ĀFEDAN | |||||||||||||
ÆÐELli | 12 | ||||||||||||
asāele noble, aristocratic, excellent, famous, glorious, Ex,0en ; Æ,AO,CP : splendid, fine, cosily, valuable : lusty, young : pleasant, sweet-smelling. Gen : (+) natural, congenial, suitable, ['athel'] æāel-ferSingwyrt, -fyrdingwyrf f. stitch- wort (plant), Lcp. +æSelian† to make noble or renowned, Hy. I'i-athele'] æSelic = æ'S'ellic ; ǽSelic = ēa-Selic æSellng in. man of royal blood, nobleman, chief, prince, AO.CsR (v. LL2-274) : †kiag, Christ, God, Cr : ‡man, hero, saint; in pi. men, people, Gen. ['atheling'] æSeilnghād n. princely state, LcoS-4385. æSeiiic noble, excellent, adv. -lice. æSelnes i. nobility, excellence. æ3e!o=æ-5elu æSelstenc m. sweet smell, Pnl95. seāeltungol† n. noble star. æSelu fn. nobility, family, descent, origin, CP : nature : noWe qualities, genius, talents, pre-eminence, Bo : produce, growth. ['atAel'] ǽ3- = ē'S- ǽSm (ē) m, air, breath, breathing, CP; Sat. (ē) : vapour, B : blast, Æ. ['ethem'] ǽSmlan to fume, exhale, emit a smell. | |||||||||||||
ǽwtcnes f. eternity, RPsl02» (v. p. 303). ǽwlelm (e, i, y), -wielme m. source, fount, spring, beginning, AO.CP. [= ēawylm] ǽwintre = ānwintre ; æwis- = ǽwisc- ǽwlsc I. nf. offence, shame, disgrace, dis- honour, AO. [Cloth, aiwiaks] II. dis- graced, shameless, indecent. ǽwlseberende disgraceful, shameful, WW _26442. ǽwlsce = ǽwisc I. ǽwisc-ferinend (Gt), -firina (NQ) m, shameless sinner, publican. ǽwisclic disgraceful, infamous, OEGf. ǽwlscmōd ashamed, abashed, cowed. ǽwisenes f . shameless conduct : reverence, ǽwita m. counsellor, EL455. ǽwlie legal, lawful, adv. -līce. ±ǽwnlan to marry, Æ. ǽwnung f. wedlock, OEG. ǽwul basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, WW181". [?=cawl,BT] æwumboren lawfully born, LL76'. ǽwung=ǽwnung; ǽwunge=ēawunge ǽwyll m. stream, BC 1-542. ǽ-wyhii, -wylme=ājwielm æwyrdla = »f wyrdla ǽwyrp m. throwing away : what is cast away : an abortion, [āweorpan] æwyse- = ǽ wise- ; aexi=!æcs, eax ; æxe = asce æxeŷr f. axe-head, CHB1012E. [ŷr] æxfaru f. 'apparatus,' naval expedition? (= æso-? v. ES37-184), OL. æxlan=ascian; æxl=eaxl; æxs = æcs āfǽdan = āf ēdan āfǽgan to depict, figure, BH. [fag] āfǽgrian (as) to ornament, adorn, BH. ā-fælan, -tellan^āfyllan II. āfǽman to foam out, PPsllS131. āfǽran to frighten, PPs,Mk,Ghr; AO,CP. ['a/ear,' 'afeared'] | |||||||||||||
æSreclic terrible, RPs954. | |||||||||||||
ǽSrot n. disgust, weariness, [āiSrēotan] ĒēSryt I. troublesome, wearisome, disgusting. II. n. weariness, disgust, tediousness, Æ. sē3ryte=ǽ'5ryt I. ǽSrytnes 1 tedium, v. OEG4582. ǽSryttan to weary, Æ. æSSa (Bd, Death-song) = o««e ǽw I. =ǽ. II. = ǽwe æwæde without clothes, WW23038. ǽwan to despise, scorn, Ps. ǽwbrǽce despising the law, Æ : adulterous, LL. ǽwbreca (i, y) m. adulterer, LL (y). ['eaubruche1'] ǽwbryce m. adultery, Æ ; LL. [' eaubruche1 '] Ēēwda, ǽwdamann m, witness, compurgator, LL. sēwe I. fn. married woman, Æ : married people. II. lawful : married : born of the same marriage. æwelm = ǽwielm ǽwenbrōSor m. brother by the same -marriage, WW413-*. æwēne doubtful, uncertain. Ēewerd adj . ? religious, or sb. ? regular priest, ANS128'298. [op. ǽweweard] æwerdla = æf wyrdla ǽweweard m. priest, BLl612J. ǽwfæst upright, pious, devout, religious, Æ.CP : married, Æ. Swtæsten n. legal or public fast. æwfæstlic lawful : religious, CP (ǽf-). adv. -lice. æwfæstnes f. religion, piety, | |||||||||||||
āfæstan I. to fast, LL,W. II. to let out on Aire, MkRlS1. ālæstla interj . certainly I assuredly ! Æ. āfæstnian (e) to fix upon, fasten, make firm, confirm, AO : enter, inscribe, Æ : build. āfǽttlan to fatten, anoint, APs226; LPsl405. āfandelic = āfandodlie ālandlan to try, test, prove, tempt, Lk,LcA', Æ,CP : find out, experience, Æ. āfandod (and āfanden?) approved, excellent, Æ. āfand-igendlic, -odlic proved, approved, laudable, adv. -odllee. āfandung f. trial, Æ. āfaugennes f. reception, acceptance. afara = eaf ora āfaran to go out, depart, march, travel, Æ,AO. [' a/are '] āf eallan7 to fall down, fall in battle, Lk ; CP : fall off, decay. . ['afalle'] āf eallan = āf yllan ālēdan to feed, nourish, bring up, maintain, support, Æ ; AO : bring forth, produce, ['afede'] | |||||||||||||