ÆTHIBBAN | |||||||||||||||
ÆSCb^OTB | 10 | ||||||||||||||
æsc-Srote, -"Srotu f. a plant, ferula? vervain? æsmæl smallness of the eye, LCD. ǽsmogu np. slough (of snake) LcD88a. [a- smūgan] æscwert = æscwyrt æsewlga‡ m. (spear-) warrior. æscwlanc† brave, æscwyrt f. verbena, vervain, æscyldlan ' delinquere,' PPs. ǽsellend (y2) m. lawgiver. æsll = hæsel æslitend m. law-breaker, LPs. æsne-=esne-; æsp = æspe I. æspe I. f. aspen-tree, white poplar, GL; Mdf. ['asp1'] II. = æbs æspen adj. aspen, ǽspreng, ǽspring(e) = ǽspryng æsprind (p8) f. aspen bark, Led. ['asp'] ǽspringnes = āsprungeries ǽspryng nf. spring, fountain, CP. [ēa] : departure, GREAT??. ǽst I. = ǽrest. II. = ēst. ǽstǽnan=āstænan; ǽstan=ēastan æstel m. book-marker, CP9. [L. hastula] æsul=esol ǽswǽpe sbpl. sweepings, rubbish. ǽswic m. offence, stumbling-block, infamy, seduction, deceit, ǽswlca, ǽswieend m. offender, deceiver, hypocrite, traitor. ǽswice m. violation of (rod's laws (or? adultery), W1643. ±āsswician to offend, deceive, Æ : apostatize, WW342": desert, Æ. ǽswicnes f. stumbling-block, LPslOS36. ǽswicung f. offence, stumbling-block, Æ : deceit, & : sedition. ǽswind idle, slothful, WW422". [swfS] ǽsyllend =ǽsellend æt I. prep, (w. d. and, more rarely, a) (local) 'at,' near, by, in, on, upon, with, be- fore, next to, as far as, up to, into, toward : (temporal) at, (it the time of, near, in, on, to, until : (causal) at, to, through : (source) from : (instrumental) by. æt fēawum wordum in few words, BH : in respect to, as to. II. adv. at, to, near, æt nehstan, æt sittestan finally, æt- in composition = _at, to, from. ǽt I. rnfn. eatables, food, meat, flesh, Gu; Æ, AO. ǽt and wǽt food and drink, Æ : the act of feeding, eating, PPs;MkL (ē). ['eat' eb.] II. pret,. 3_sg. of etan. ǽt- = ate-; -ǽta v. self-ǽta. ætǽwlan = ætīewan āetan6 to eat, devour, AS1716; 375. ætbēon anv. to fee present. ætberan4 to carry to, bring, produce, show, Da : carry off, B. ['atiear'] ætberstan3 to break out, or away, escape from, Æ. ['atburst'] ætbrēten=ætbregdan ætbrēdendllc ablative, ÆQB23'. æt-bregdan, -brēdan3 to take away, carry off, | |||||||||||||||
deprive of, snatch away, draw off, withdraw, Ml ; Æ : release, rescue, enlarge : prevent, ÆL31126. ['atbraid'] ætelinan to adhere, BJPslOl4. ætelīSan to adhere, OET181. ætdērnan to refuse, give judgment against, EC 202. ætdōn anv. to take away, deprive. sēte = ate ætēaoa (eth-) ra. 'appendix,' OEG5318. ætēaenes =ætŷones ætealdod too old, Æ(21ĒS). ætēaw-=ætīew-, ætŷw- ætēcan = ætŷoan ; ætegār = ætgār æteglan to harm, PPs8819. ætēode pret. 3 sg. of *ætgān he came. ǽteorlan = āteorian | |||||||||||||||
ætereyn = atoreyn ǽtere (ē1) m. 'eater,' glutton, Prov; NG. ǽtern I. (NO) viper. II. = ǽtren ætēw- = setīew-, ætŷw- ætfæstan (= o~S-) to inflict on, afflict with : fasten to, drive into, impart to, CP11519 : commit, entrust • marry to. ætfæstnlan to fasten? entrust? AS211'. ætfaran* to escape, Smil423. ætf eallan' to fall, fall out : fall away, fail, be reduced, LL; Æ : happen, ['atfall'] ætfele m. adhesion, PPs7223. ætfeng m. attaching, distraint v. LL2-279. setfeohtan2† to grope about. ætfēolan3 to stick to : adhere, apply oneself to, continue in, CP. ætfeorrian to take from, So 160'. ætferlan to carry away, bear off. ætfīlan =ætfēolan ætflēon2 to flee away, escape by flight, Æ. ['atjiee'] ætflōwan' to flow together, accumulate, SPs6110. setlōn' to seize upon, lay claim to, LL. | |||||||||||||||
ætforan I. prep. w. d. before, in the presence of, in front of, close by, Jn; Æ. [' at/ore']. II. adv. beforehand (time), ætfyligan, -fylgan to adhere, cling to. æt-gædere (AO), -gæddre (CP), -gædre, -gæderum adv. together, united, at the same time, [gadrian] æt-gǽre n., -gar m. spear, dart, javelin, Qi. ætgangan' to go to, approach, Az 183. ['atgo'] ætgeddre, -gedre = ætgædere ætgenumen removed, taken away, WW 52939. ǽtgiefa† (eo, i) m. food-giver, feeder. ætgifan5 to render, give, B2878. ætglldan1 to slip away, disappear, OBG7132. ætgrǽpe seising, æ. weofSan seize, B1268. æthabban to retain, Æ. æthealdan' to keep back, Sol0918. æthebban6 to take away, take out, hold back, Æ : emit oneself, CP11318. | |||||||||||||||