ce, Bt. 35, 5 ; F. 164, 17. N&u-long; w&e-long; sculon eft hwierfan neár R&o-long;ma þæ-long;r w&e-long; hit æ-long;r forl&e-long;ton Romae ut ad id tempus redeam unde digressus sum, Ors. 2, 5; S. 86, 13. IV. trans. To turn, give direction to :-- Arewan ongeán hwyrfde catapultas retorsit, An. Ox, 4241. Hié heora wæ-long;pen hwyrfdon wiþ Bryttas, Bd. I. 15 ; Sch. 40, 8. v. t&o-long;-hwirfan; ongeán-hwirfende ; mis-, n&i-long;w-hwirfed.

-hwirfedlic. v. for-hwirfedlic: -hwirfedness. v. for-, ge-, on-hwirfedness.

hwirfel. Add: In local names :-- T&o-long; hwerfeld&i-long;c, C. D. iii. 316, 29. Ouer worfuldoune, vi. 233, 16. On wirfelmere, C. D. B. iii. 606, 16. [D. D. whirl an eddy; a whirlpool.]

hwirfe-p&o-long;l, es; m. A whirl-pool :-- Hwyrfep&o-long;lum charybdibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 56.

hwirfere a changer, an exchanger. Take here hwerfere in Dict.: hwirfing. v. h&o-long;h-hwirfing.

hwirflede; adj. Rounded, round :-- Sinewealt (and) hwyrflede teres atque rotunda (ut globus astrorum. Ald. 272, 22), An. Ox. 23, 42. Cf. hwirfling.

hwirf-lic. Take here hwerf-lic in Dict.

hwirfling, es; m. Something round, an orb :-- Hwyrflicnces (hwurf-linces, Hpt. Gl. 453, 37) beg&y-long;mendum r&i-long;cetere crus gubernante monarchiam, An. Ox. 1992.

hwirflung. Take here hwerflung in Dict. , and add: change, vicissitude :-- Huoerflunges vicissitudinis, Rtl. 28, II. Ðæt g&e-long;r by&d-bar; &a-long;wend mid twi six hwyrfolunga, and hyt hæf&d-bar; tw&a-long; and f&i-long;ftig wucan, Angl. viii. 301, 36.

hwirf-ness. v hwyrf-ness; ge-hwirfneis: hwirf-p&o-long;l. Dele, and see hwirfe-p&o-long;l: hw&i-long;rlic. v. þweorh-lic.

hwiscettung, e; f. Squeaking :-- Mid m&u-long;sa hwiscetunge stridores soricum, Gr. D. 185, 4. [Cf. (?) Dan. hviske to whisper.]

hwisprian. Add :-- Hwisprendo murmurantes, Jn. p. 4, 20.

hwistle. Add: v. wistle : hwistlere. l. (?) wistlere.

hwistlian. Add :-- Hwyslaþ exsibilat, Germ. 398, 176. Wistlaþ ot þ&a-long;m dæ-long;le þe þ-bar; s&a-long;r biþ, Lch. ii. 258, 19. Hwistliende sibilant (coluber linguis trisulcis), An. Ox. 4703. Swisliende, 2, 370. v. &a-long;-hwistlian.

hwistlung. Add: I. hissing, whistling :-- Leóhtlic hwyslung (sibilus) mæg hors tamcyan, Chrd. 96, 18. thorn-bar; lond hleó&d-bar;rade for þ&a-long;ra wyrma [hw]istlunge sibilabat tota regio, Nar. 13, 22. Mislice fugela hwistlunge, Guth. 48, 5. Næ-long;ddrena hwistlunge sibilos serpentium, Gr. D. 185, 3. II. piping, playing on a pipe [l. (?) wistlung. v. wistle], Lk. L. 15, 25 (in Dict.).

hw&i-long;t. Add: I. simply of colour, white :-- Hw&i-long;t byssina, Candida, Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 32 ; bysina, 87, 55 : candens (lilium) An. Ox. 5249. Ic gean m&i-long;non feder . . . &d-bar;es hw&i-long;tan horses &d-bar;e Leófwine m&e-long; geaf, C. D. iii. 362, 18. Þ&a-long; leáf beóþ hw&i-long;tran, Lch. i. 278, 15. Hægl bi&d-bar; hw&i-long;tust corna, R&u-long;n. 9. Ia. without substantive, white dress :-- Hw&i-long;te (cr adv.?) o&d-bar;&d-bar;e beorhte bine gescr&y-long;dan alba aut splendida se uestire, Lch. iii. 198, 26. ¶ The weak form used substantively, the white (part) of an egg :-- On &a-long;num æ-long;ge . . . þæt hw&i-long;te ne bi&d-bar; gemenged t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m geolcan, Hml. Th. i 40, 27. Smyre mid henne æ-long;ges þ&e-long; hw&i-long;tan, Lch. iii. 50, 4. Gemeng wiþ æ-long;ges þ-bar; hw&i-long;te, ii. 74, 24. Nim þ-bar; hw&i-long;ta of æ-long;ge, iii. 96, 19. II. denoting refinement or purity in material :-- Þonne ytst &d-bar;&u-long; azima, þ-bar; ys hw&i-long;t hl&a-long;f þæ-long;re s&i-long;fernesse, Angl. viii. 323, 18. Hw&i-long;tes hl&a-long;fes cruman, Lch. ii. 34, 21. Hw&i-long;tes seolfres (cf. reád as an epithet of gold), Jos. 7, 21. D&o-long; on hw&i-long;t sealt, Lch. ii. 94, 8 : 124, 10. II a. denoting spiritual purity :-- Hwylc is of &u-long;s þ-bar; hæbbe sw&a-long; hw&i-long;te sa&u-long;le sw&a-long; þeós h&a-long;lige Maria?, Bl. H. 147, 18. III. as an epithet of the Sunday on which white garments were worn :-- On Hw&i-long;tan Sunnandæg, Chr. 1067; P. 202; 30. IV. in personal names :-- Hw&i-long;ta, Hw&i-long;tæ (-e), Txts. 632. Br&a-long;da h&a-long;tte wæs geb&u-long;r t&o-long; Hæ-long;&d-bar;felda, and Hw&i-long;te h&a-long;tte &d-bar;æs Br&a-long;dan w&i-long;f . . . , seó Hw&i-long;te wæs Wynburge þridde m&o-long;dor, C. D. vi. 212, 15-18. Cf. Hw&i-long;ting, ii. 3, 30. V. the word also occurs in many local names, v. C. D. vi. 305. v. meolc-, m&e-long;re-, þurh-hw&i-long;t.

