ÆFEN | ||||||||
ADRYGAN | ||||||||
æcarnbe f. =ācurnbe ǽcan = īecan ; æccyrn = æcern æce, ǽce = ece, ēce; æced æcedwīn n. wine mingled with myrrh, MkL 1523. ǽcēlan = ācēlan æcelrna rn. chilblain, OEG,WW. ǽcelrnehte (ecil-) having chilblains, OEG _1523. ǽcen I. a wood of oaks. II. oaken, WW 27014. III. =ēacen pp. of ōacan. æcer nap. æoras rn. field, sown land, cul- tivated land, Mt; Æ,AO,CP; Mdf : a certain quantity of land, 'acre,' Æ; v. LL2-267 : crop. æcerceorl rn. countryman, farmer, NC 268. æceren=æcern æcerhege rn. hedge of a field, KC3'332. æcerrnǽlum by acres, KC 6'986. æcermann m. farmer, WW. ['acreman'] æcern n. nut, mast of trees, Æ (i2) : 'acorn' WW. æcernspranca rn. 'ile-c,' oak sapling? | ||||||||
ādrŷgan (I) to become dry, dry up, wither, CP : dry, wipe dry. ādrysnan to extinguish, repress, NG. adsa = adesa; adulsēa8=adelsēa'S ādumbian to become dumb, keep silence, J/k; Æ. [v. 'dumb' vb.] a-dūn, -dūna, -dune adv. down, downward, Æ. [= ofdūne] adūne(ā)st!gan to descend, CPs. adūnfeallan to fall down, EPs 144". adūnweard adv. downwards, ChrL. ['a downward'] ādūstrigan = andūstrian ādwǽscan (ē) to put out, quench, extinguish, blot out, destroy, AO : suppress, Æ,CP. ā-dwelian to wander, stray. ādwellan, pret. 3 sg. -dwealde to seduce, lead astray : hinder, Æ. ādwēscan = ādwǽscan ādwinan1 to dwindle or waste away. ādŷdan to destroy, mortify, kill, Æ. [' adead- en'} ādŷfan to overpower with sound. ādylf = ādealf pret. of ādelfan. ādŷlgian, ādŷlegian = ādilegian ādymman = ādimmian ādysgian to make foolish, W18512. ǽ-accented verbal prefix,= (l)uiithout; (2) a-. ǽ I. f. also ǽw f. (and m. or n.? in NO) law (divine or human), custom, covenant, AO, CP; WG,NG. butan ǽ outlaw : (esp. in pi.) rite, ceremony : faith, religion, unrihte ǽ false religion. Crīstes ǽ gospel : scrip- tures, revelation : marriage, Æ : (lawful) wife. For some comps. v. ǽw-. ['æ'] II. =ēa I. III. interj. oh.' alas f ǽa I. = ēa I. II. gp. of ǽ; æal- = eal- ǽalā interj. = ēalā; ǽar- = ēar- āeargian to become remiss, AO 21220. ǽbǽre (e LL) manifest, notorious, public, open, evident, clear, ['eber'] āebbian to ebb away, recede, CHE. æbbung (=ebb-) f. 'ebbing.' sǽ æ. gttlf, bay, WWlte ǽbebod n. injunction of the law, command, PPs 1181M. ǽbēc fp._books of the law, WW43916. ǽbēre = ǽbǽre; ǽbesn = ǽfesn ǽbilg-, -bili(g)- = ǽbylg-; ǽblǽc- = āblǽc- ǽblǽce lustreless, pale, pallid. ǽbod m. business, Æ : statute. ǽboda m. messenger, preacher, GTJ 909. ǽbræce, -breca = ǽwbræce, -breca ǽbrecS f. sacrilege, LPs. ǽbrucol sacrilegious, GPH 402. æbs ft fir-tree, Æ. [L. abies] ǽbylg n. =ǽbylg'S ǽbylga m. anger, LPs 77". ±ǽbylgan, -byli(g)an to make angry, _pffend, Æ. æbylgnes f. anger, offence, Æ. æbylgS, -bylgiiu f. anger, AO. ǽbylig- = ǽbylg-; ǽ-byl8, -bylygt! = ǽbylgtS ǽcl. f. =āc; II. (N) = ēao | ||||||||
_ æcersǽd n. seed enough for an acre? CHB 1124. BBcerteoSung f. tithe of the produce of the soil, W3102-. æcertŷning f. fencing, EC 377s. æcerweorc n. field-work, GPH 391. æces = æx æcest, æce.5 pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan. ǽcihna = ǽcelrna ; æcirn = æcern ǽclǽca = āglǽca ; ǽclēaw = ǽglēaw ǽçnōsle degenerate, not noble, WW. +ǽcnōsliende degenerating, WW21812. ǽcræft† rn. knowledge of law or ordinances, religion. ǽcræf tig learned in the law, as sb. = lawyer, scribe, Pharisee. æcras v. æcer ; æcren = æcern æcs f. 'axe,' pickaxe, hatchet, CP; 3ft (æx). æcst, æcS pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan. ǽeumba = ācumba; æcur = æcer æcyrf m. (wood-)choppings, BH 22415. æd (NG) = æt; æd- = ed- ædderseax ( WW) = ǽdreseax æddre, ǽdr = Sdre ǽdre I. f . artery, vein, pulse, nerve, sinew, B ; AO : pi. veins, kidneys : runlet of water, fountain, spring, stream, ['eddre'] II. adv. at once, directly, instantly, quickly : (†) fully, entirely. \OS. ādro] ǽdreseax (der) n. lancet, WW41010. ǽdreweg m. artery, vein. ædrlf an = ādrīf an ; ædwist=edwist æfæst=æfest; ǽfæst = æwfæst æfdæll -dell (NG) = ofdæle æfdŷne m. declivity, GL. ǽfelle without skin, peeled, WW 19031. æfen = efen ǽfen (ē) nm. 'even,' evening, eventide, B, MkL,Ou (ēfn). to ǽfenes till evening : eve, BB. | ||||||||