byrSenstan m. millstone.
byrðenstrang strong at carrying burdens,
byrðere I. m, bearer, supporter, Æ. [beran]

II. f. child-bearer, mother.
byrðestre (e) f. female carrier, HGi.49818.
byrSling (e) m. carrier, OEG4922,
bvrðor = beor'ðor; +byrðtid = +byrdtid
byriSSInenu f. midwife, GPH392.
bysceop;=ibisceop; bysegu = bysgu
bysen↔bisen; bysig-, bysg- = bisg-
bysmer = bismer; bysmer- = bismr-
bysmerglēow n. shameful lust, Æ23b451.
bysmor, bysmr- = bismer, bismr-

byst = bist pres. 2 sg. of bēon.
bŷsting f. beestings, WW129-. [bēost]
byt I. =bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan. II. = bytt
bŷt pres. 3 sg, of (1) bēodan, (2) bēatan.
bŷtel, bŷti=bīetl; byter = biter

bytlan, ±bytlian to build, erect, Æ,CP. [boil]
+bytle n. building, dwelling, Æ.
±bytlung £. building* Æ.
bytme f? keel : head of a dale.
bytming f. hulk, keel of ship, /E.
bytne = bytme

bŷtst pres. 2 sg. of bēatan and bēodan.
bytt I. f. bottle, flagon, llt,H'H';Æ : cask.

['bit'} II. small piece of land, KC3-8511.
III. pres. 3 sg. of biddan.
by«e = bytt I.

byttehlid'n. butt-lid, WW21323.
byttfylling f. filling of casks, LL178,8,1.
byS = bið pres. 3 sg, of bēon.
bŷð pres. 3 sg. of būan.
bylSme = bytme
bŷwan (ēo, ī) to rub, brighten, furbish up,

byxen »iade of boxwood, WW. [bos]

cæpse f. box, NC276. [L. eapsa]
cær- = car-, cear-, oer-, eier-
eærse (e) f. 'cress,' water-cress, Lcd;Mdf.
cærs!htf!/Zl of cress, KC3-12118.
cærte = carte
cǽs = cēas pret. 3 sg. o! oēosan.
cǽse = eise ; eæsteS = eastel
cæster (NGJ↔ceaster
cat quick, active, prompt, Æ : bold, brave,
adv. cafe.
cāflic bold. adv. -Hce promptly : boldly, Æ.
cafl wyrt = cawl wvrt
cāfnes f. energy, ~ÆH 2-282*.
cafortūn (æ, eal, e2) m. vestibule, court, court'

yard, Æ : hall, residence, Æ.
cāfscipe m. alacrity, boldness.
+cafstrian to bridle, curb, CP. [cæfester]
cahhetan = eeahhetan ; cālf=^eawl, cawel
calan6 to grow cool or cold.
calc I. m. shoe, sandal. [L. calceus]

II. = ceale
calcatrippe = coltetræppe
caicrond shod (of horses), GuE 143.
cald (A)↔oeald
cālend m. the beginning of a month, AO :

month, Men : (†) span of life, ['calends']
cālendcwide m. tale of days, Soi.479.

calfur (VPs) nap. o{ cealf.
calic m. 'chalice,' Lcd,Lk,Mt,VPs. [L.
-calla (ZĪ3A 10-345) v. liiWe-c.
calu (cal(e)w- in obi. cases) 'callow,* bare,

bald, Bd. [Ger. kahl]

calwer-clīm, -elympe curds? WW.
cāma m. muzzle, collar, bit, PPs3111.
camb (o) m. 'comb,' crest, Ep,WW : honey-

comb, LPs.
cambiht combed, crested, WW.
cambol = cumbol
camel m. 'camel,' Mt,Mk.
camnioe (u2) nm ? 'cammoek,' rest-harrow,

±cainp (o) I. m. combat, battle, struggle, war-

fare, B,«d. ['camp'] II. field, plain?
EC1838. [L. campus]
campdōm m. military service, warfare, Æ.
campealdor m. commander, OEG4433.
campgejēra m. fellow-soldier, GL.
camphād m. rear/are, BH.
±campian (o)tostrive,fyht,G-u;M. ['camp']
camplic military, Æ.
campræden f. war, warfare, As 4.
eampstede† m. battle-field.
campung f. fighting, warfare.
campwǽpen (o1) n. weapon, RD219.
campweorod (e2, eaz, e3) n. army, host.
campwīg† (comp-) n. battle, combat.
eampwīsa m. director of public games, HGi.

campwudu m. shield? EL51.
can pres. 1 and 3 sg. of eunnan.
Can m. germ, sprout? PPs 7910. [OS. eīnan]

casb-, cǽc- =cæf-, cēac-
cæderbēam = cederbēam; cæfF=ceaf
cælertūn = cafortūn
cæfester (cæb-) n. halter, QL. [L. capistrum]
-cænan v. be-, ofer-, ymb-c.
cæftng f. hair-ornftment, GL.
cæfl in. halter, muzzle, WW.
cǽg f., eǽga m. 'key' (lit. and fig.), Ex,LL,

-l?d : solution, explanation, OP.
cǽgbora m. key-bearer, jailor.
cǽghiorde m. keeper of the keys, steward,

cǽgloca m. locked depository, LL362,76,1.

-cǽglod v. ā-c.
cæh- = eeah-; cæl- = cel-t eeal-, eiel-
eælð pres. 3 eg. of ealan.
cæm-; eæn- = oem-; cen-, eyn-
cǽpehus = ciepehūs

cæppe f. 'cap,' WW : cope, hood. [Lot.