46 | BLOT | |||||||||||||
biēona gp. of blēo. blēorēad pur-pie, WW. Wēostāsning f. tesselated pavement, WW 444»«, blēot pret. 3 8g. of (1) blātan, (2) blōtan. bleoum dip. of blēo. blēow pret. 3 sg. of (1) blāwan, (2) blðwan. blēowum dp. of blēo. blere, blerig bald, WW. | kind, El ; agreeabk, willing : quiet, peaceful, gentle, Ps, II. adv. Ps. WfSelic gentle, pleasant, glad. adv. -Bee (Lk). ['blithely'] blīðemōd glad, cheer/id ; weU-wishing, friendly. birSheort† happy, joyful : gracious, +bllðian to maie glad, RPs914. bllðnes f. joy, gladness, pleasure. Led', AO, | |||||||||||||
biēt pret. 3 sg. of (1) blātan, (2) blōtan. blētan =hlǽtan ±blētslan to consecrate, ordain, Mt,JnL(oe) : ' bless, ' give thanks, adore, extol, Da,Ps,Lk ; sign with the cross, Æ : pronounce or make happy, Æ. [blōd] Wētsingbōc f. blessing-book, benedictional, EC 250. blētsingsealm m. tfte Benedicite, RB3618. blēlst pre«. 2 sg. of blðtan. blētsnng f. consecration, Chr : 'blessing,* benediction, Chr ; Æ : favour (of God), BWVPs. biēw = blēow pret. 3 sg. of blāwan. blew? pres. 3 sg. of blðwan. bllean* to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle, dazzle, Sol : appear, SOL 144. ['iKfc'] bliccettan to glitter, quiver, GL. bliccettung f. glittering, shining, VPs. blloe m. exposure, LL5[34]. bllcgan = blyegan bilcian to shine, OEG1499. bllcð pres, 3 sg. o£ blican. bSIds = blisa blln inipcrat. of blinnan. blind * blind, ' Mk ; CJ?,Æ : dark, obscure, opaque, DD ; Æ ; internal, not showing out- wardly ; -unintelligent : not slinging, WW 3222S. adv. -lice blindly, rashly, AO. blindboren born blind, JnL93-, +bi!ndlellian to blind, blind/old, HL8aM. -bHndian v. of-b. blindnes f. blindness, Æ. blinn† a? cessation. ±Winnan3 to cease, leave off, rest from. Ml; CP : lose, forfeit ; be vacant (bishopric), ['blin'; be, linnan] blinnes L cessation, intermission, LL. blis(CP) = bliss; blisa = blysa bliscan = blyscan blisgere m. incendiary, [blysigej bilss f. 'bliss,' merriment, happiness, SI; CP : kindness, friendship, grace, favour, Met : cause of happiness, Ps. [HKSe] ±bilssian (intr.) to be glad, rejoice, exult, CP,Lk;Æi : (tr.) Hiaī-e happy, gladden, endow, †Hy :" applaud, ANS 109-306. [•bliss'} blissig joyful, EPsll2». blissigendlic exult ing, ÆHl-35411. bllssung f. exultation, KPs6413. | ||||||||||||||
blīðs↔bliss bliwurn = blēo(w)uni, dp, of blēo, biod = bold talōd n. 'blood,' Æ,6.Lcd; AO,CP : vein, blðd-dolg, -dolh n. bleeding wound, LCD. Wōddryne m. bloodshed, AO 162s. blōdegesa m. bloody horror, Ex47"7. +blōdegian = blōdgian bidden bloody, WW21736? blōdfāg† blood-stained, bloody, blōdgemang n. a blood-mixture, WW2207. blōdgemenged blood-stained, W 18211. Wōdgēot =blōdgŷte biō.lgēoten.1 m. shedder of blood, LPsSO18. biōdgēotende bloody, LPsS8. ±blōdglan to be bloodthirsty, WW215« ; make bloody. blōdgyte m. bloodshed, AO, blodhrǽcung f. spitting of blood, WW1138. blōdhrēow sanguinary, cruel, Ps. bjðdig 'bloody,' WW;A.O. blōdlgtō* bloody -toothed, B2083. blōd-lǽs, -læswu f. blood-letting, bleeding, biōdlǽstīd f. time for blood-letting, LCD 55a. blōdlǽtere m. blood-letter, WW. blōdlēas bloodless^, ÆGR66". biōd-orc, -mōna'S = blōtoro. etc. blōdrēad blood-red, biōdrēow =blōdhrēow Wōdryne m. issue of blood, bloody jlws : bursting of a blood-vessel, AO28827. blōdsæx (e) n. lancet, Or.. bSodseēawung f. supply of blood f (BT) LOB 83a. blōdseten something to slop bleeding, LCD, blōdsihte f. flowing of blood, Lc064a. WōdSigen f. tasting of blood, LL. blōdwlte n. blood-offering, LPs 15*. blōdyrnende having an issue, of blood, BH 78»«B. bioma m. lump of metal, mass, Gt. Won pret. 3 sg. of blinnan. blonca = blanea; blond- = bland- blonn pret. 3 sg. of blinnan. blōsa. blðsma = blōstma blōstbǽre = blōstmbǽre blōstm (Æ), blōstma mf, 'blossom,* flower, fruit, Bl,Lcd. blōstmbǽre (Æ), -bǽrende flower -bearing, blōstmfrēots m. floral festival, OEG4720. blōstmian to ''blossom,' bloom, BH. ±blōt n. sacrifice, AO. [Mod] blðt- = blðd- | ||||||||||||||
blīðe I. ' blithe, 'joyous, cheerful, pleasant, Æ, AO.CP : gracious, well-disposed, friendly, | ||||||||||||||