bedgerid n. (ant's) Best, LcDllSa.
+bedgiht f. evening, WW1178.
±bedhūs n. chapel, oratory, Æ.
+bedian to pray, worship, BH40829.
bedlcian to surround with a dyke, embank,

fortify, CHE1016E.
bedidrian = bedydrian; bedieglan = bedīg-

be-dīglian (-dihl-; ēa, ē, Ie) to conceal, hide,

obscure, keep secret, Ǽ : be concealed, lie hid.
bedlgling f. secret place, RPsSO8.
bedlng = bedding
bedīolan (K)=bedieglan
bedīpan (ē, ŷ) to dip, immerse : anoint, CPs

+bedmann m. worshipper, priest.
bedōn to shut, PPs 1472. ['bedo']
bedol = bedul

±bedrǽden f. prayer, intercession, Æ.
bedragan v. pp. bedrōg.
bedrēaf n. bed-clothes, bedding, Æ.
bedreda (i, y) m. (and adj.) 'bedridden'

{man}, Æ.
bedrēosan* to overcome, deceive? GEN528,

823 : deprive, of, bereave, despoil.
bedrest = beddrest; bedrida=bedreda
bedrHan1 to drive, beat, strike, assail, AO :

follow up, pursue : surround, cover.
bedrinean3 to drink up, absorb, LCD,
bedrīp n, compulsory service rendered to a

landowner at harvest time, LL. ['oedrip']
bedrðg beguiled, GEN 602.
bedrūgian to dry up, LcDl-3364.
bedrŷpan to moisten, GPH39119.
+bedscipe† m. cohabitation, wedlock.
+bedstōw f. place of prayer, oratory.
bedstrēaw n. straw for bedding, ÆL31572.
bedttd f. bed-time, WW1762.
+bed«d time, of prayer, MH12618.
bed-5egn, -.Sen.m. chamber -servant, chamber-

bedu f. asking, prayer, CP. [Goth, bida]
bedūlan2 immerse, submerge, drown, JB.

bedul suppliant, WW18018.
bedwāhrilt n. bed-curtain, Ct.
bedydrian to conceal from, Æ : deceive, Æ.
bedŷfan to immerse, GD732*; CPs 68".
bedŷglanbedieglan; bedypan=bedlpan
be-dyppan (e), to dip, immerse, Ǽ,Ml.

bedyrnan to conceal, [dierne]
beēastan to the east of, AO,CnB.
beēastannorSan to the north-east of, AO.
beebbian to leave aground by the ebb tide,
Cm 897A.

beeleslan to cut off the hair, ÆL33".
beerf-=beyrf-; bef ædman = befæSman
befǽlon pret. 3 pi. of befēolan.
befæstan to fasten, fix, ground, establish,
make safe, put in safe keeping,
Æ.CP : apply,
utilize : commend, entrust to,

O. H.
befæstnlan (ea) to fix, Æ : pledge, betroth.
befættlan to fatten, anoint, LPS1406.
belæðman, -mian to encircle, Æ.
befaran8 to go, go round or among, traverse,
encompass, surround,
AO : come «pon, sur-
prise, catch, LL230,13,1.

befealdan' to fold, roll «p, envelop, clasp,
surround, involve, cover,
Æ.CP : attach.

befeallan I. (sy') to fall, Mt,OP; M : deprive
of, bereave of: fall to, be assigned to:
* befall,'
ÆQB. II. = befyiJan

befeastnian (NG) = befæstan
befēgan to join, J5L23426.
befeigan = befylgan; befellan = befyllan
befel«rǽd = hefeld«rǽd (HQL489)
befeohtan3 to take by fighting, IM432.

befēolan3 to p«t away, bury : deliver, grant,
consign, entrust to, Ps : betake oneself to,
apply oneself, devote oneself to, persist, per-
CP : importune : put up with, be
pleased with,

bef eolnan = bef ēolan
befēon to deprive of property, OEG3157.
befer (eo, y) rn. 'beaver,' Æ&r (eo); Mdf.
befēran to swround, Æ : come upon, over-
take, pass by : go about: fail among,

beflcian to deceive, LL(320-4).
befīlan, befilgan = befŷlan, befylgan
beflod (HGL480) pp. of befēon'.
beflēan6 to peel, skin, flay, W W. beflageu
flǽse entrails, ['beflay']

beflēogan- to fiy upon, BH. ['befly']
beflēon2 {w. a.) to flee from, flee, escape, avoid,
CP. ['beflee']

beflōwan' to fiow round, over, Wif. ['be-

befōn' to «arro»Md, clasp, include, envelop,
encase, clothe, SI;
Æ,AO,CP : comprehend,
seize, attach (at law), lay hold of, catch, en-
snare, Oen : contain, receive, conceive : ex-
CP. wordum b. tell, relate, on b.
hare to do vrith, engage in. ['befong']

be!or = befer
beforan I. prep. a. (w. d.) (local) 'before,' in
front of, in the presence of
: (temporal) be-
fore, prior to, sooner than. p. (w. a.) before.
II. adv. (local) before, in front: (temporal)
before, formerly, in former times, earlier,
sooner : at hand, openly.

beforntlan to dread, Æ23bB2S.
befōtian to cut off one's feet, Æ2511'.
befrēogan to free, liberate, Ps.
be-f rman, -frignan3 to question, ask, feorn.Æ.
befrtnung f. inquiry, investigation, OEG

befrŷnan=befrinan; beftan = beæftan
bef ullan entirely, completely,perfectly,CP520.
befŷian (I) to befoul, defile, Led; Æ.'['befile'J
befylgan to follow after, pursue, persevere

befylian I. to fell, lay low, strike, down :
(†) take by killing, bereave, rob. [feallan]
II. to fill up. [full]