BISCEOPHIRED | |||||||||||
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bīetl (ē, ī, ŷ) m. 'beetle,' mallet, hammer, GP,Jud(y). bietr- = biter- bīeð = bēo'8 pres. pi. of bēon. bīfēran to feed, ES41324. bifian to tremble, be moved, shake, quake, Bo,Ps;Æ,. ['bive'] biflgendlic (byfg-) terrible, NC274. bifung f. trembling, shaking, Æ. -bifung (eo1) v. eorS-b. WJylce n. neighbouring people, [folc] big = be; big-=be-, M-, bycg- Wg- = bīeg-; Wge=byge +bīgednes f. inflection, declension, case, ÆGR. bīgegnes =bigengnes bīgels m. arch, vault, Æ : inclination. +bīgendlic inflectional, ÆGR918. +bīgendnes = +bīgednes Wgeng f. practice, exercise, observance, wor- ship, Æ : cultivation, Æ. ['bigeng'] bīgenga m. inhabitant : cultivator, Æ : wor- shipper, Æ : benefactor. bīgenge n. practice, worship. bīgengere m. worker : worshipper. blgengestre f. handmaiden, attendant, wor- shipper, GL. bīgengnes, f. application, study. +bigeð = +byge~5 pres. 3 sg. of +bycgan. bīging f. bending, WW21638. bigleaf- (eo, i)=bīleof- bīgnes f. power of bending, bending, [bīegan] +bīgnes (ŷ) f. frequented place, assembly? EPsll72'. +bigð = +bige« bīgyrdel m. girdle, belt, purse, Æ,Mt : treasury. [' by girdle' ] bigytan = begietan bihianda_(JtftL52') = behindan bīhst = bŷhst pres. 2 sg. of būgan. +bihð f. anode? GU346. [op. hyht] bil = bill; bllcettan = bealcettan bildan = bioldan †bilde oold, brave, Æ. [beald] bile m. ' bill,' beak, trunk (of an elephant), WW : prow. b!le = bŷle; bllefa = bfleofa bilehwīt↔hilewit bīieofa (i2) m., blleofen,sustenance, food, nourishment, Æ,WW : money, pay. ['bylive'; libban] bilēoflan to support, feed upon, GOTH 34'. bilewet↔bilewit bllewit innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest, BH,Mt;Æ,CF : calm, gentle, merciful, gracious: plausible. ['bUewhit'], adv.-lice. bilewitnes f. mildness, simplicity, innocence, purity, Æ.CP. bilgesieht = billgesliht bilgst, bilhst pres. 2 sg. of belgan. bilgð pres. 3 sg. of belgan. bilherge = bil]ere bflibb-, bīlif-= bīleof -; billg = belg billw- = bilew- | btll n. 'bill,' chopper, battle-axe, falchion, sword, B,WW. billere m. 'bibulta' (plant), WW. billgesliht n. clashing of swords, battle, †CHB 937. billhete m. murderous hate, strife, AN 78. +bilod having a bill or beak, [bile] bil-swæð n. (nap. -swa'Su) sword track, wound, Ex 329. biiw- = bilew-; bDyht = bŷliht bīma (m. 1), bīme = bīeme; bin = binn bīnama m. pronoun, A 8-313. +bind n. binding, fetter : costiveness. ±bindan sv3 to tie, 'bind,' fetter, fasten, restrain, Æ,Bl,Mt,Jn; AO.CP : adora. Wnde f. head-band? #06-133. ['bind'] bindele, -elle f. binding : bandage. bindere m. 'binder,' Æd286. binding f. binding, OEG324b. binn, binne f. 'bin,' basket, crib, manger, Bl,LkL. Wnnan I. prep. (w. d. a.) within, in, inside of, into. II. adv. inside, within, less than, during, whilst, ['bin'] binne = binn bint pres. 3 sg. of bindan. bio- = beo-, bi-; biosmrung = bismrung birce = beorc, beorce; bird (LkL.R) = bridd +bird = +byrd; birele = bvrele biren f. she-bear, OET(Ot). birg↔byrg birgð, birfrS pres. 3 sg. of beorgan. blrht- = bierht- blrig, birig- = byrig, byrg- birihte (y) prep. w. d. near, beside, AN 850. birihto = bierhtu; birle = byrele birnan = beornan birst, birsteS pres. 3 sg. of berstan. birst pres. 2 sg., bir(e).S pres. 3 sg. of beran. biryhte=birihte bisæc n? m? wallet, MtRlO10. [LL. bi- sacciufli] bīsæc contested, disputed, LL. bīsǽc f. visit, Gul88. bisceop (o2) m. 'bishop,' CP : high-priest, chief priest (of the Jews), heathen priest, AO,MkL. bisceopcyn (o2) n. episcopal (high-priestly) stock. bisceopdōm m. episcopate, bishopric : ex- communication. bisceopealder m. high priest, HL. bisceopfolgoð m. episcopate, GD6531. bisceopgegyrelan mpl. episcopal robes, BH902. bisceophād m. ' bishophood,' office of bishop, ordination as bishop, episcopate, bishopric, CPPs. bisceophādung f. episcopal ordination, ÆL 31286. bisceophām m. bishop's estate, EC365. bisceophēafodlīn (o8) n. head ornament worn by bishops, WW15223. bisceoptilred ^o) m. clergy subject to a bieftop. | ||||||||||