brǽcdrenc (ē) cough medicine, WW35188.
bræclian to cackle, make a noise, GD23612.
brǽcon pret. pi. of brecan.
±brǽcsēoc epileptic, lunatic.
brǽd I. f. breadth, width, AO. [brad] II. f.
fiesh, Pn240. [OHO. brat] III. m. trick,

fraud, deceit, craft. [=*brægd; 'braid']
IV. pret. 3 sg. of brēdan, bregdan. V. pres.
3 sg. and pp. of brǽdan.
brǽd- = brægd- (bregd-)
±brǽdan (e) I. to make broad, extend, spread,

stretch out, BH; AO : be extended, rise, grow.
['brede'; brad] II. to roast, toast, bake,
broil, cook, WW. ['brede'; Ger. braten]
brǽde m. roast meat, WW. ['brede'; Ger.

-brǽdels v. ofer-b.
brǽdepanne f. frying-pan (v. WW363N3).
brǽding I. f. extension, Bo466 : bedding, bed,

DR. II. f. roast meat, OEG3760.
brǽdingpanne =brǽdepanne
brǽdīsen n. 'scalpellum,' GL,WW.
brǽdra v. brad.
brǽdu, brǽdo f. breadth, width, extent, Ps.

+brægd = brǽd III; brægdan = bregdan
brægdboga m. deceitful bow, Cī.765.
brægden (e) I. (i) deceitful, crafty, AO.

adv. -līce. [bregdan] II. fraud.
brægdnes (ǽd-) f. fraud, cunning.
brægdwīs crafty, Go58. [bregd]
brægen (a, e) n. 'brain,' Lcd,Ps; Æ,CP.
brægenpanne f. brain-pan, skull, OEG2815.
brægensēoo brain-sick, mad, OEG.
brægn = brægen
brægnloca (hrægn-) m. brain-house, head,

brægpanne =brægenpanne
bræhtm (A)=breahtm
bræmbel, brǽmel↔brēmel
brǽme (NG)=brēme; brǽr (ē) = brēr
bræs n. ' brass,' bronze, Æ.
bræsen 'brazen,' of brass, LPs; Æ.
bræsian to do work in brass, make of brass,

bræsne = bresne
brǽð m. odour, scent, stink, exhalation,

vapour, AO. ['breath']
brǽw (ēa) m. eye-brow, eye-lid, BH,Lcd,Ps,

WW;CP. ['bree']
bragen = brægen

brahtan = brohton pret. pi. of bringan.
brand (ō) m. fire, flame, B;Æ : 'brand,'

torch, JnL,Da; Æ : sword, B.
brandhāt† burning hot, ardent.
brandhord (o1) n? treasure exciting ardent

desires (BT); care, anxiety (GK), RIM46.
brand-īren, -īsen n. fire-dog, trivet, grate,

WW, ['brandise']
brandōm (o1) m. 'rubigo,' WW4414.
brandrād (o2, e2) f. fire-dog, trivet, GL.
brandrida m. fire-grate, WW26626.
brandstæfn (o1) high-prowed? AN 504.

C. H.
brang pret. 3 sg. of bringan.
brant† (o) deep, steep, high, An,El. ['brant']
branwyrt f. whortleberry plant, WW 13323.
brasian = bræsian
†brastl (-si) n. crackling (of flames), DD,W.
brastlian (-si) to roar, rustle, crackle, M.
['brasile'; Ger. prasseln]
brastlung f. crackling, rustling, crashing, Æ.
bratt m. cloak, MtLō10. ['bratt']
brēao pret. 3 sg. of brūean.
bread n. bit, crumb, morsel : ' bread,' JnL.
+breadian = +bredian; brēag = brǽw
breahtm I. (bearhtm; æ, e, eo. y) m. cry,

noise, revelry. II. = bearhtm
breahtmian (earht) to creak, resound.
breahtmungf. ' convolatus,' WW3763.
breahtumhwæt = bearhtmhwæt
breard = brerd; brēat- = brēot-
brēað brittle, LCD 1-260'.
brēaw = brǽ w

brēawern n. brew-house, WW 14529.
brēc fp. breeches, Lcd,RB. ['breech'; v.

ES 38-345]
+bree n. noise, sound, CP.
±brēo = ±brǽe I.
±brecan I. sv1 to 'break,' shatter, burst, tear,

B,Bl,Ps : curtail, injure, violate, destroy,
oppress, B,Da,KG;AO,CP : break into,
rush into, storm, capture (city), Ma;CP :
press, force : break or crash through, burst
forth, spring out, An,Ph : subdue, tame, CP.
II. to roar? CR951. [ON. braka]
brēehrægl n. breeches, PPs 10828.
breemǽlum = brytmǽlum
±breenes f. breach, EPs.
-brecð v. ǽ-, eodor-b.
brecða m. broken condition, modes b.

sorrow of heart, B171.
breoung f. 'breaking,' LkR.
bred n. surface : board, plank, CP : tablet, Æ.

brēd = (l) brŷd, (2) brad, (3) brǽd III.
brēdan I. to produce, or cherish, a brood, Æ.

['breed'] II. (±) = bregdan. III. (±)=
brǽdan I. and II.
breden (i, y) of boards, wooden, Æ.
brēdende deceitful, cunning, A0. [bregdan]
brēdettan = brogdettan
+bredlan† (ea) to regenerate, restore.
brēdi(ng)panne = brǽdepanne
brēdīsern = brǽdīsen
bredweall m. wall of boards, palisade, ES

bredwian (eo) to strike down, trample.
+brē!an to write down, A8-30811. [ep. Ger.

brēg (VPs)=brǽw; brega (Æ) = brego
brēgan to alarm, frighten, terrify, Lk; Æ,CP.

['bree'; brðga]
bregd = brǽd III.
+bregd I. n. movement, change, PH57.

II. = brǽd III.
bregdan3 (bred-) to mow quickly, pull, shake,

swing, throw (wrestling}, draw (sword}, drag.