B,Ma ". bend, weave, 'braid,' knit, join to-
gether, ÆGr : change colour, vary, be trans-
formed, Ex,Sol,Gu : bind, knot:
(intr.) move,
be pulled : flash,
Æ. up b. bring up (a
charge) : ( + ) scheme, feign, pretend ; (+)
draw breath, breathe.

bregden = brægden
+bregdnes f. trouble, affliction, MF162.
+bregdsta!as rap. learned arts, SOL 2.
bregen = brægen
brēgendlie terrible, RPs46s.
brēgh = brsē\v
brēgnes f. fear, terror.
brego† (eo) m. rukr, chief, king, Lord. b.
engla, mancynnes God.

bregorīce n. kingdom, GEN 1633.
bregorōf majestic, mighty, B1925.
bregostōl† m. ruler's seat, throne : rule,

bregoweard† m. ruler, prince, lord.
bregu = brego
breht- = breaht-, beorht-, bierht-
brehtniende = bearhtmiende
brēman I. (±) to honour, extol, [brēme]
II. (oe) to rage, NO.

brembel (Æ), brembert=brēB.el
brēme (oe, ŷ) I. adj.famous, glorious, noble,
PPs;AO. ['breme']
II. adv.

brēmel (ǽ) m. brier, 'bramble,' blackberry
bush, Ǽ,Lcd;
Md£, [brōm]

brēmelæppel m. blackberry, LCD.
brēmelberie J. blackberry, LCD.
brēmelbrǽr† m. bramble-brier,
brēmellēal n. bramble-leaf, LCD.
brēmelrind i. bramble-bark, LCD.
brēmelSyrne f. bramble-bush, Æ.
brēmen = breme I.
brēmendlic noted, OEG.
brēmlas nap. of brēmel.
bremman to rage, roar. [ffer. bruminen]
bremung f. roaring, WW24239.
brencð pres. 3 sg. of brengan,
brene = bryne
breneð pres, 3 eg. of *brēnan to make or dye
(GK;BT reads brene8=bemeS
pres. 3 sg. of bernan) RUN 15.

±brengan (AO,CP) = bringan
brengnes f. oblation : (+) food, support,
MkL12«. [*bringnes]

brenting m. ship, B2807, [brant]
breo-, brēo- = bre-, brē-
brēod (NG) = brēad
breodian to cry out, MOD 28.
breoht- = bearht-, beorht-
brēosa (īo) m. gadfly, WW. ['breeze']
brēost nmf. (usu. in pi.) 'breast,' bosom, B,
Lk,Lcd', A.O,d3 : stomach, womb
: mind,
thought, disposition, Gen;CP : 'ubertas,'

brēostbān n. 'breast-bone,' WW158.
brēostbeorg = brēostgebeorh
brēostbyden (e2) f. breast, GL.
brēostcearu† f. heart-care, anxiety.
brēosteofa† m. heart, affections.
breostgebeorh m. bulwark, \VW468".
brēostgehygd†, -hŷd† fn. thought.
brēostgeSanc† m. mind, thought,
brēostgewǽdu† np. corslet.
brēostgyrd f. sceptre? OEG3303; 2188.
brēosthord† n. thought, mind.
brēostlīn n. stomacher, WW407-.
brēostīoea† m. mind, soul.
brēostnet† n. coat of mail.
brēostnyrwet n. tightness of chest, LCD 189b.
brēostrocc m. chest-clothing, WW15139.
brēostsefa† m. mind, heart.
brēosttoga m. chieftain, SOL 184.
brēostðing n. region of the heart, LCD 3-14618.
brēostwære m. pain in the chest, LCD.
brēostweall m. breastwork, rampart, WW

brēostweorðung† f. breast-ornament.
brēostwylm (e2) m. breast-fountain, teat :

emotion, sorrow.
Breot- = Bryt-
brēotanato break in pieces, hew down,

demolish, destroy, kill.
Breoten, Breoton = Briten
brēoton = (l) bryten; (2) pret. pi. of

brēoðan2 to decay, waste away, LOD 63a.
±brēowan2 to 'brew,' AO.
brēowlāc n. brewing, ÆL17103.
brer (ǽ) f. 'brier,' bramble, Lcd,WW.
brerd (ea, eo) m. brim, margin, border, sur-
face, Jn,WW : shore, bank,
Æ. ['brerd']
brerdful brim-full, ÆLQ&i. ['brerdful']
brērhlǽw m. brier-hillock, EC450". "
brertyrne f. brier-bush, KC6-221".
brēsan = brŷsan; bresen = bræsen
bresne (æ)† mighty, strong.
brēt pres. 3 sg, of brēdan, bregdan,
bret- = brit-, bryt-; brē.S = brǽð
brēSer ds. of broSor.
brew (KGL) = brǽw
brio-, brio-=bryo-, brŷo-
brioeð pres. 3 sg. of brecan.
bricst pres. 2 sg. of brecan.
brid = bridd; brld = brŷd
bridd m. young 'bird,' chicken, Lk; Æ,CP,

brīdel, brīdels (ŷ) m. 'bridle,' rein, curb,

restraint, Bun; Ǽ,CP.
brīdelshring m. bridle-ring, EL 1194.
brīdeltSwangas mp. reins.
brīd-glft, -gifu = brŷdgift, -gifu
±brīdlian to 'bridle,' curb, Bo; CP.
briengan = bringan
brig=bryog; brīg=briw
brigd n, change or play of colours, PA 26.

brigdils (Gi,) = bridels; brihtan=bierhtan
brihtlīce = beorhtlīoe
brim† ran, surf, flood, wave, sea, ocean,

water, B : sea-edge, shore, ['brim']