hw&i-long;t, es; n. I. whiteness :-- Hw&i-long;t &a-long;sola&d-bar; nitor squalescit, Angl. i. 285, § 2 : ii. 374, 3. II. something white, the white of an egg. Cf. hw&i-long;t; I. ¶ :-- Mid æ-long;ges þ&y-long; hw&i-long;te. Lch. ii. 82, 9. D&o-long; æ-long;ges hw&i-long;t t&o-long;, 342, 18. Nim æ-long;gra hw&i-long;t, iii. 134, 10. III. certain kinds of food, cheese, eggs, butter, fish, allowed at times when flesh was forbidden :-- Fæste æ-long;lce dæge on his lengtene t&o-long; n&o-long;nes and forgang hw&i-long;t (abstine te ab albo), Ll. Th. ii. 132, 5. Fæst æ-long;lc dæge t&o-long; n&o-long;nes and t&o-long; &a-long;nes m&e-long;tes b&u-long;ton sunnandæg, and forg&a-long; hw&i-long;t, Wlfst. 289, 25. Cf. Ð&a-long; &d-bar;&e-long; on þ&a-long;s h&a-long;lgan t&i-long;de magon c&y-long;se and æ-long;gra and fisc forg&a-long;n, sw&i-long;þe heálic fæsten þ-bar; bi&d-bar;, Ll. Th. ii. 438, II. Gif hit festendæg sié selle mon uu&e-long;ge cæ-long;sa and fisces and butran and ægera &d-bar;æt mon begeotan mæge, C. D. i. 293, 10. v. searu-hw&i-long;t.

hw&i-long;te ; adv. Whitely, with white colour :-- þ-bar; &d-bar;ridde cyn mintan þ-bar; bl&o-long;we&d-bar; hw&i-long;te, Lch. iii. 16, II. Hw&i-long;te (or adj. ? v. hw&i-long;t; Ia.) hine gescr&y-long;dan to dress in white, 198, 26.

hw&i-long;te-. The compound character of the following words with hw&i-long;te as first component seems supported by the instances given under hw&i-long;te-clæ-long;fre (Lch. ii. 326, 21) and under hw&i-long;te-hl&a-long;f.

hw&i-long;te-clæ-long;fre white clover :-- Hw&i-long;teclæ-long;fre calcesla, Wrt. Voc. ii. 13, 29: i. 67, 42. Hw&i-long;teclæ-long;fr ca[l]cista, 291, 4. Nim hw&i-long;teclæ-long;fran w&i-long;san, Lch. ii. 326, 21. Nim hw&i-long;teclæ-long;lran, 64, 2.

hw&i-long;te-cylle some kind of bag or vessel :-- Hw&i-long;tecylle folle bubulum, i. vos piceum (cf. culleum, folle bubulum, Corpl. Gl. H. 39, 956: culleum uas pice oblitum, 926 : in culleum, in follem bobulinum, et aliter machina contenta et bitumine lita, 67, 224), Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 14.

hw&i-long;te-g&o-long;s a white goose :-- Hw&i-long;teg&o-long;s anser, Wrt. Voc. i. 280, 14: ii. 7, 60.

hw&i-long;te-hl&a-long;f white bread, a white loaf :-- Willa ic gesellan . . . CL. hl&a-long;fa, L. hw&i-long;tehl&a-long;fa, cxx. elrneshl&a-long;fes, Cht. Th. 474, 26.

hw&i-long;te-leác white leek; alba cipa. Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 47.

hw&i-long;tel. Add :-- T&o-long; beddreáfe genihtsumige t&o-long; hæbbenne meatte and hw&i-long;tel (sagum, R. Ben. 90, 15. H&i-long; ne mihton hine beran b&u-long;ton on &a-long;num hw&i-long;tle (sago), Gr. D. 125, 18. R&u-long;hne hw&i-long;tel (printed Haken,