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SoūL=the poem of the Soul, in GE. SPs=Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxoni- cum, ed. J. Spelman, London, 1640. (Stowe MS, but includes marginal readings from APs, CPs and EPs.) Swt. = The Student's Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1897. TC = Diplomatarium Ævi Saxonici, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1865 (3). tr. ™ transitive. usu. = usual, usually. v. = vide, or very. v.l. =varia lectio. VPs=the Vespasian Psalter, as con- tained in GET (1). [VHy = Hymns at the end of the Psalter.] Glossary also by Conrad Grimm (AF, vol. 18), Heidelberg, 1906. V-Ps = Psalter-Glosses in Cotton Vitel- liua E 18 (noted by Wildhagen in CPs). w. =with. W = (I) Wulfatan's Homilies, ed. A. Napier, Berlin, 1883. Glossary by L. H. Dodd, New York, 1908. (II) West Saxon. WA=the poem of the Wanderer, in GE. WALD =the poem of Waldhere, in GB. Wfg =die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds, by J. E. Wūlfing, Bonn, 1894-1901 (copious material, and indexes to words in AO, BH, Bo, CP, AS, PPs, etc.). WG = West Saxon Gospels (v. G). WHALE =the poem of the Whale, in GB. WiD=the poem of Widsith, in GE, or ed. R. F. Chambers, Cambridge, 1912. WiF=the poem of 'the Wife's Com- plaint,' in QR. WS = West Saxon. Wt = An Old English Grammar by J. and E. M. Wright, 2nd edition, Ox- ford, 1914. WW = 01d English Vocabularies, ed. by T. Wright and R. P. Wūlker, London, 1884. Cols. 1-54 = Cp; 55-88 = KGL; pp. 89-103 =Colloq. Monast. in NED. Wy=the poem 'Be manna wyrdum ' in GK. ZDA=Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alter- tum, Leipzig and Berlin, 1853-1914. ZDPh=Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philo- logie, Halle, 186!}-1914. | |||||||||
PST = Philological Society's Transac- tions (v. also LV and NC). QF=Mone, Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Lit. u. Sprache, Aachen uiid Leipzig, 1830. RB =der Benedictinregel, ed. A. Schrōer, Bibl. der Aga. Prosa, vol. 2, Cassel, 1885-8 (3). RBL—the Anglo-Saxon and Latin Rule of St Benot (Interlinear Glosses), ed. H. Logeman, EETS, London, 1888. RD = The Riddles of the Exeter Book, in GE, or ed. P. Tupper Junr., Boston, 1910 (1). RG = the Rush worth Gospels, in Skeat's ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). Mt (all), Mk 1-216 and Jn 18l~~3 are in a Mercian dialect, and are usually known as R1; the rest (R2) is in a Northumbrian dialect (v. also LG). Glossary to R1 by Ernst Schulte, Bonn, 1904; to R2 by U. Lindelof, Helsingfors, 1897. ROOD =the poem 'Dream of the Rood,' in GK. RPs=der Regius-Psalter, ed. F. Roeder (Studien in Eng. Philologie, vol. 18), Halle, 1904. (RHy=the Hymns in the same vol.) RSL=Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, London. RUIN = the poem of the Ruin, in GB. RUN=the Rune-poem, in GK. a. = strong; also = singular, sv. = strong verb. swv. = strong-weak verb. SAT=the poem 'Christ and Satan,' in GB. sh. = substantive. SC = Ðefensor's Liber Scintillarum, ed. E. Rhodes, EETS, I-ondon, 1889 (3). SEAF=the poem of the Seafarer, in GK. sg. = singular. SHB = the Shrine by 0. Cockayne, Lon- don, 1864-70 [pp. 29-33 and 46- 156 =MH; pp. 35-^4 = HL pp. 199- ? 207; pp. 163-204 = AS]. SHy = Surteea Hymnarium = DHy. SkED=An Etymological English Dic- tionary by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1910. SOL=the poem Solomon and Saturn, in GB (if in italics, the reference is some- times to the prose version, ed. J. M. Kemble). | |||||||||