BLOTAN | BOLDWELA | ||||||||||
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blōtan' (and ? wv) to sacrifice, kill for sacrifice, AO,CP. blðtere m. sacrificer, GPH3989-. blōtmōnað m. month of sacrifice (8 Oct.— 8 Nov.), November. biōtorc m. sacrificial vessel, GPH397. blðtspīung f. spitting of blood, WW1137. blōtung f. sacrifice, AO 102lð. ±blōwan I. sv' to 'blow,' flower, flourish, blossom, Led. II. = blāwan blōwendlic blooming, WW24028. blunnen pp., blunnon pret. pi. of blinnan. -blyegan v. ā-b.; blys, blyas = bliss blysa m. firebrand, torch, Æ. blyscan 'rutilare,' HGL434'5 (v. OEG1196 and 'blush'). blyse f. = blysa; blysere=blæsere blysian to burn, blaze, PPs 17s. blysige= blyse; blyssian (Æ) = blissian blŷðe, blŷSelīce = blīðe, blīSelīce bō = bā, nafn. of bēgen. bōc I. fn. ds. and nap. bēo' beech'-tree, WW; Mdf : beech-nut, NC274 : 'book,' writing, Bible, Bl,Jn,CP; AO,Æ. Crīates b. gospel: deed, charter, conveyance, LL. II. pret. 3 sg. of bacan. bōcæceras mpl. freehold lands. bōcblæc (e) n. ink, W2251. bōcce = bēce bōc-cest, -cist(e) f. book-chest. bōccræft m. learning, Bo. ['bookcraft'] bōccræf tig book-learned. bðcere m. scholar, scribe, writer, Æ. bōcf ell n. parchment, vellum, LL. ['bookfeB'] bōefōdder n. bookcase, WW 19413. bōcgesamnung f. library, WW20316. bōcgestrēon n. library, BH. bōchord n. library, WW. ['bookhoard'] bōehūs n. library, WW18535. ǽbōclan to grant by charter : supply with books. bōdæden n. literary Latin, learned language. bðcland n. land held by written title, LL; Æ,AO. v. LL2-323. ['bookland'] bðclār f. book-lore, learning. bōcleden = bōclæden bōclic of or belonging to a book, Æ : biblical, scriptural, b. stæf 'ars liberalis,' HGL503. bðcon pret. pi. of bacan. bōcrǽdere m. reader of books, WW43926. bōcrǽding f. reading of books, WW. bōcrēad red colour used in illuminating manuscripts, vermilion, WW. bōcrēde f. reading of books, A10-143101. bōcriht n. right given by will or charter, LL444(1). bōcscyld m. beech-wood shield, TC5618. bōcstæf m. nap. -stafas letter, character, El. [' bocstaff'; Ger. buohatabe] bōcstigel f. beech-wood stile, KC5-7025. bōc-tæcung, -talu f. teaching or narrative, written in books, LL. bōctrēow n. beech-tree, Æ. bōcweorc n. study of books, LL(314IS). | |||||||||||
bōcwudu m. beech-wood, Rr>4110*. ±bod (+ exc. N) n. command, message, pre- cept, Bo,Hy; Æ : preaching. [' bode,' ' i-bod'; Ger. gehot] boda m. messenger, herald, apostle, angel, Æ.CP : prophet, ['bode'; Ger, bote] bodan = botm bode pret. of bōgan. bodeg = bodig boden pp. of bēodan. bodere m. teacher, NG. ±bodian to tell, proclaim, announce, †-ffy; AO.CP : preach, Mt; Æ,CP : foretell, El : boast. [' bode'] bodiend m. proclaimer, teacher, preacher. bodig n. 'body,' trunk, frame, bodily presence, Æ,BH, etc., CP : main part, LCD. bodigendlic to be celebrated, ÆL 7-232. bodiāc n. decree, ordinance, CHB1129. ±bodscipe† rn. command : message. bodung f. message, recital, preaching, Æ : interpretation : assertiveness, RB1362-. bodungdæg m. .4 renunciation Day, ÆH 1-20026. bog m. arm, shoulder, Æ; CP :' bough,' twig, branch, Mt; CP : offspring, [būgan] boga rn. 'bow,' (weapon), Gn;Æ : arch, arched place, vault, B : rainbow, Æ : folded parchment, [cp. Ger. hogen] bōga = bōg bōgan to boast, RB. boganet = bogenett __ bogefOdder rn. quiver, WW 14319. bogen I. name of a plant, LCD. II. pp. of būgan. bogenett n. wicker basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, WW. bogetung f. curve, WW35515. bōgh = bog bōglan I. ±(intr.) to dwell, Æ : (tr.) to in- habit. II. = bōgan bogihtfull of bends, MtL?11. bōgincel n. small bough, OEG. bōgung (bōung) f. boastfulness, arrogance, display, Æ. boh=bog bōhscyld rn. shoulder shield, EC 226'. bohte pret. 3 sg. of byogan. bōhtirnber n. building timber, AS I3, [bōgian, ES 42-172] bōian=bōgan bol? rn. bole, trunk, LcDl43a. bolca rn. gangway of a ship. bold (=botl) n. house, dwelling-place, man- sion, hall, castle, B : temple, ['bold'] boldāgend† rn. homestead-owner. boldgestrēon (botl)† household goods. boldgetæl collection of houses : (political) district, county, province, GD. boldgetlrnbru† npl. houses. boldweard (botl-) rn. housekeeper, steward, Æ. boldwela† rn. wealth : splendid dwelling, paradise, heaven : village, GEN 1799. (botl-) | |||||||||||